Chapter 36: The Broadcast Of A Lifetime

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Back in hell, things had gotten rather quiet. It had been four years since Anthony had been redeemed, though news about the hotel had gotten dry. Nobody really knew what happened to the other sinners since it wasn't reported and life went on for most of hell.

Though confusion erupted when suddenly over every radio, speaker, TV screen began recording. From the lowest imps to the highest ranking demons, everyone's eyes became glued to the screen, as their appliances had just randomly turned on without their consent.

A universal, 'What the hell?' took place within the mind of every denizen of Hell. All circles in hell were then directed to their technology, all of them keenly listening to the sudden intrusion in their lives.

Screens all over hell projected a place full of white and fluffy clouds. Eyes narrowed, this place didn't seem like anywhere in hell. Not even the nicest places in hell had such a lavish design.

The cameras panned to doves flying overcast, wings spread with grace. Cherubs were playing harmonic music with harps, eliciting a soothing melody.

The cities were white and futuristic, everything was like Hell, but without all the pain and suffering, no death was visible and it seemed like a living paradise.

Velvet narrowed her eyes, residing in Val's studio."What the hell is this? What type of broadcast is this?" When she asked on social media, everyone seemed as confused as she was. They all had to stay tuned, unaware of what was happening.

Vark stared at the screen in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

Suddenly they saw Charlie come forward, much to Velvet's displeasure. She was tempted to turn it off, but decided to watch anyway to see what the hold up was.

"Hello everyone! It's me, Charlie! It's been awhile since you saw me on screen last, but I just want to inform you of where I am! This broadcast is taking place in heaven!"

A universal,'But why' was heard. Demons were staring at their friends. Sure, Charlie's idea wasn't as mocked as it was the first year, but they thought that Angel's ascension was a one time thing. That fact Charlie was in heaven for a broadcast must have meant something really important had happened.

"As you know, my project for sinners to be redeemed while mocked ,did end up working in the long-run! But, I know I would've never gotten this far without my friends! And I'm here to show you all what truly being redeemed is!"

Suddenly Anthony, Adriando and Cherry came into view.

"Hey guys, it's me! Angel Dust! But I go by Anthony! This is my bro, Adriando and his girlfriend/my bestie, Cherri! Ya recognize her right?"

"Course they do! Who could forget me?" Cherri exclaimed,"I'll admit, I never thought this redemption gig would work, but even if it didn't, I still would've left my life behind for Angie. He's my best friend!"

Aw shucks, Cherri! We all knew it was a longshot, but first I'll manage to work out in the end!"

"I'm impressed it worked...Probably would've never gone to that hotel had Angel not decided to leave. When you left, I realized that I was going to be stuck in this pit and figured redeeming myself was worth a shot after all."

"Thanks bro, was a bit shocked to see you here at first but I'm glad you came around. This place is literally the best!"

Nia and Hank suddenly showed up."Don't forget about us! We redeemed ourselves too!"

'Yeah, we're important too. We only went into this hotel because we were summoned to do our jobs. But then things got hectic and well...figured why not cut back? Besides, while I'm not a fan of dancing cherubs and white doves, this place is upgraded to hell by a longshot. Just wish it wasn't so damn white…"

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