Chapter Seventeen

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POV: Taylor

I woke up this morning wrapped in her arms. My favorite place to be. I rolled over, snuggling into her chest as her arms tightened around me. Last night was amazing, and when I changed the lyrics to Karma, the crowd went absolutely WILD!

I caught the smirk on Riley's face and just grinned as we closed out the show. X is blowing up with the change and with the blurry image of Travis and I “lip locked” after the show. Travis is leaving this morning to head back, and I am going to miss him, but I am grateful for what he did. I was terrified she didn't feel the same way, but when I heard her tell me she loved me too, I melted.

“Good morning,” she whispered, kissing my head.

God, her morning voice is so sexy. “Good morning, lover,” I whispered, kissing her neck.

“We have to get up, especially if you have to be seen saying goodbye to Travy,” she said, rolling onto her back, taking me with her.

I sat up, straddling her naked hips and wiggled my eyebrows at her. “Travis is already gone. He flew out several hours ago. It's almost noon,” I said, stretching my sore limbs.

She groaned under me, pushing her hips into me, making me gasp and moan, “Riley,” I moaned, running my hands up her torso, caressing her abs.

Before we could really do anything, there was a knock at my door, a very distinct knock. I groaned, rolling off Riley, I grabbed my robe and made my way to the door, letting Tree in.

“Good morning, come on in Tree,” I said, smirking at her.

“Sorry to spoil your fun,” she said, smirking back.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a cup of coffee before settling in front of Tree. “Ok, let me have it,” I said, smiling at her.

She laughed, “Taylor, honey, you are fine. Just a few things. X is going nuts over last night's show. Congratulations. We got Travis off on time, I wore a wig and sunglasses for the trip to the airport, so no one suspects a thing. Everything else is muscle memory. I need Riley at the venue before you arrive, Mandy needs her for something, but we will be flying out after the show tonight to give us time to recoup for Rio.”

“Do we already have accommodations in Rio?”

“Yes, and Riley is in our Villa, instead of with the dancers. She has always been put close to Mandy, to not draw suspicion. Speaking of, where is Riley,” Tree asked

“Good morning, sorry, grabbed a quick shower,” she said, toweling her hair dry. She walked over, getting some coffee, and sitting next to me.

“Good morning, did you hear everything, or do you need me to go over it with you,” she asked.

“Nah, I heard most of it. Not going to make you go through it again,” she said, as I slipped into her lap.

“On that note, I am going to leave you two alone. Remember, I need Riley at the venue by 4, Taylor you at 5. Make sure you are packed before you leave, Jared will collect your things,” Tree said, getting up and heading out.

“I can't believe you showered without me,” I said, pouting.

“I didn't. I just wet my hair to make Tree think I had showered,” she said, sliding her hand up my thigh, her fingers lightly grazing my core, my breath catching. “Mmm, you are soaking, my love,” she said, her tongue sliding down my neck.

“Riles,” I moaned, as her fingers slipped into me, stroking softly, my head rolling back, my lip between my teeth. “Oh Riley,” I moaned softly, my fingers finding the baby hair on the back of her neck.

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