Chapter 26: The Talk

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Vox groaned, shortly after the celebration, Charlie had carried him to the hotel to rest. Valentino had fucked him up badly and he had to be asleep for a while to heal. He had fallen unconscious for a good portion of the day afterwards, wanting to conserve his energy.

'Ugh...what a pain…' Vox sighed, looking in the mirror. His screen was fixed, but his body was rather battered, having large scratches and on his back. His suit was barely wearable and a mess.

When Vox left going to the main hall where Cherri and a black spider were. He noticed Arackniss, narrowing his eyes,"Who are you? You look like Angel Dust but...less colorful and busty."

"Arackniss, his older brother. Since this joint got Angel to heaven, I figured I'd give it a go since Henroin kicked me out. Wherever Anthony goes, I'm going after him."

"Damn, we have the same thought process!" Cherri grinned,"We're gonna be great friends!"

"Don't touch me."

"Aw come on, lighten up! Angie was never this cold and stiff!"

"I ain't him."

"I know, but that doesn't mean you can't be fun to hang around? Maybe you can show what skills those eight arms of yours grant ya~" Cherri winked.

Arackniss blushed for a moment before scoffing,"Are you trying to seduce me?"

So what if I am? Unlike Angie, I know you ain't gay, meaning you're actually relationship material for me!"

Arackniss shook his head,"You're not my type."

Cheri smirked,"Sure I'm not...Sure…"

"Oh good lord, spare me the flirtations." Vox said.

"Hey, you're that TV overlord who killed Valentino? Wasn't he your boyfriend?"


"Eh, I see why you killed him. Never met him but from what Cherri said, I kinda wish I was the one who killed him. I may not like my brother all that much, but what he did was fucking disgusting. At least he's no longer here to bother us."

"Believe me, Val is not the type of demon you'd want to meet. If I hadn't killed him, he would have never left us alone, he'd be waiting for an opportunity to strike from the shadows. Though I do wonder, what's happened to all the stuff that Val controlled now that he's gone?"

Val always had control over his territory in an iron grip, with him gone, Vox was certain that his territory and property was basically a free game.

Arackniss narrowed his eyes,"Not too sure. From what some guy told me, Val's property's getting seized, people all over hell are claiming his territory, most of them being former business partners of his. Though that strange girl with pigtails is keeping some of his shit, at least the ones she considers important."

You mean Velvet?" Vox asked."I can't imagine her living up Val's legacy, she's not interested in that stuff."

Velvet never cared for sex, at least not enough to want to be lead an industry about it. She was no virgin, but she wouldn't take over Val's place. Vox knew she'd probably fucking burn the place to the ground trying to fill in the power vacuum of Val's empire, and besides knowing how Velvet was, she wouldn't bother. Sex and porn was never her interest, so it'd no sense for her to try taking over and filling his place.

"I doubt it, she's not fit for that work from what I've seen of her. She's probably gonna use Val's assets to build up her own shit. From the way her Vox-stagram account looks though, it looks like she's gonna use some of that money to pay for a private memoriam for Val."

Cherri cringed,"Val doesn't deserve a tribute."

"Even the most wicked motherfuckers in this pit can be loved….by the mentally insane at least." Arackniss shrugged."Though, it seems like she has a bone to pick with you, TV."


Arackniss showed him his phone, Velvet basically sent hashtags of hate towards Vox with multiple posts on her story about how her life was fucking made a montage in Val's honor of all the pictures of him. She even had a private statue memoriam of Val made of gold made with the caption on her page

RadVelvetCakes: I miss him already. It's only been a day and I feel like my heart's been ripped to shreds.

You fucking took him away, Vox. I know you're fucking reading this, you goddamn traitor.


Vox cringed, he knew Velvet fucking despised him but this was a whole nother level of hatred.

"Holy shit, she's fucking insane."Cherri said,"I knew that woman had a few screws loose, but goddamn, she's fucking off her rocker. She's getting mad at Vox for killing that son of a bitch. Don't worry Vox, no one other than her faults you for killing him. Even Lucifer was gonna do the deed if you didn't. I doubt she'd fucking post those tags had he done it."

"Well Lucifer can kick her ass, so obviously. Not like he'd care, he probably would laugh in her face and tell her to fuck off," Arackniss said."Still, its kinda sad. She's really depressed over Val dying. She must see something the rest of hell doesn't because Vox over here doesn't' seem too upset for the fact he killed his ex in cold blood. Was Velvet the only person he didn't treat like garbage?"

To an extent. He didn't hit her or anything, just insulted her whenever she did something 'wrong', justified or not. Compared to what he did to everyone else, that was 'mercy'."

"Still, I don't understand why she's so hung up over it. She's acting like Val was some kinda saint of lost soul, she must be seeing through some thick ass rose tinted spectacles because literally everyone was whooping and hollering when he died, the guy was basically a sociopathic bastard with no redeeming qualities. Her love for the guy must blind her to the truth of how awful and toxic he was to EVERYONE around him. Literally all of hell improved when he died."

Arakniss played a clip from the news,"Good evening, today we have a shocking story. Valentino has recently been killed by his ex boyfriend, Vox. It all started when Angel Dust, or rather Anthony D'ambrosio as he's now called, was about to be taken to Heaven. However, Valentino didn't want to give up his once number one star so easily and after a long scuffle, Vox ended up killing him. Isn't that right Tom?"

"Yup, from the eyewitness accounts, everyone says that Charlie carried Vox over her shoulder and the injured overlord admitted with the bloody spear in hand, that he ended Valentino once and for all. Can't say I'm going to miss him, he wasn't exactly a pleasant individual to be around."

"Neither am I! Never liked him anyhow and I say it's good for ALL of us that he's gone! And with his demise, fights for territory began, turf wars rage across hell as former business partners begin duking it out for those hot-spots!"

Arackniss closed the app,"Even Katie fucking hates him."

"Hard not to," Cherri said."Believe me, I think it's safe to say with the exception of that pigtailed crazy chic, everyone will take Val's death with relief. Just sorry that you had to do it, I'd love to have stabbed him myself."

"Did that bastard even say anything worthwhile?"

Tried telling me that Velvet would hate me, and honestly he was right on that end. I think he was trying to get me to spare him, because he brought up how he brought me to power. Didn't work obviously, but I guess he tried to pull one last card. He's always a manipulator, it's why I stayed with him for so long cause he'd promise to make it up with me. Another lie, but I guess lies felt better than the truth."

"So, how long have you been staying here?"

"Months. I doubt I'm leaving here anytime soon, but maybe I'll get my chance someday...Maybe I'll find someone else…"

"Oh I see, you like Charlie don't you? Tough luck with Vaggie around, you should probably go after another person." Cherri said,"Though I see why ya like her, she's a badass."

Vox sighed,'Easier said than done…' He wished he could try that, but no matter he did, his attention was always drawn back to her. She said he'd love again…and he did, but not with someone else, but her…

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