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POV: Taylor

Riley had been awake for ten days now and she’s made so much progress. True to the doctors word, her occupational and physical therapists came by that first afternoon and actually got her to stand on a walker. She couldn't stand for long, but she did it.

The next morning they took her for a full body scan to make sure she was healing and aside from her femur, everything is looking good. They really wanted to double check her spine since she was temporarily paralyzed. According to her doctors, she should make a full recovery. She may develop some arthritis eventually, but for now we are looking good.

We are currently roaming the halls. We do this three or four times a day. She wants to get up and walk the halls. She is currently using a walker and is moving slowly, but she is smiling.

“There you two are,” Scarlett said, walking towards us with Rose.

“Just out for a stroll,” Riley said, grinning.

Rose walks over to Riley and gently hugs her. The first time Scarlett brought her after Riley woke up was rough. Rose walked into the room and immediately started to cry. She crawled into bed with Riley and snuggled into her. They had a good conversation and Rose settled down after that.

I watched as Rose and Riley made their way down the hall and smiled.

“Which lap are we on?”

“This would be number five so far. She has been antsy today. She was allowed to shower today, which made her feel loads better. I suspect they will be letting her go home soon.”

“Hard to believe she was ever in a coma isn't it?”

“It really is. I am so sorry you had to do this without me. I know you put everything on hold,” I said, looking at Scarlett.

“Taylor, you are in the middle of a huge tour. Canceling even a small leg of it would have cost, you know what I don't want to know, but it couldn't be helped. My projects could be delayed and she is more important than any of my projects. Thankfully I was able to reschedule everything.”

“She is far more important to me than this tour. If I had lost her, I am not sure I would have been able to go on. That night after everything rocked me. I have always been able to control my emotions on stage, but I couldn't….”

“Taylor, I get it. There wasn't a dry eye in that room when you finished. All I wanted to do was wrap you in a big hug. Donna sent Travis and Lauren to you and Robert let them use his jet.”

“When they let her go home I want her to come home with me. I am going to take her to the Rhode Island house. It's safe and away from prying eyes and she can recover in peace,” I said, my voice a little shaky.

“When do you start the next leg of your tour?”

“We kick off in France in May. I am hoping by then they will allow her to travel. Isn't Rose's father in France?”

“He is. Why do you ask?” giving me her signature smirk.

“Hear me out, IF Riley is able to travel, maybe Rose could go and see her Father?”

“I don't know Taylor. Romain hasn't exactly been a model Father and after his stunt at Christmas, Rose hasnt wanted anything to do with him.”

“I hate that he makes her feel that way.”

“Me too. Taylor, can I be honest with you?”

“Of course.”

“You know how protective I am of Riley, and I am fighting with myself because I don't want you to take her from me. I don't want you to take her to Rhode Island. I want her where I can keep an eye on her,” she said, lowering her head.

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