Chapter 33: An Important Discussion

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Vox had been trying everything he could think of in the upcoming. Chocolates, more flowers, gift baskets, Charlie simply won't' get the hint.

Seviathan was telling the truth, Charlie was the most dense woman he had ever met when it came to romance. It was like she was blind, he wondered how Vaggie could put up with Charlie's thick-headed nature prior to dating because it was downright infuriating.

'I wish I could've at least talked to that moth about what she did to get Charlie's attention. I've literally tried everything and she can't get it…'

He tried being up-front, but Charlie literally seemed to think someone in front of her meant someone out there. By now, he had given up, figuring that he'd be leaving soon and that it was a waste to get in a relationship with Charlie.

They were boarding up the hotel's doors, as extermination was on the horizon. Seviathan was putting boards on the window with Vox and Alastor.

They weren't particularly friends, but they had toned down hostility towards each other. Vox still didn't like him for obvious reasons, but he tolerated his presence.

"Alright that should do it…" Vox said,"Hey Seviathan, did you get your side?"

"I'm getting it! This last board is being a pain in the ass…"

Vox sighed as he walked over, he was taller than Seviathan so he held up the board so it could be nailed down. The shorter male then grabbed the hammer and boarded up the windows

Vox sighed as he walked over, he was taller than Seviathan so he held up the board so it could be nailed down. The shorter male then grabbed the hammer and boarded up the windows.

"Thanks.." To think he'd have the TV Overlord of all people helping him with menial tasks was shocking. Usually his father paid people to board up their house, so Seviathan wasn't used to doing the heavy lifting himself.

Vox shrugged,"Don't mention it."

"Never done this before. Father usually had some random losers board up our house. This stuff is heavier than it looks."

Vox narrowed his eyes,"I had the same thought you did. My ex used to have our windows proofed so we don't get exterminated. It's tolerable after the first time. Just now that we have less people it's more work."

"Yeah. I guess. Look, I know we're not friends, but can you stop holding a grudge against me? Charlie and I ain't even that close anymore so I don't get why you're so cold towards me."

"Just not a fan of you."

"Yeah I know, even Radio is more friendly towards me than you and he barely talks. He just stares out into space looking at the bar half the time like a dead person. Charlie had to drag him out to help since he barely functions nowadays. I honestly never thought the intimidating Radio Demon would behave like a depressed loner when I moved here…"

Alastor's behavior had gotten worse. Barley did anything and simply stood there. Vox and Seviathan tried interacting with him, but he simply brushed them off half the time. It was like he was barley there.

"Alastor hasn't been the same since the others left. Husk and Niffty leaving had a big effect on him and he's too damn stubborn to admit it."

"Figures, he's not much for expressing himself. At least if he changes he has a chance at going to heaven. I probably won't…"

What do you mean?"

"I'm a hellborn. I doubt they'd want me up there in heaven. Charlie's different because she's basically an angel's daughter, they'd let her in if Lucifer didn't get mad at them. Me? I mean, I'm the son of an overlord but I doubt they'd want me around. Probably damned like the rest of hell is. At least the place is cheap…"

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