Alone in the dark

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Mia and the twins are spending the day at 19 with Maya and Carina. Her friends are coming there to meet the twins. The whole thing with Chief Ross and Beckett. All the convos around Maya's de promotion doesn't happen.
Maya: Just heard from Andy 23 is officially closed.
Vic: Yeah Theo just texted the same thing.
Jack: Where are all the children?
Mia: They just left, Darcy wanted to take one of them.
Ben: Clinic is done we need your guys help to clean down.
Mia: I'll come to watch, plus these two need to go down anyway.
Mia is walking round the barn to get the twins to sleep.
Carina: I thought it was a good clinic day.
Jack: Yeah and Chief Ross wasn't here to see my big come back either, sooo....
Maya: Yeah she was probably too busy shutting down fore houses. Sorry. I'm still working on it.
Mia: Not bitter at all right sis??
Maya: I'm almost there, I swear.
Carina: And have you thought about it yet?
Maya: Oh, about the fact that you are actually entertaining the idea of my ex-boyfriend being our $perm donor? Yeah all I can think about.
Carina: Okay, Okay I prefer yo think of him as my friend, not as your ex-boyfriend, and I know,he's the last person I thought I'd want as our $perm donor, but we've been looking at options for months,and nothing has felt right, and then he offered, and it got into my brain and I can't seem to shake it out of it.
Mia: Wow uhmm hello still here, that was way too much info.
Maya: Then go and be somewhere else. And Carina, its just that, a couple of months ago, you didn't want me to be on the same room with him, and now you want him to potentially be in our family.
Mia: I've wrapped up, I've wrapped the twins up im going on a walk around the block, byee!!
Maya: Wait take someone with you, ugh can someone go with her?
Jack: I got it, I got her, wait up!!!
The whole scene with Ben and Vic talking about Pru didn't happen, Beckett did get sent home until his results came in. Jack and Mia get back just as the klaxon is going off, Mia stays back until the klaxon has finished sounding so it didn't wake Aaron and Andy Jr. Chief Ross put Sullivan in charge and told 19 not to ask questions.
Carina: Hey the twins asleep??
Mia: Yeah I mean we only have like an hour or two before they wake again. You need help?
Carina: Are you sure??
Mia: Yeah I am sure, anything but babys, I have my own then I have you and Maya arguing over $perm donors.
Carina: I'm sorry bambina I will try and be better, I'll make sure your not near us before bringing it up.
2 hours later the team comes back and vic dives straight into the food that was there 2.5 hours ago. Carina and Mia were up in the lounge.
Maya: Oh, you're not even gonna heat that up? You're not worried about, like, salmonella?
Vic: I just inhaled smoke from a lithium battery fire. You think I'm worried about salmonella?
Maya: Sullivan, im....
Robert: We're good Bishop, we're cool.
Carina: Can we just talk about the fact that in the midst of everything something slipped through the cracks? Warren and Bailey have Pru!!!!
Vic: Omg I actually forgot about that.
Jack: Another firehouse baby.
Ben: Okay yeah you know what I haven't been celebrating because the Millers asked something of me and I didn't know wetger I could do it. But now I realise I have to do whatever it takes to keep Pru.
Mia: Wait what did they ask?
Ben: They want me to quit fire fighting.
Maya: They don't want Pru to lose another dad.
Ben: No, but they don't get to steal my joy, im keeping my job and im keeping pru. I'm calling their bluff and their just gonna have to deal with it.
Chief Ross: I'm sorry to interrupt this celebrating but I have something to say. As you know Beckett wasn't on the call and that was because someone in this house came to me and told me he was drinking on the job. We did a test and it came back clean. This house needs to start working together there are quite clearly some trust issues so under supervision of me intervals, intervals in the barn right now.
Jack: N-now? But, sir, sir its-- its almost midnight. We've been going all day. We haven't even finished dinner yet.
Beckett: You don't want to be the last one out Bishop if a member of your team is a drunk.
Ben: Beckett, umm, none of us accused you of drinking on the job.
Beckett: No, you don't know that to be true, Warren. One of you did. Until that one of you comes forward and admits you made false claims, then intervals. Now!!!
Ben: There goes my joy.
The twins start crying.
Mia: And there goes my sleep.
Carina: Come on I'll help you then we can lay in Maya's bed with them in the room. Get a couple of hours.
1 hour later.
Carina: Hey I thought you were going to bed?
Mia: Nah I couldn't sleep i think I'm just gonna read my book in the lounge, I have the baby monitor here. Leo and Laura have them this weekend so I think I will use then to catch up on sleep.
Carina: It won't be like this forever banbina.
Mia: I know, are the team still doing intervals.
The team walk to the showers.
Carina: Apparently not.
Mia: Who do you think it was?
Carina: I'm not speculating about that.
I'm just gonna sit here with you and read this trashy magazine.

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