Chapter Fifteen

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POV: Taylor

I had just landed back in New York and Scarlett’s meeting me at my apartment. I have felt so much lighter having admitted to everyone that I am in love with Riley. I just hope I haven't messed up so badly that I can't win her back.

Travis and his whole family have been fantastic. I really do love them. Like Travis said the other night, I wish things had been different and we did have that spark. I am so glad we are on the same page.

As we pulled into my garage, I saw Scarlett's SUV was already here. I got out and made my way upstairs.

“I loved Marriage Story, and you were fantastic. I think you got robbed that year,” I heard my mother say as I came in.

“Mom, I didn't know you were going to be here,” I said, walking over and giving her a hug.

“Hi Honey, I wanted to be here when you talked to Scarlett,” she whispered.

I smiled at her, walking over to hug Scarlett. “Thank you so much for coming. I know I am the last person you want to see, but I need your help,” I said, motioning for her to join me on the couch.

“What do you need my help with?”

“I am head over heels in love with your cousin. I have been in love with her since the day I met her, and it scares the hell out of me. It scared me so bad I pushed her away, and tried dating Travis.”

“What's your point?” Scarlett asked.

“Does Riley still have feelings for me?”

“What about Travis, Taylor?”

“Scarlett, please, does Riley still have feelings for me?”

Scarlett sighed, shaking her head, “Yes. She fell head over heels in love with you, and to the best of my knowledge, she still has those feelings.”

“Who is Alyse?”

“Alyse? Oh that chick she met when she went out with Lizzie and the twins. Oh, Tay, honey, that was a fling. What about Travis?”

“Ha, um, funny story,” I said, as I sat back and explained everything to Scarlett. Once I was done, I looked over at my Mom, and she smiled at me.

“Taylor, what has Riley told you about Jenny?”

“I've gotten bits and pieces. Jack is the one who told me they met at Julliard, but all Riley has said was she cheated on her with some guy and got pregnant. It destroyed her,” I said, watching Scarlett.

“It was so much worse than that. Let me give you a little backstory on Riley. I was 2 when Riley was born, and almost 5 when Nana Dorothy took her in. Even as a child, Riley showed promise. She started playing the piano at 6. She was accepted to Julliard when she was 16. Nana was so proud. She met Jenny when she was 19 and fell HARD for her,” Scarlett said, shifting.

“I'm guessing you were not a fan or Jenny?”

“Riley was painfully shy growing up. She was embarrassed by her condition and when puberty hit, she got bullied. I was dating Jack at the time, and I hated what people would say to and about her. Jack was good to her. Brought her out of her shell. Jenny was her first love, and they dated for almost 4 years when Riley proposed. At the time I was shooting Iron Man 2 and Riley would come visit me on set when she had a break. That's how she met Heidi and Heidi started working with her and building her body.”

“You were married to Ryan then, right?”

“I was, and Riley and Ryan, good lord, those two. Never leave them alone. They get into trouble, just so you know,” she said, laughing at the memory.

“When did it happen?”

“Ryan and I were separated, and Riley called me in tears, telling me that Jenny had cheated on her with another man, and was pregnant with his child. She was here in New York, alone, and I was in LA. I got on a plane and flew back. I found Riley covered in blood, both hands broken. I called an ambulance and they got her to the Hospital. Her left hand was just bruised, but her right hand, she had a “boxers” fracture. They told her she may never play the piano again. I stayed in New York, did a few plays on Broadway, and helped Riley heal. Heidi got her a job on Avengers, and Riley the stunt person was born.

We had just wrapped filming of Avengers when I met Romain, and Jenny came back into Riley's life, with a child she claimed belonged to Riley. Apparently the guy she left Riley for demanded a paternity test when the little girl was 6 months old, and he wasn't the father. I begged Riley to do a paternity test, and she agreed to do one, but she got attached to that little girl.

Jenny's family really tried to railroad Riley for asking for a paternity test, but Riley stayed strong, and the test came back, she wasn’t the other parent. It nearly destroyed her. Jenny left town, we haven't seen or heard from her since. I do think Riley would have married her and adopted that little girl had she stayed, but she disappeared.”

“Where is she now?”

“We have no idea. Riley hasn't said anything, so I don't know if she has reached out again.”

“That poor child,” my Mother said.

“Which one,” Scarlett and I said in unison.

“Honestly, I was thinking of Riley, but my heart goes out to that little girl too,” Andrea said.

“So, will you help me?”

“Taylor, if you truly want her, be honest with her. That is the one thing she values about everything,” Scarlett said, taking my hand.

“Travis is coming to Buenos Aires to “see the show and meet my dad”, but in reality, he wants to talk to Riley. Do you think she will freak out?”

“So you both are going through with this as a PR thing?”

“I am going to attend games, he is coming to Buenos Aires. After that, I don't know. I know my time with Riley is limited, with her leaving for Atlanta, so I am going to make the most of the time I have to win her back,” I said, smiling.

“I wish you luck, Taylor. Just don't hurt her. That is all I ask, and I will keep your secret. I may tell Lizzie and Cobie, but just them. They will come for you if they don't know what is going on,” Scarlett said laughing.

“I am going to tell Blake and Ryan, I trust them, and they will keep it to themselves,” I said.

“I have to get home, but you have my number. Good luck, Tay,” Scarlett said, hugging me.

After she left, I texted Travis letting him know Scarlett was on board, and I looked at my Mom.

“I am proud of you Taylor. I know it was hard to admit, but please don't hurt her.”

“I am going to do my best,” I said, snuggling next to my mom.


A/N: A bit shorter chapter....

Word Count: 1213

One In A LifetimeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora