Chapter 29: Their Last Day Together

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Itvwas approaching extermination again.

Charlie put her head down, knowing what was coming up soon.'Time to say goodbye to someone else…' Charlie had locked herself in her room, knowing the time was coming.

She was sure Husk was going, he stopped smoking and it was the only thing that held him back from going up. She knew she'd miss him, but she was sure Husk was better off up there. The old man had done so much and worked so hard over the year to finally get his soul up, it'd only drag him down if he were to stay.

And Vaggie's trust of men had gone up over the year, to the point where it was not much of an issue. The only thing that had held her back.

Meaning what Charlie feared was going to happen. She knew Vaggie would ascend, leaving her alone with few friends. She loved Vaggie, of course she did, but she knew that Vaggie deserved a better afterlife and that she shouldn't have to stay behind because of her. Lucifer wouldn't let her go to heaven, she knew it, Vaggie knew it, everyone did.

Lucifer would sooner burn the hotel to the ground than let her go up there, and as much as she'd want to, she knew he wouldn't let her go up.

So Charlie did the only thing she could do, and knocked on Vaggie's door.

"Hey Charlie, what's up? You're usually locked inside during this time, something wrong?"

"Oh hey Vaggie...Look, I think we need to talk."

"Ok, come inside then." Vaggie sat on her bed, waiting for Charlie.

Charlie sat down and lowered her head, "It's about ascension."

The moth demon looked up,"What about it?"

Vaggie, you're gonna ascend sooner or later. You've changed so much over the years, you're a much better person. Even when times get tough, you manage to remain strong and after the things you went through, I want you to be happy. You deserve a better afterlife. And since I can't go up there with you, I think it's best that we go our separate ways, so it's not overly painful for the both of us."

Vaggie sighed,"I had a feeling you'd say that. But I know why, we can't maintain a relationship while we're in heaven, you're dad won't let you go up there anyhow so…."

"Yeah, Dad's pretty strict about that. Doesn't wanna lose me up there. I'd love to go, but he's not changing his mind anytime soon. I think it's best we call it off before you go, because I know that you'll be picked sooner or later…I know it hurts, but I think it's for the best we do this, for both of our sakes. We can still remain friends…"

"Yeah, friends….Besides, even if we can't be together, that doesn't mean you have to be unhappy. You'll find someone else, Charlie. Someone who will stick by you. There are tons of demons who'd love to be with you."

"I know, it's just that I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too. But that doesn't mean we can't try to be happy. On the bright side, I'll finally be able to see the others. Cherri...Angel...Arackniss...Niffty. They'll be waiting for me on the other side. It's been over two years since I've seen Angel and even if we had our differences, he'll be excited to see me again, right?"

Of course, Angel's probably so happy up there, you know with Cherri and his brother, Niffty being an added bonus. He'll be overjoyed once you ascend."

"I hope so too. I'm just gonna miss you, because you're still my best friend. It's not going to be the same without you. I don't know what to do…"

"Don't worry Charlie, you still have Alastor and Vox. I'm not sure about Alastor, but Vox will at least stay for a couple more years before he goes. They'll help you with anything you need, because I'm sure that Al's moved past his 'murder everything and burn the hotel to the ground' phase. He may not be spectacular progress, but considering who he is, I say him not burning this place to the ground is an achievement."

"Yeah, Al's still a work in progress. I'm not sure if he even can change, but I'm gonna try to give him the benefit of the doubt. He hasn't hurt anyone recently and though he's still Alastor, he's not as talkative as before. Niffty's absence must be related to that. Maybe I can convince him to change in due time, I know it won't happen automatically, but any reason to ascend is a good reason in my opinion."

"I'm not too sure about him, Charlie. But if you believe he can slowly change, I suppose I'll allow you to do so. It'll take a while and he'll have to change not only his actions but his mind-set, that could take time, but I'm sure with you around it's not an impossibility."Thanks Vaggie." Charlie then looked out the window,"The extermination is over. I should go light the fireworks. You wanna go with me, for old times sake? One last time?"

"Sure." Vaggie and Charlie rushed to the rooftop and Charlie lit up her fireworks with a small smile, using some of her magical powers to make this one more special than all the other ones."

"What do you think?"

"Nice fireworks, they look even better than usual."

"Considering it's probably our last day together, I figured we'd do something nice before you know, you go to heaven?"

"Thanks Charlie, that means a lot to me." Vaggie and Charlie hugged each other, the shorter demon leaning onto her waist.

"No problem. Don't worry about me, Vaggie. I'll take care of myself. I'm sure I'll find someone out there who loves me just as much as you do."

"I hope they do too, because if they don't, you should drop them like it's hot."

"I know, I will…"

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