Chapter Eight

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March 17th, 2023

POV: Riley

I hadn't seen Taylor since she left my room last night. I am assuming her parents and Tree had her busy preparing for tonight. We had been through soundcheck and a warm up. Everyone’s vibrating. Even I’m excited to see what we have created come to life. I’m excited for the fans.

I won't lie, I’m excited to see Paramore open for Taylor. I have been a fan of their music for a long time, and would love to meet Hayley Williams if I have a chance. She is so cute.

“Hey Riley, final walk through.” Mandy said, as we made our way onto the stage.

“The gates will open in 30 minutes. Paramore goes on at 6, then Taylor starts at 7:30pm. We want to make sure every transition and wardrobe change is flawless. We have rehearsed this, we can do this in our sleep everyone. If anyone has an issue, let us know,” Mandy said to our group as we got ready.

Let the fun and games begin…….


POV: Tree

“Paramore is wrapping up. They have two songs left before you take the stage. Are you ready?” I asked Taylor.

“I'm a little nervous, not going to lie. This place is packed,” she said, looking a little pale.

“Tay, you ok?”

“Get me Riley, please,” she asked.

I spoke into my headset, “Riley, we need you in Taylors dressing room, please,” I asked.

“On my way,” she responded.

Within two minutes she was coming through the door, a tad winded. “Shew, what's up, Tree?”

I pointed to the star of the show fixing to have a full blown panic attack, “You have 10 minutes. I need her ready to go on, are we clear?”

“Crystal,” she said, as I exited the room.


POV: Taylor

I can't breathe, I feel like my lungs won't work. I am gasping for air, and then I feel arms wrap around me. Someone is caressing my back, whispering in my ear.

“Tay, baby girl, come back to me,” she whispered softly.

I blinked, looking up at her, “I can't do this,” I whimpered softly.

“Taylor Allison Swift, you were born to walk that stage. It's normal to be nervous, but you have nothing to worry about. You know this like the back of your hand. Now, go out there and kill it,” she said cupping my cheeks, making me smile.

“Can I have a good luck kiss,” I asked, wrapping my arms around her.

She smiled at me, before kissing me softly. The kiss was tender and sweet. Her tongue lightly grazed my lips as she slipped it into my mouth.

“Mmmm,” I moaned, softly.

“Better?” she asked, touching our foreheads.


“Good, now get out there and knock their socks off,” she said, slapping my ass.

“Taylor, it's time,” Tree said, stepping back into the room.

“Break a leg,” she said, smiling at me as I made my way out to the stage.


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