Chapter 23: The Interrupted Ascension

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"-Anthony D'ambrosio with me, but most of you know him as Angel Dust."

Everyone fell silent, heads turning in Angel's direction. Angel was pretty much in a state of shock for a moment, unable to believe this was actually happening. Charlie's goal succeeded, much to the disbelief of everyone. And he was going to be the first demon to enter heaven's gates.

"Are you serious?" Angel asked.

"More serious than ever."

"Oh my god...I'm actually leaving this place...I can't believe it. Charlie, you got me to heaven."

"No Angel, you got yourself to heaven, I only helped. I can't be credited for everything!"

"But I'd never get this far had you not freed me. And now, I'm actually getting into the big leagues…" Never had Angel actually considered what'd happen if Charlie's plan worked. He always assumed they'd never get this far.

"Isn't that great, Angel? You'll be able to live again with no one out to harm you up there!"

"Yeah…" Angel looked down, frowning."But that means I won't be seeing you guys again…."

"Aw come on, Angel. Don't think of it like that. This is your redemption, they just haven't gotten their turn yet."

"Yeah! I'm sure the rest of us will be up there in no time!" Niffty encouraged.

"Don't you worry Angie, the rest of us will catch up with ya! It ain't my turn yet, but trust me, I'll be up there with ya! Just you wait!" Cherri exclaimed.

Yeah. We'll be there just have to get our lives sorted out," Vaggie said.

"Ain't like we're going anywhere either." Husk shrugged.

"Yes, we'll be down here for the time being. While I can't say I was too fond of your presence, your presence will be missed to an extent." Alastor said.

"That's Alastors way of saying,'I'll miss you but I'm too stubborn to say it',"Vox whispered, only for Alastor to elbow him."Ow!"

"Apologies, simple twitch in my elbow." Alastor said flatly.

There was a small laugh between the gang. Some things never changed.

Suddenly, Angel asked."Do you guys mind if I take Fat-Nuggets with me? I'd be pretty sad if I couldn't take him. Do you guys have a no pet policy or-"

Michael smiled,"Don't worry. Pets are welcome in our realm, so long as you take care of him and he's clean."

"Guess that means we won't be having a problem. I know how to take care of pets. Ain't that right, boy?"

Fat-Nuggets nodded.

"See? He's in good hands. Are you ready to ascend with me Nuggs?" Angel held Fat-Nuggets, who squealed with joy."Alright, that's what I'm talking about! Let's go!"

Angel prepared to go with Michael, however, out of the blue, Valentino ended up grabbing Angel, much to the shock of everyone.

What the!?" Michael shouted,"Who are you?"


"Oh no you don't! I ain't letting anyone take my money maker away! I don't give a damn what the princess says, he's my property first and foremost! You're coming back with me, Angel!"

"Ack!" Angel began screaming and shouting,"Fucking help me!"

"No ones gonna help you, Angel. You're better off with me anyway, it's been far too long since you've left home. You need to come back! I've been losing business without you!"

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