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POV: Taylor

It's been three weeks since Riley's accident and she still isn't awake. I call every day and Scarlett sets the phone next to her and I tell her how much I love her and how I will be home with her soon.

We have three days left and then I am flying straight to Atlanta and straight to the hospital. Scarlett did mention earlier they are going to start weaning her from the respirator and start the process to wake her up.

Travis and Lauren flew over for a few days in Australia and spent time with me. They had both been with Scarlett and Riley when I broke down on stage. It was so good to see them and they really helped me.

What has blown me away was the outpouring of love Riley has gotten since the accident. Not just my fans, but Chiefs Nation. I was worried Travis and I would face some backlash, but so far everyone has been so supportive.

Our whole group had become closer since the accident. That night on stage, when everyone surrounded me, I just couldn't explain the wave of emotion I felt knowing they all stood with me and Riley.

I don't think Riley understands how much she has touched all of our lives, and I can't wait to start our life together. To have her back in my arms.

“Hey Tay, we are leaving for the venue in a few. Have you eaten?” Kam asked, as he entered my room.

“Hey Kam, yea, Tree made me eat about an hour ago when I was talking to Riley,” I said, hugging him.

“How was she today?”

“She looks better. Her color is really starting to come back and the bruising on her face is starting to fade. Her ribs and lungs all look good and her shoulder is healing nicely. We won't really know the extent of the brain bleed until she wakes up. She could have some memory loss, she could be fine. Just a waiting game,” I said, sighing.

“Two days Tay. Two days and you will be back in her arms,” he said, hugging me tightly.


POV: Mandy

We were halfway through the show when I felt my phone buzz. I pulled it out and saw a text from Scarlett.

Scarlett J. - We almost lost her. They tried to remove the respirator and she went into cardiac arrest. They were able to get her heart started again, but she is still on the vent. They will try again in a few days.

I started at the message, not really knowing what to say or how to answer.

“Mandy, what's wrong? You look like you have seen a ghost,” Tres said, walking up.

I showed her the message from Scarlett and she had a similar reaction. “I swear they can’t catch a fucking break. Scarlett has to be at her wits end by now,” Tree said, shaking her head.

“I don't know how to respond. I don't even know what to say,” I said, still staring at my phone.

Tree gently took my phone, typing a message back to Scarlett for me, smiling as she handed it back.

M. Moore - Not the news we had hoped for, but she is still with us and still fighting and that is all that matters. Stay strong Scar! - Tree

“Thank you.”

My phone dinged again.

Scarlett J. -  Thank you Tree! :) Don't tell Taylor. Have her call me when she is done. I want her to be able to see Riley when I tell her.
M. Moore - That makes complete sense. We will be home soon. We love you guys!

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