Chapter 20: Leaving The Terf Wars Behind

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Cherri Bomb sighed, the party had finished and she headed back to her old place. She was on her way back to her apartment, having already told her land-lord she was moving out. The guy gave her a week to move her shit, thankfully Cherri didn't need that much stuff.

Cherri packed her things, honestly Cherri didn't much. The hotel had most of what she needed, all she'd need was a few possessions and she'd be good to go.

She still didn't like that she'd have to give up her turf wars, but if it meant being there for Angel, she was willing to drop her so called bad habits, even if it didn't get her to heaven.

Cherri knew that the moment she walked away from her the terf war business that people would snatch it from her, and a part of her heavily disliked that, but she knew it was what she'd have to do to keep by Angel's side.

'Doing it for Angie…' She just had to tell herself that and it'd make the problems she went through less taxing. Cherri packed her things in a back-pack, taking the things she'd need to make the trip less bothersome. She took things like clothes, hair products and shoes and some food that'd last her a while.

The hotel served breakfast and she was certain whatever they had was better than what she did and she did have money on her, so it wasn't an issue.

"Alright, got my things. Now to get back to the hotel." Cherri got her back-pack on and headed out, the cyclops knowing she had a long way to go before getting to the hotel.'Now I just gotta get to the hotel and then things will be good. Angie and I will be pals, and on the near nonexistent chance this hotel works out, I'll probably get out of this pit...Like that'll ever happen, but I guess I can dream.'

Cherri was taking a right, when suddenly the familiar sight of a familiar blimp shooting things and causing chaos.

Cherri groaned,"Oh great, it's the old man again. Just what I needed…" Cherri didn't see a way around him. She was hoping he didn't see her, but judging by the fact he was RIGHT in the direction she needed to go in, it was likely she wasn't getting past him without a confrontation.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my old rival! Long time not see missy! Why don't we have a go, it's been quite a while since we've seen each other! Especially now since you don't have that spider friend of yours!" She could see Sir Pentious talking from his blimp, looking intently at her.

"Outta my way edgelord, I ain't in the mood for your tinker toy bullshit. I got places to be and they don't involve you. Move your damn machines so I can leave."

"And why would I do that? I'm taking YOUR territory! I can't exactly do that if I don't get past you first!"

'You know, if he said this during any other day when I was not part of a redemption program I'd fucking go for it and smash his , considering how Angel and I fucked up their reputation last time, I gotta try gaining some good opinions.'

Cherri knew she had to defuse the situation and shouted,"I ain't fighting, Pentious. If you want the territory you're free to take all of it."

"Of course you'd say-Wait what?" The snake demon's expression changed, looking rather confused. He hadn't expected that reaction out of her. He was about to go off into one of his villainous monologues when she insulted him, but when she didn't he was left flat-footed.

"You heard me, I ain't fighting you." She just wanted to get to the hotel and Sir Pentious invading her territory was a roadblock to her destination. She was hoping that he wouldn't shoot her.

Sir Pentious thought she was bluffing,"Is this some type of ploy to lower my guard? Because if so, it wont work! I know you, Cherri! You wouldn't walk away from a fight, especially to me."

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