Chapter 1: Another Day

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Vox sighed, finishing another business call with some demon on the phone. He didn't care too much for his name, more about what deal he was interested in. Once Vox had an understanding of what they wanted from each other, the deal was sealed.

Being the TV Demon often got him an entire list of phone calls from the people he hired, so he was eager to finally get off his phone and do something else for a change. Honestly, as long as ratings were stellar at channel 666 and his business partners were giving their due, he didn't have to get aggressive or assertive.

Things were going rather well, business was great and Vox didn't really have to worry about much. He lived with his on-off again boyfriend, Valentino and his friend Velvet, both of whom were fellow overlords.

They often called themselves the Triple V's, not only because of their names but because they were one of hell's more prominent overlords. Whenever the cameras were on, they rarely were without each other. It was rare to see one of them not be in the presence of at least one of the other two, unless it was a business trip that required only certain demons that is

They had a known reputation throughout hell and their dynamic was rather chaotic. Velvet was pretty much a child despite them all being around the same age, to the point Vox legitimately found it tiresome how Velvet was unable to be mature for more than five seconds. Valentino was more or less the leader,mainly because no one wanted to question his position for obvious reasons.

Vox once tried arguing he was the leader once….he got his screen punched in shortly afterwards. That's how he found himself being stuck at the 'right hand' man position. Vox liked being in charge, but he'd rather not get Valentino's fist flying into his screen again, as he had to replace his face at least twice within a week whenever Val got angry at him for whatever petty reason he could pull.

Honestly, Vox considered it a bill for the amount of times Val punched his face. He lost count after a hundred because of how frequent it happened.

'At least Val's been in a relatively good mood..' Vox swiped through his Vox-stagram(yes he created that,amazing right?) and looked through his recent photos. His most recent post was just a few days ago, he and Val had gotten overly bright clothes and posed after finishing a business trip to a farther side of hell.

Things were surprisingly smooth for the week. Ratings were good, money was as he'd like it and Val and Velvet hadn't done anything that would cause set-backs.

That changed the moment Valentino entered the door."Voxy, baby! I'm back!"

"From what?"

Angel needed a photo shoot and I was busy. Had to make sure everyone was going from the script."


"Where's Velvet? She's been rather quiet...I swear she better not be trying to eat lollipops from the trash again. I ain't cleaning up after her."

"Don't worry, she took Vark out for a walk. If she does that again, some poor sap will have to clean it instead."

"You can take a hammer head for a walk?"

"What? He's basically a dog with fins."

"Never understood why you got him. He's basically an uncontrollable pest as far as I'm concerned."

"Vark is NOT a pest." Vox growled.

"I'm just saying the truth. Anyway….Look at this. I just got Angel a new outfit. Ain't it pretty?" Val ended up showing Angel in his new outfit that Val personally had designed. Vox narrowed his eyes, he couldn't remember the last time Val gave him a gift. And his memory spanned from when he died in the 50's….

"Yeah sure…"

"And here's Angel during his new photo-shoot! He's the greatest money-maker I've had in ages and he looks sexy as hell. I've got that outfit to make his chest-fur stand out, cause that's one of his greatest features and-"


"Have I ever told you of Angel's biggest hit? It was the greatest thing that's ever hit hell since Lucifer fell and-"


"What? What's your problem?"

"What's my problem? You've been talking non-stop about Angel Dust for over a week. He's all you ever talk about nowadays. It's always about him! When the hell are you going to start paying attention US?"

"Whaddya mean 'us'?"

Did you forget we're DATING!? We haven't gone out together on a date in ages and it's all because of your obsession with that spider-whore!"

"We legit just went out together."

"ON A BUSINESS TRIP! Date and business trips aren't the same thing!"

"Eh, little difference honestly. Don't what you're so worked up about, you're acting like this is the end of the world. Just cause I gotta go do some things with Angel doesn't mean anything."

"Yes it does. Because everytime I try to do something with you, it always ends up with you focusing back on Angel Dust. Would it kill you to spend some private time with me?"

"Oh I see. You're jealous of Angel-Cakes. Vox, Vox, Vox, you know Angel's just my employee. He may be my number 1 superstar, but he ain't on our level. You're the TV Demon, I'm the pimp, we're overlords for crying out loud. Angel is just my little toy, nothing more."

"You say that, but you seem to talk non-stop about him."

Valentino sighed,"Look Vox, if you're going to be in a bitchy mood, how about we go on a date tomorrow at 6:00? I got just the place in mind."

"Val, I'm not going to McDonalds. We went there not that long ago. I was thinking that since this is our first date in like forever, we could go somewhere a bit more romantic."


"There's a fancy restaurant that just recently opened. I'll schedule a reservation for us and we'll enjoy our date there."

"Hmph, sounds good to me." Val looked at his phone."Hold up, Angel-cakes is calling me. Be right back." Val went into another room.

Vox rolled his eyes.'At least I got a date tomorrow. That at least leaves me things to do.'

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