Chapter 14: Long Time No See, Vox

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Charlie put on a brave face as she held the handle of the door. A part of her didn't want to open it, but she knew confrontation was the only way of getting Valentino and Velvet out the door. And sehd' rather not use her demon form if she didn't have to, so she figured if she could somehow convince them to leave that opening the door was the only way to go about it.

"Charlie, don't worry, I'm right behind you." Vaggie said,"If they try anything, I'll defend you."

"Vag, I can defend myself. Besides, maybe if I can somehow convince them to leave maybe we can pretend that this never happened…"

"Charlie, I don't know, Valentino is a nasty piece of work. Words won't work on him."

"Never know until you try…." Charlie felt better knowing that Vaggie was behind her. Even if the moth was weaker than the overlords, it was nice having back-up.

The princess then reluctantly opened the door and said,"Hello?"

"Greeting Princess…" Val said smoothly, having one of his cigarettes out. Vaggie and Charlie did their best to ignore the red smoke coming from his was towering over them, having to lean down just to make eye contact with them."Names Valentino but I think you already knew that. This here is Velvet."

He motioned to the shorter overlord, who to Charlie looked more like those lolita girls she had seen on cosplayers. The doll demon was slightly taller than Charlie by a few inches, but it was rather hard to tell given her large pigtails making her taller than she appeared to be.

"So you're the princess,huh? I figured you'd be taller…."

"Hey, not all of us are as tall as skyscrapers. I'm still pretty tall and honest."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. And who's that nobody behind you?" Velvet noticed Vaggie, who was giving Velvet a glare through her one working eye.

"Hey, Vaggie's not a nobody! She's my girlfriend!" Charlie defended."She's no overlord, but she's one the toughest people I know."

"That is honestly the most pathetic thing I've evah heard..." Velvet said."She clearly ain't that special. Cause I doubt she's the one who got those ads or billboards lookin' all nice…"

"Grrrr...Vaggie growled,"Look, why are you two even here? I doubt you're here for a tour or anything..." She was resisting the urge to pull out her spear on them, but given how powerful they were, she figured it wasn't wise to try. Even with Charlie, she knew how pacifistic the princess was, so there was no guarantee for Vaggie's safety if she did attack.

"Velvet's the one who wants to be here. She said she wanted to see what's so special about this place. Honestly, I don't see what's so important about it. I only let Angel stay here cause it means I don't have to pay for his room back at the , his performance is slipping, so perhaps I should take him back. He's been a lot more sober than I'm used to, is that you're doing?"

Charlie made a face."Um actually no. At least not directly. If Angel's been sober, it's because he wants to be. And he says it's expensive too…" She made that part up, but perhaps it'd at least get Val to not be on Angel's case so much.

"Tch, I already pay for the drugs, like that's even a problem. He's just making' excuses and I'm losing out on it."

"Val, that's not what we came here for! Where'd you even get the money to advertise your things anyhow?"

"I'm Lucifer's daughter, money lands into my pocket." Charlie said.

"Course, but that doesn't explain why any demon would take this littel passion project of yours seriously. First everyone mocks the idea and now suddenly people are considering your hotel might be legit in the span of a few months? Sounds pretty suspicious to me. Looks like you got someone in your pocket."

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