Chapter 4: Giving It A Chance

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Vox didn't consider himself an olympic runner or anything. Rarely did he use his powers, especially for physical combat. Unless it was something involving Alastor, his long time rival, physical violence wasn't usually Vox's style unless absolutely necessary.

The stunt he pulled at the studio was an exception. And Vox had pretty much ran for the hills once he managed to get Valentino off of him, running faster than ever before. With the amount of adrenaline coursing he could've out-run pretty much an entire team of professional runners easily.

By the time Vox slowed down, he was on the brink of collapse. He had used so much energy he could barely stand. After regaining some of his breath, he looked back. He knew there was no way Valentino could've followed him, but he still wanted to be as far away from the Studio as possible. Thankfully, Vox saw no sight of the Studio from here, meaning he was in the clear.

'I think I lost him…' Vox heaved. He cringed, feeling his injuries. Val had fucked him up. He should've transformed too, to even the playing field, but he was too scared...this was the first time Vox had fought back against Val, so once that hit had been made, he pretty much ran after being given the chance.

Vox jumped down from the building, clutching his arm once he landed on the ground. His movements were slow and rugged. Vox had blood on his outfit and his fancy suit was torn. Vox considered himself lucky Vox didn't get the chance to damage him as badly, as hos screen was intact.

Honestly Vox wished he had a human head nowadays, because with how often Val broke his screen, it was hard to not miss having a normal face.

Suddenly another thought came to him…

"Now what?" After the stunt he pulled, going back to the studio was suicide. He hadn't really thought of that when he was running for his life. "And what about Velvet? And Vark...oh god…"

He really didn't think this through. He was so terrified he hadn't really thought of the repercussions of him leaving would be until now.

As much as Vox wanted to go back for them, Vox knew that as long as Valentino was still around that he wasn't in the position to do much. Even though Vox was fully capable of fighting Val, he wasn't a fan of confronting his now ex boyfriend(considering the events it was fair to call Val ex now). Besides, he was injured and Valentino was the last thing he needed.

He wandered the street, looking for a place to stay. Most of the places weren't open or were owned by Valentino, so that wasn't an option. Vox wasn't about to go ask some random demons to go into their house(it was debatable whether they would even answer the door, let alone let him in) and he considered it below him to resort to banging on random people's doors for shelter.

Still, there weren't exactly many other alternatives. It was either, sleep on the street, threaten/beg someone for a place to stay or continue straggling. A part of Vox refused to stay down and rest, so he went with the latter.

As he was walking, the wind was blowing a bit. Suddenly, a piece of parchment fell down, landing right at Vox's feet."Hm? What's this?" Vox picked it up, narrowing his eyes at it.

Vox made a face. It looked like one of those flyers he had seen for advertisements, though it was a lot more colorful than he expected. Honestly it looked like something a little girl would draw, having rainbows and sunshine on it.

'What the hell kind of shabby advertising is this? This makes Velvet's doodles look mature by contrast…' Vox then read the paper.

At the top it read : Welcome to the Happy Hotel! Where redemption for every demon is possible! Our goal is to rehabilitate demons and send them up to the big guy, all the way up in Heaven! I know the idea of redemption is a considered taboo down here, but I know that inside every demon is a rainbow waiting to shine! No matter your size or appearance, or status, we'll be glad to help rehabilitate you!

"Happy Hotel? I swear I've heard that before…" Vox then remembered Princess Charlotte, or Charlie as she preferred to be called, performance. She sang this song about demons having rainbows inside of them and performed it all on live TV. Then one of his workers, Katie Killjoy, mocked her idea and picked a fight with Charlie after the latter insulted her and a full on cat-fight broke out with Charlie being victorious.

Obviously, Vox found this idea a bit silly and contrived. Most demons didn't give a damn about bettering themselves and were rather content with their afterlife.

Vox wasn't exactly content, but he knew once he fell that he had already lost his chance at getting up in the clouds with God. It wasn't like you could ask if you could go to heaven or anything.

Still, Vox didn't see any other options. The benefits of having Charlie on his side outweighed the negatives, and while he didn't think her idea was going to work for the most part, a tiny part of him was hoping maybe it would work as it could be his ticket out of this seemingly endless pit of hell. Not like he had anywhere else to go from here.

Also if he stayed out here for too long, Valentino would find him and make death by angelic weapon seem ideal.

Vox looked at the address. It wasn't too far from where he was, just a few blocks away.

'This redemption idea is rather far-fetched, but I'll give it a shot. I don't have much else to lose anyhow.'

Obviously, Vox found this idea a bit silly and contrived. Most demons didn't give a damn about bettering themselves and were rather content with their afterlife.

Vox wasn't exactly content, but he knew once he fell that he had already lost his chance at getting up in the clouds with God. It wasn't like you could ask if you could go to heaven or anything.

Still, Vox didn't see any other options. The benefits of having Charlie on his side outweighed the negatives, and while he didn't think her idea was going to work for the most part, a tiny part of him was hoping maybe it would work as it could be his ticket out of this seemingly endless pit of hell. Not like he had anywhere else to go from here.

Also if he stayed out here for too long, Valentino would find him and make death by angelic weapon seem ideal.

Vox looked at the address. It wasn't too far from where he was, just a few blocks away.

'This redemption idea is rather far-fetched, but I'll give it a shot. I don't have much else to lose anyhow.'

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