Chapter 2: The No-Show Date

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Vox sighed, finishing up the last business call he had before looking at the time. It was 4:50, he had over an hour to prepare for his 'date' with Val. For once, Vox was actually excited, Val would finally spend decent time with him and they'd be able to do things a normal couple would do.

Vox wasn't stupid, he knew the life of a disney prince and princess was overly idealistic and unachievable for the most part, but honestly he'd prefer that over the relationship he and Val had, which was essentially a chaotic and unstable one. Their relationship was hardly normal or healthy, but Vox tried ignoring that for the most part.

'Alright. I have plenty of time. Just got to get a suite, say goodbye to the others before heading out. Easy.' Vox took a look at a few of his suits that he had shelved in his closet before pulling one out. It was one of those suites he rarely wore because of how overly fancy it was, as he didn't want to risk it getting ruined by hell's weather.

Though considering this was technically their anniversary date, Vox decided to forgo his normal thought process for the night.

'Screw it. It's just for the night.'

After swapping outfits, Vox only had a few things left to do. All he had to do was say goodbye to Velvet and Vark and that'd be that.

"Hey Vox, where ya going!?" The goth demon asked.

"A date. Val and I got one scheduled yesterday. I've got the perfect place to go."

"Oh! Have fun with that Vox!"

I'm sure I will. Now Velvet, don't do anything bad while I'm away. I don't want Val on me about you messing up the studio while we're out. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever!"

'God, she is such a child…' Vox rolled his eyes before seeing his pet hammerhead nudge him."Oh hey, Vark. Don't worry, I'm just going out for a date with Val. I'll be right back." Vox pet him over the head and the shark gave him a nuzzle before trying to lick him."Vark. No. No slobber. Don't like that stuff on my screen…"

Vark gave him a disappointed look.

"Don't give me that. Say, why don't you go play with Velvet? I'm certain she'll love to play with you. Just don't eat any of the food she gives, I'm not certain what it's made of but I don't trust it…"

He gave his pet one last pay before heading out of the studio. Vox had already scheduled their reservation, the restaurant was a bar and club, but Vox ordered V.I.P seats for them.

Vox pulled out his phone and gave Val a text.

TVStar101: Hey Val, I'm on my way to the restaurant for our date. Just letting you know.

Val didn't respond, but Vox figured he was on his way there.

When Vox got there, he informed the demons he had a date with Val and that it was technically for two, but he just hadn't arrived yet. They still asked him for his order, so after taking a few looks at the menu, he ordered one of the specials they had and some alcohol.

Vox narrowed his eyes as he checked his phone, boredly looking for any sign of Val.'Where the hell is he?' He took a look at the time. It was 6:25. He was over twenty minutes late and there was no response.

TVStar101: Val, where are you? I've been waiting for like almost thirty minutes!

The fact there wasn't a response to any of his texts made Vox irritated. By the time his food arrived, it was almost an hour and Val STILL hadn't responded. He sent multiple texts this time, asking where Val was and what he was doing, but nothing happened.

Either Val was ignoring him or his phone was off, the latter seemed impossible given how often Val was on his phone. He rarely left uncharged and he would've at least texted when he had some battery power.

By now, the idea of a romantic date flung out the window. He didn't even eat any of the food on his plate despite the hole in his stomach, though he had no requirement to eat so he chalked it up to Val's indecent behavior having an effect on him.

At the club, Vox had a full view of dancers and such performing on stage. Vox didn't particularly care, as while the girls looked nice, he wasn't exactly in the greatest mood at the moment. As he boredly spectated, sipping on his beverage from time to time, he honestly had grown bored and simply gazed out into space.

This occurred for a couple hours, at least until Vox got a message on his phone. He looked at the notification, seeing it was from Val. He immediately swiped it, however he realized it took him to Vox-stagram.

Vox was confused by this, as he was expecting a text message. A part of him was hoping it was an apology for the no-show and a promise for another date. Silly, but a man could still dream right?

Instead, Vox noticed Val's latest post was a photo of him and Angel Dust, together, on a tour….The caption read : Angie and I just had our biggest show in ages, the best thing that ever hit this pit!

Vox nearly fucking lost it. Not only had he been stood up but Val seemed to care more about Angel Dust and his show than their damn anniversary. It took everything in Vox's being to not pull a fit.

'That son of a bitch! How dare he care more about that spider than ME!' Vox narrowed his eyes before sighing.'Should've known…might as well try to get something to make me feel better at least.'

He wasn't a fan of eating or drinking, since it wasn't a requirement, but given the circumstances, he decided a drink wouldn't hurt.

"Hey, wait, can you get me a few drinks?"

They quickly delivered and Vox drank...and drank….and drank. Normally he'd be black out drunk, but with the way he worked, Vox was physically incapable of being intoxicated due to how his demon form worked.

Damn...kinda wish I could get intoxicated...would make being stood up easier…' Vox potinesllesy drank another bottle. Suddenly the thought of leaving and going home came to him.

Obviously, Vox didn't want to go back to the studio, as Val would most likely be there. He knew what would happen, they'd fight, Val would hit him, they didn't talk for a few days and then Vox would end up deciding to apologize for whatever slights Val had and things would go back to 'normal'.

Vox narrowed his eyes at his phone, looking at his lock-screen. It was a photo taken with all three of the V's, looking happy together for a group-shot.

He'd have to go back eventually though, Velvet needed him. Vark needed him. Val needed-

'No he doesn't…' Vox shook his head. He told himself that Val needed him, but the words sounded more hollow each time. Now, they sounded out-right fake.

Val didn't need him. But he needed Val...right?

Vox sighed. He'd have to get going. He paid the staff apathetically before heading out the door.

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