Chapter One

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June 2022

POV: Riley

“Dude, but did you hit that?" my friend, Trevor, asked, as we walked into the green room.

“Dude, no. Why is everything about sex with you?” I asked, grabbing a boxed lunch and making my way to the table.

“You do realize you have a reputation as a womanizer, right?” he asked, sitting across from me.

“Excuse me?” I said, looking at him suspiciously.

“Riley, come on. You have been linked to DOZENS of leading ladies. You get more ass than a toilet seat,” he said, taking a bite of his sandwich.

He isn't wrong. I have been linked to dozens of Hollywood's leading ladies, ironically, most of them friends with my cousin. I will never forget when she was dating her now husband, the tabloids published all kinds of pictures of us together, even some with me and her daughter. He stormed into her house, finding the two of us on the couch watching a movie and accused her of cheating on him. I laughed, she slapped me, and then introduced me. Needless to say, he felt like an ass, and I still give him shit to this day.

I love my cousin. I spent a lot of time with her on set, learning how to do stunts from the best in the business, but my love has always been dancing. I have been a backup dancer for several artists, a few movies, and a dozen or so Broadway shows. 

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and saw my cousin calling. I looked at Trevor and stepped away to take her call.

“Hey Scarly, how's my favorite cousin?”

“Ugh, I feel like I am losing my mind! I need these kids to behave!!!!”

“What are Rose and Cossy doing now? Isn't Rose with Romain?”

“Little miss bossy pants is being so, ugh, STUBBORN! She is like a little tween and she leaves next week to spend the rest of June and July with Roman and Cossy is just BUSY!”

“Gee, I wonder where Rose gets it from, hmmm? As I recall…”

“Oh shut it…Oh”

“Mmmm, my point exactly,” I said laughing. “How are things at the office?”

“The office is great! Kate is a god-send. I do not know what I would do without her! What are you doing these days?”

“We are wrapping this show in a few days, then I am not sure. I have a few offers, but not sure what I want to do right now.”

“I see you have been pictured with yet another leading lady. Is she someone special?”

“Ugh, we are friends, she is straight, and married, and her husband would kick my ass. Trevor asked me if I hit that. Why does everyone think I am a womanizer?”

“Riley, I love you, and I know you have a reputation, but you know you are a dog, right? How many of my friends and co stars have you slept with?”

“Ok, in my defense, I didn't intend to sleep with either of them. We were drunk, things happened.”

“Thus proving my point,” she said giggling. “Seriously though, no one special?”

“Scar, come on. You know me, I am terrified of getting hurt again. What Jenny did to me, I never want to feel that way again,” I said, shuddering as I thought about my ex-fiance.

“Riley, that was nine years ago. The Riley I grew up with wanted a wife and family. What happened to her?”

“She died when the love of her life admitted she had been cheating on her, with a man, and was carrying his child. Remember that nightmare?”

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