Twist and shout

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S6 E1, before the episode. 3 months on from the end of S5. The whole thing with Maya, Natasha and Robert never happened.
Maya: Mia!! Come on lets go, have you got everything? Its a big day. Going back to school since having the twins.
Mia: Yes Maya I know but I think I'm ready, right can you help me downstairs with everything. Bye.
Maya: Be safe!! And dont forget if anyone says anything to you!!
Mia: Tell a teacher I know, bye!!
I walk to Lilly's to drop the twins off with Laura before me and Lilly walk to school.
Lilly: Summer went by way too quick.
Mia: It feels like i haven't been at school in ages.
Lilly: Thats because you haven't. Are you ready for the mock exams?
Mia: More than ready. I need to show people that you can have kids and stay on track in school. If I drop even one set its going to feel like I've let them down.
Lilly: Uhmm never, and if I hear you talking like that again I'm telling your tía, let the madness begin.
Principal: Welcome back Mia, if you need anything today or anyone says something come and see me.
Mia: Yeah I will thanks.
Lilly: Come on our friends are over there.
James: Hey, there she is.
Nick: Welcome back to hell.
Tara: Come on form is about to start and then English mock, yay. Said sarcastically. After form was finished we went down to the hall.
Elle: You got this.
Darcy: And we're gonna be friends with you even if you get moved to the lowest set.
James: Hey don't listen to her okay. You are a Bishop. You can do anything you set your mind too. Just think about 19 and us and Aaron and Andy. And know that we're gonna be proud of you no matter what.
Charlie: Yeah what he said.
Teacher: Belongings off to the side and find your seat in silence.
The exam starts. Halfway through the exam we hear the alarm.
Teacher: Allright everybody leave everything where it is we are going to move to a classroom quickly. Lets go!!
Isaac: What is that?
Mia: Tornado warning.
Tao: W-what in Seattle?
Mia: They're rare but they do happen.
Teacher: Okay everybody in here. Get low stay away from the windows get in the middle of the room. Get behind desks, drawers, chairs anything you can, go.
Mia: The twins!!
Lilly: They're with my mum im sure their fine.
James: Its okay, everything will be okay.
Mia: You should all cover your heads with your hands, just incase!!
Teacher: Mia is absolutely right, thankyou everyone do it now.
Lilly: I'm scared.
Mia: Me too.
James: Okay let's have a huddle. We are going to survive this.
Charlie: I get being positive but how can you be positive at a time like this?
James: I dont know what do you want me to say it just comes naturally to me.
After the tornado.
Teacher: Okay, students you all did really well. Lets report to somewhere where we will all be accounted for.
Darcy: Are all of us still here?
Mia: Yeah I count 10 of us. Nick are you okay?
Nick: I- I can't b-breathe.
Mia: Look at me its okay your having a panic attack. We need to get him sat down.
James: Yeah come on.
We get to the hall and sit Nick down.
Mia: Okay im going to try a little trick i learned. Nick name me 5 things you can see.
Nick: Students, teachers, chairs, lights and curtains.
Mia: Good 4 things you can feel.
Nick: Charlie behind me, my hair on my forhead, your hand and the floor.
Mia: 3 things you can hear.
Nick: Phones ringing, your voice and the teacher.
Mia: 2 things you can smell.
Nick: My aftershave and what was for dinner.
Mia: Good and 1 thing you can taste.
Nick: My coke from this morning.
James: Wow that was amazing.
Mia: Maya and Carina use it with me all the time.
Teachers: Okay good news bad news kind of situation. Good news is everyone is here and accounted for which means every drill we did was a success. Bad news is I can't let anyone go home with someone else it has to be a parent or guardian.
Mia: Maya's at work, there's no way im gonna be able to get a hold of 19 and Laura has the twins.
Lilly: But mum will be coming to get me anyways.
Mia: But I can't go home with you they just said.
Lilly: Oh right yeah.
James: Its okay my parents won't be here until later either, they work out of town so I can stay with you.
Mia: But what about the twins??
Teacher: They could always stay here with you.
Laura comes to pick Lilly up and hands the twins and their stuff to Mia.
Laura: You know if they would let me i would take you home with us.
Mia: I know its okay, I'll see you all soon I guess.
Teacher: We will send out emails and texts but I think its safe to say that they get tomorrow off atleast.
Mia: I'm going to sit back over there.
Teacher: So, how long until....
Mia: They need feeding?? Any second now.
Carina: Bambina!!! I'm here i'm so sorry I've been trying to call you I never thought to call the school.
Mia: Carina. Sobbing.
Carina: Its okay I've got you, come on lets get you and the baby's out of here. Also I have permission to take him too by his parents.
Teacher: She's right you can both go, James tell your parents to look out for an email.
James: Yeah I will.
They all arrive back at 19 and Mia and James takes the twins straight upto the beanery for a bottle. Ben and Carina are in reception. The phone is ringing off the hook and Carina is trying to get a hold of Maya.
Mia: Right the twins are sleeping ohhh.
James: Oh so blood is a no but you can calm someone down from a panic attack or save 6 people from a shooting and help 9 of us through a tornado?
Mia: Well yeah but and bodily fluids is a no.
Carina: You have two kids.
James: Alright miss queasy I bet you'll take revision over this.
Mia: Oh definitely.
A little bit later when Ben and Carina are arguing.
Mia: What is going on?
Ben: She- she performed surgery on that guy in the barn. You could have lost your medical license, oh my god i sound like my wife. Is this how you all feel when I break the rules and you warn me not to?
Travis: Well how do you feel?
Ben: Like when your driving a car but the breaks fail.
Mia: Okay me and James have been revising for a little bit we're going to take the twins on a walk.
Carina: Well be careful.
Travis: The streets are still a mess.
We get back to Carina packing her bag.
Mia: What are you doing?
Carina: Its Maya.
Mia: What about Maya?
Carina: She wants to get back to captain.
Mia: What?
Carina: Yeah apparently this is my fault and your fault and she's going to do everything she can to get back to captain with or with out our support.
Mia: Is there anything else?
Carina: Yeah the team found Jack, he's dead to me. Travis made the news and oh yeah me and Maya are struggling at the end of the line.
Mia: Come on lets get you home. Wherever that is.
James: I'll stay at yours tonight on the couch obviously but I can help you with the twins during the night.

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