Level 3.2

6 1 0

Felix  had been roaming around the officetel like a lost child, Pax and Theo noticed his odd behaviour and approached him. The youngest felt glad to have company and told the brothers about what he found.

' I've been observing all the objects in this house even the little details since we got locked here, So it took me time to realise that the creator made everything like what we see deliberately cause it has hidden details hinting to the missions. Remember the first one, the 1-2-3 card game. It was different from the original card games as they had only three numbers. Now, follow me '.

The troop moved towards the room on their right , Felix gestured at something. The walls of the bedroom are adorned with elegant frame paintings, each a masterpiece in its own right. The soft glow of the bedside lamp casts a warm light, accentuating the intricate details of the artwork. The youngest pointed out ' At first glance, I just thought they were unique pop-art style paintings. But, after some time I recognised something- ', Pax interrupted him saying ' The colour palette ? What's so great about that ' . Felix raised his one index finger to the lips in a hushing motion gesturing towards his noisy companion. Then continued, ' Yeah , the colour palette RGBY - Red Green Blue Yellow. Does it ring any bell ? ' , he looked at the boys for some reaction. Theo exclaimed  ' Shia , the Co-ord hoodie and track pants set given by the system. It gave us four set of same clothes in uniform colour to all the team members. I got Yellow, Pax got Blue , You got Green and Grey got Red. But , what's the link between that and this ? '. Felix threw a question to him ' Look at the paintings, how many times the colours RGBY has been used ? '. Taking a few glances at the masterpieces, Theo answered ' Yellow has been used two times, Blue has been used only once and the same goes for Red , then Green has been used six times '. Felix nodded as he explained ' I've already told you this was about the first mission. Now , co-ordinate the results of the mission with the colours. P'Theo got two wins, P'Pax won once so did Grey and I got 6 wins. I don't believe such coincidence could exist in this world '. Pax sighed as he spoke ' That sounds like a novel felly , the paintings were all natural landscapes. Primary colours play a vital role in making up the shades we see in nature, it's not even a coincidence just a given thing '. Felix didn't expected the antagonism , he scoffed and proceeded dragging them to their living room. ' The second mission " Rapid fire " , we answered a total of xx questions. Looking at the stand with hefty amount of books neatly arranged in rows , I thought maybe the creator thought about our quest for knowledge. Once I went through them , the entire books fall under one category  " children's fairytale  ". It's so odd that it was kept in a living space designed for four university students. How can there be a total of xx books perfectly matching with the questions we answered ? Not even + or - 1 , Does it seem like a granted thing ? I'm telling you the creator is so smart enough to make this living space as a guide to what will happen in this sick escape or die game ' .

Pax didn't look convinced but he didn't want to offend Felix by accusing his deductions wrong. So he made a deal , ' If you predict the third mission and get it right, I will accept your theory '. The youngest chuckled at his suggestion saying ' That's it ? I want something more '. Pax titled his head implying he has no idea what's the definition of more in the youngest's dictionary.

' P'Pax , I want a wish coupon. You know that when someone uses the wish coupon you ought to fulfil whatever their wish might be right..? ' , the older agreed to the deal. Felix came closer to the older caressing his cheeks with the boy's fingertips he
presented his prediction ' If stealing hearts was a crime, you'd be serving a life sentence '. Pax took few steps back due to unexpected bold action of the boy that caught his attention, he gazed at him asking ' I didn't take you to be the flirty type Mr.Felix '.

The younger giggled at his assumption saying ' What if I am, n-no I'm not. You may not understand now but you will tomorrow ' he left the place winking at the older. Pax just stood there , took time to process his thoughts. After he picked up himself, he glanced at the kitchen. Theo was helping Grey to make something, making a mess around him. Felix lain on the couch reading " Charlie and the Chocolate Factory " from the book stand. He decided to take rest as he closed his eyes drifting to the dream land.

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