Chapter 18: The Soul Contract

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A month went by. Time passed and Valentino was putting the incident prior behind him, or at least trying to.

Valentino was counting his money, when suddenly someone burst into his room. He didn't remember calling for anyone,so he is not sure why this person was in his office. He looked up from his money to see Charlie was there, foot placed on his desk.

"Valentino. We need to talk."

"About what? I haven't bothered your stupid hotel in a month, so if you think I'm gonna attack you guys, you're mistaken. If that's what you're here to talk about, then you should take your ass and get out of my establishment."

Charlie narrowed her eyes,"Not what this was about."

"Then what is it about? Unless you're suddenly offering yourself to be one of my workers, I don't see why else you could be here. Not to mention I'm already booked when it comes to workers, so you should take your presence and go."

"It's about Angel."

"And? What about him? Are you asking me to take him back to the Studio cause you're kiddie project failed and he couldn't keep himself in line? Cause if so, I'll gladly do it, your hotel is just a waste of time and energy, don't see why he bothers staying at that place."

"No. Not even close. In fact, I'm here to demand something out of you regarding him."

"Which is?"

"His soul contract."

Valentino nearly laughed out of his chair,"HA! Are you kidding me?"

"Does it look like it? I'm being serious." Charlie said, crossing her arms.

"Listen here, I know you're Luci's little princess, but you should know how the world works. I mean, you're literally hundreds of years old. We don't just give people's contracts away, especially for no reason. There needs to be an exchange, benefits, talks and such. Not to mention, I'd like to ask why in the ever loving fuck you'd even want it?"

She held it against his neck."But I'd rather not. It's not my duty to kill you. That's someone else's job, so I hope you don't stay out too late when the exterminator comes, else it's buh-bye for you."

Charlie tossed him aside, kicking him in the face before leaving.


"And that's how I got your contract back from Valentino!" Charlie exclaimed.

Angel's jaw was on the floor and his eyes were pretty much pin points."Uhhhhhhhhhhhh...."

"Come on Angel, aren't you excited?"

"Well yeah, just didn't think you had it in you to be honest. You really did that to Val?"

"Yup! Not a lie was told!Here's the proof!" Charlie held up Angel's soul contract, something he hadn't seen since the fifties. He always figured Val kept in on him somewhere, but he didn't take it out in the open.

"Holy shit you fucking did it. You actually got my contract back!" Angel swiped it from her, looking it over to make sure it wasn't faked,"And it's legit! Does that mean I'm free?"

"Yup! And you no longer have to self yourself for money! Don't worry Angel, if you got anything you really need, I can pay for it."

"Sweet, but I'd rather not mooch off ya. I prefer being my own man, but until I find a cleaner job I guess I can deal with that." Angel knew there tons of jobs available in hell, but if he wanted to avoid the porn industry and finally go clean, he figured that he'd find one that required a lot of physical work.

"Angel, I'm a princess, you won't 'mooch off of me'. Besides, now you'll be able to live your life just fine!"

"Thanks, hold up, I gotta call my girl, Cherri. She's gotta know about this." Angel picked up his phone,"Yo Cherri! It's me, Angel! Guess what? Charlie got my contract from Val, meaning I'm a free man! I know, hard to believe, but it's true! I got the paper right here! Huh? You wanna do that? Alright, lemme ask Charlie."

"Ask me what?"

"Cherri wants to check into the hotel. She says she wants to be there for me and stuff. Also, she wants to celebrate the occasion."

"Great! Just don't let her blow anything up, Vaggie will get mad if she does."

"Kay, I'll tell her to hold off the bombs. She'll get a bit pissy, but I'm sure she'll get over it. Right now, she's bound to be more excited! Come on, let's go tell everyone the good news!"


better than a studioOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora