chapter 34: One Last Show,For Old Times Sake

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Vox sighed, getting out of bed. He looked at the clock, shaking his head at the time. The extermination had passed and that meant only one thing was left.

The day of the extermination was over, meaning only one thing was happening.

He was certain this was the day, his last day in hell. He had made a long way from where he started and now it was time to finally leave. He took a shower, finishing as he thought about everything he was going to leave behind. This must have been how the others felt, knowing that their time was coming.

'Velvet...Vark...Charlie…Never gonna see em again. But at least I'll be able to see the others up there. And some old associates…'

After finishing his shower, getting his clothes on. Vox got out to the main lobby, seeing Alastor, Seviathan and Lucifer there.

"Hey Vox!" Charlie smiled sadly,"We've been waiting for you! Michael is probably gonna be here soon.."

"I know. We should go out there and meet him…"

"We probably should, my brother doesn't like waiting…" Lucifer mentioned."We should also talk to him about the arrangement, right Charlie?"


"What arrangement?" Seviathan asked.

"You'll find out soon enough."

Alastor, Vox and Seviathan blankly stared at each other, shrugging as they did their best to pretend that didn't happen.

When they left outside, they saw Michael had arrived. "Hello brother...What are you doing here?"

I've come to discuss something important. My daughter has wanted to visit heaven, however I do not take too kindly to her living in heaven permanently for obvious reasons. However, I believe we can come to a compromise, that is if you and god are willing to listen."

"What type of compromise?" The mask made reading the archangel's expression impossible.

"Charlie will be able to visit heaven while still maintaining her life in hell. With this comprise, she'd be able to hop between realms every couple weeks to visit her friends before returning here in hell to manage her little hotel."

"What do you say Uncle?"

"Hm...I do see the appeal in this idea. I'll need to talk it out with my Father, but I'm sure I can sweet-talk my way into giving it a shot. After all I've told him about you, he'd love to meet you, Charlotte."


"Of course. With divine intervention, a lot of things are possible…"

"Thank you! Dad, this is so exciting! I can't wait to see the others soon!" Charlie gleamed.

Gabriel then turned to Vox, Alastor and Seviathan."And you three...I believe it's time I take you up. It's time to reunite with your loved ones…and in your case, Seviathan, make new friends."

Vox sighed, already expecting this. Alastor and Seviathan looked shocked.

"Wait !" Alastor asked,"You jest?" The Radio Demon never expected in all his days to be picked. He thought this was some type of cruel prank, to lead him into believing the small hope of being selected only to dash them.

"I'm not joking, Alastor. Same to you Seviathan. Your point of views have changed, you're not the same as you were years ago, meaning I can take you up with me."

"But I'm a hell-born...I don't belong in heaven naturally. Would I even count?" He wasn't a sinner, so Seviathan was surprised at being selected.

"Of course, Charlie said that redemption was for demons of all kinds…No matter what size or shape. That is, if you want it of course, you can always hold off or reject it."

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