Chapter 15: I've Come Too Far To Go Back

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"I'm afraid I cannot go back to the Studio with you."

There was silence. Everyone remained quiet, and in that moment, it was like all of hell had stopped functioning. Nobody least until Velvet suddenly said,


"You heard me, Velvet. I'm not going back to the Studio with you. I'm staying here at the hotel."


"Because, I want to. You may not see it, but Charlie helped me greatly and I owe it to her to her for her assistance. She's helped me in my time of need and I owe it to her for giving me a chance when no one else would."

"So what? We need you more than she does!"

"No you don't."

"But what about Vark?"

"You can take care of him for me. If you haven't killed him by now, I'm certain he's at least in somewhat decent hands…Take care of Vark for me…" Vox then went to Charlie's side, giving Val a look."And as for you Val, take Velvet and leave. Your presence isn't wanted here…"

Val suddenly growled,"No. I ain't leaving without you. You've caused me so much trouble with my business and you think you can just walk away? That ain't gonna happen, Vox, and you know it. Either you come with us right now or we'll force you." Val used on his extra limbs to grab Vox, who began fighting back.

Let go of me Val!"

"Quit resisting Voxy, you've caused enough problems for me and now it's time to face the music! Don't make me angrier than I already am!" Val's tone was deadly and Vox once again felt the rare emotion of fear, the kind of fear that not even Lucifer himself could strike within him.

"Come on Vox, come back! We're trying to help you! It's for your own good you know? Come on, stay with us! It'll be back to the way things used to be in no time, just you, me and Val being a family again!" Velvet and Val were trying to drag him back, but Vox was still resisting even in his normal form, not ready to face the hell-storm back at the Studio.

"What type of fucked up family is this!?" Vaggie shouted,"You're definition of 'family' is as twisted as hurricane!"

"Shut up, every family has its problems, it's nothing serious!"

"Vox's reaction says otherwise."Charlie replied, now grabbing Vox and pulling him over to his side."He made his choice, he wants to stay with us, leave!"

"NO! He's my 'DAD'! I don't care if you're the princess of hell, I won't let you keep us away from him!"

"We're the same age dammit!" Vox shouted.

""Not the point I'm making! Point is we're family and I'm not letting some royal tootsie-pop get in the way of our family!"

"Screw your family, let him go!" Vaggie shouted.

"Not until you do!"

"Ow...ow! Stop pulling me!"

"What is going on here!?"

Everyone paused, seeing Alastor had appeared. He looked rather irritated and judging by his expression he didn't seem to be liking what he was watching. He saw Vaggie and Charlie trying to pull Vox back while Val and Velvet were pulling him to their side, making it basically a tug of war match with poor Vox as the rope.

"Nothing Alastor, we're just TRYING to explain to Valentino and Velvet that VOX isn't going ANYWHERE with them! It's just s SMALL misunderstanding…" Charlie gritted her teeth as she forced herself to sound cheerful.

"Oh don't listen to a word she says! She's lying, Vox is just being a bit stubborn ever since she brainwashed him into believing her stupid cause! She's ruining our family!"

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