Chapter Four

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POV: Taylor

I could feel warmth on my face as I started to wake up. I opened my eyes, realizing that last night wasn't a dream, and I am curled up against Riley's naked body. Her strong arms wrapped around me, and I could feel her warm breath on my face and neck.

I felt so safe and secure in her arms, and I wanted nothing more than to stay here, in our little bubble. I snuggled deeper into her, feeling her morning wood against my ass. I decided to wiggle my ass against her, making her groan into my neck.

“Taylor,” she whispered, her morning voice so fucking sexy. “Don't start something, you can't finish.”

I rolled in her arms, facing her. Her eyes were still closed, as she pulled me closer to her. “Mmmm, can we call in sick today,” I whispered, caressing her cheek.

“Mmm, we could. I mean, you are the boss. Think they would miss us,” she said, grinning.

Before I could respond, I heard my phone ringing. I groaned, reaching over her to grab it from her night stand.

“Shit,” I mumbled, seeing Tree calling. “Hi Tree,” I said, answering her call.

“Taylor Allison Swift, why do I have pap pictures of you leaving your apartment at 10pm last night. Where are you?”

“Um, I decided to visit a friend after Blake and Emma left,” I said, looking down at Riley.

“Well, I know that “friend” isn't your boyfriend, because TMZ has posted pictures of him and an unknown female lip-locked in London last night.”


“That's the other reason I called. Twitter is going nuts.”

“That slimy bastard. Honestly, Tree, I am not surprised. I have suspected for a while he was cheating, I just didn't expect him to get caught.”

“What do you want me to do?”

“Reach out to his people, find out what you can. We will release a statement that he and I parted ways amicably,” I said, a tear slipping down my face.

“Hey,” Riley said softly, “I am going to get us some coffee,” she said, slipping out of bed. She threw her pajama bottoms on, kissing me on the head, before she went to make us some coffee.

“Taylor, who was that,” Tree asked.

“A friend,” I said softly.

“Taylor, is that friend a certain 6’3’ dancer you have been drooling over for months,”

Biting my lip, “Maybe,” I said quietly.

“Lord, Taylor,” she said quickly.

“Look Tree,”

“No, Taylor, you listen to me, she could ruin you. You know her reputation, and the last thing you need is for Joe to accuse you of cheating on him right before we announce your biggest tour,”

“I know her reputation, and Riley wouldn't hurt me,” I said, as she walked back in, looking at me, while handing me my coffee.

“I am going to shower,” she whispered to me as she headed to the bathroom, closing the door.

“Taylor,” Tree sighed, “You I trust. Her not so much. Just, for the love of God, don't get caught leaving together. I will see you both at rehearsal,” she said before ending the call.

I sighed, looking at my message, I’ll answer them later. I slowly got out of bed, stretching. I looked at the bathroom door, a sly grin on my face. Guess I need a shower too.

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