Level 8.1

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( Listen to Earth quakes with Rumble only while reading Grey's chamber )

Grey's heart pounded in his chest as he found himself standing in the midst of a quaint Japanese house frozen in time. The walls seemed to echo with the sounds of laughter and conversation, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that now enveloped the room.

As he sipped his tea and gazed out the window, Grey's eyes widened in horror at the sight of birds fleeing in a panicked frenzy. A sense of foreboding washed over him as he realized the significance of the date displayed on the calendar—2011, just minutes before one of the deadliest earthquakes in recorded history would strike.

Before he could react, the ground began to tremble beneath his feet, the tremors growing stronger with each passing second. Grey's hands shook as he struggled to maintain his balance, his heart racing with fear as the room shook violently around him.

With a deafening crash, the chandelier above him came crashing down, narrowly missing him by mere inches. Frozen in place, Grey could only watch in horror as the room descended into chaos, furniture tumbling and walls cracking under the strain of the earthquake's force.

As the sounds of destruction echoed through the house, Grey felt a surge of panic rise within him, threatening to overwhelm his senses. But he forced himself to remain calm, drawing on every ounce of strength he possessed to quell the rising tide of fear. With his mind racing, Grey desperately searched for a way to escape the impending disaster. Memories of a safety measure video he had watched years ago flickered in his mind, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

Summoning all of his strength, Grey remembered the safety measures he had learned years ago. He quickly ducked under a sturdy table, shielding himself from falling debris as the earthquake continued to ravage the house. With each passing second, he felt a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins, driving him to stay focused and alert despite the chaos unfolding around him.

As the earthquake finally began to subside, Grey emerged from beneath the table unscathed, his heart still racing from the adrenaline-fueled ordeal. With a deep breath, he surveyed the damage around him, grateful to have escaped unharmed.

With trembling hands, Grey made his way to the nearest exit, stepping carefully over fallen furniture and debris as he navigated the crumbling corridors. As he emerged from the house into the bright sunlight, he felt a profound sense of relief wash over him as he realised he had escaped the chamber.


After a few moments of collecting themselves, the four boys stood before the glowing LED mirror display that ominously proclaimed, "The reward will be granted in an hour." With time ticking away, they knew they couldn't afford to waste a single moment. Hastily, they dispersed to their respective tasks: Pax and Grey peered out of the window, zoning out one staring at the ceiling and another looking at the plain wall, while Felix and Theo hurried to the shower to refresh both body and mind.

Minutes later, they reconvened around the table, each armed with a notepad and a sense of anticipation. Felix took charge of reheating the leftover soup and rice, while Theo deftly divided the meal into four equal portions. Despite the tension that hung heavy in the air, Theo attempted to lighten the mood with a feeble joke, eliciting a small but genuine smile from Pax, who couldn't shake off the nagging worry that gnawed at him.

However, Grey's words cut through the silence like a beacon of hope, instilling a newfound determination in each of them. With resolve etched into their expressions, they exchanged determined glances, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. As the clock continued to tick down, they braced themselves for the arrival of the final suspect, knowing that their fate—and the fate of those they cared about—hung in the balance. Grey boke the silence saying ' Guys , Last night I went through the case file again. I think I know the reason why Emma became a suspect '. The others turned their heads towards him looking a bit shocked and gestured him to continue. Grey nodded saying ' The third victim Maple's phone , Did we find it ? ', Pax answered ' No , Yeah but someone used it before us finding that '. Felix butted in whisper yelling ' Don't tell me...Emma had it ? '. Theo added ' I think she must be the one who texted Maple from the victim's phone cause she wanted to scare her ..? '. Grey nodded and continued ' Yes , She was the one who texted Maple but in her statements she denies it by saying that Emma was forced to do it. And , she never told them who forced her '. Pax titled his head confusion saying ' So , Emma's the killer..? '. Theo hesitated saying ' Well , the answer to that question is either Yes or No depending upon whether her statements were true or not. If true , the one who forced her is the killer. If not , she's the killer '. Felix added ' I think Prik will be the missing puzzle piece to all this mystery '.

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