Chapter 24: Farewell Anthony

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Vox looked at Valentino's corpse. To think he'd be standing above his ex's body with a bloodied angelic spear wasn't something he ever expected to see.

He was still shocked, he had done it. He killed Val. Valentino wasn't coming back, this was his final 'death' for intents and purposes, as his soul ceased to exist once Vox had stabbed it. He was gone, never again would they have to worry about Valentino plotting things from the shadows or coming out to get them while they weren't looking.

Vox growled at the injuries, Val had basically fucked him up good during the battle.'Definitely going to need to get my screen replaced…' He used Vaggie's bloodied spear as a crutch for support so as to not end up collapsing.

"VOX!" Charlie shouted.

He turned, seeing Charlie running up to him. The effects of Val's drugs had worn off and other than a few scratches and tears in her suite, she was perfectly fine.

"Are you ok? You look awful!" Vox looked like he basically got hit by a train.

"I'm fine…" Vox lied,"J-Just….a bit worn out…"

"Vox, half of your face is gone! What happened to you?"

"Valentino did. But don't worry, he won't be bothering us anymore…"

Charlie looked down, cringing upon seeing the bloody spear and dead body on the floor. That's where the smell of putrid death was coming from. Charlie smelled it before, the rotting bodies of fallen demons had that smell, but Valentino's smelled worse than ever before.

"Oh...I'm sorry, Vox…I know that you two were close at one point and time. It must've hurt to do that."

"It was necessary. He would have never left us alone if he lived…" Vox knew that for a fact, Val didn't give up, he'd wait for the opportunity to strike and jump on it, always trying to slip through the cracks. Valentino living after this encounter would be problematic for all of them.

"I know. I'm just glad I didn't have to do it…I'd hate to actually kill someone, even someone as rotten as Valentino."

Vox nodded."It's fine. All that matters is that he won't bother us anymore...gah!" Vox's legs gave away, Charlie caught him before he could fall.

"Don't worry I got you! I won't let you fall!"

"Thanks…" Charlie held Vox on her shoulder and carried him to where the rest of the denizens of hell were.

"Oh my god, it's Charlie! And Vox is with her!" Niffty shouted.

The rest of the hazbins approached Charlie and Vox, all of whom looked expectantly at him.

"So, has Valentino kicked the bucket?" Alastor asked,"Because I hope you didn't spare him after all the trouble he put us through…"

Vox held up Vaggie's bloodied spear."Does that answer your question?"

There was silence, before Cherri Bomb shouted,"Hallelujah! The fucker is dead, you fucking did it, Vox! I'm so fucking proud! Ya did what I always wanted to do!"

"Yay! He's gone!" Niffty cheered.

"Hell yeah!" Husk exclaimed."This is the best news ever!"

The Radio Demon laughed,"Good riddance I say! Spectacular work, Vox. You've done us all a huge favor putting that no good cretin down for good!"

"I knew you could do it!" Vaggie grinned,"I can't believe it, he's finally dead! We're free of him! And most importantly...You're free of him, Angel."

Angel blanked,"Guess I am. What do you think, boy? Val can't hurt us anymore! We're finally free!"

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