Chapter 8: I Would've Done So

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As time went by, Vox hardly noticed his wounds, as they had healed completely and stopped causing him pain It was taking him a while to get used to the fact he was wearing Lucifer's unwanted clothes as they weren't his style, but it was better than going back to the Studio and getting Val on him.

Honestly Vox took less of an issue with where he was staying and more with the people was with. At the studio, he only had to deal with Val's mood-swings and Velvet's axe-crazy nature. While that was a handful, it wasn't like there were more than two of them. Sometimes Vark messed something up, but otherwise he was manageable.

Now he had to deal with Vaggie, who he considered Val but weaker given her aggressive mood around him. She literally never took her eyes off of him and looked on the verge of telling him off constantly, with Charlie being the only person who could get her to calm down.

He despised Alastor and the feeling was mutual. Even if Alastor was aware he had no intention of getting involved with his business affair, it was obvious he still didn't trust him. Not like Vox did, so that was ok with him.

Husk didn't seem to care too much about Vox, but even Vox would be lying if he couldn't see the blatant dis-trust coming from the cat. Niffty was nicer, but even she seemed a bit wary around him.

Vox knew they were Alastor's little workers, so that was to be expected. He had heard of them on Vox-stagram, but he never truly interacted with them prior to arriving at the he knew was that Alastor pretty much had them under his beck and call and that they were his servants of chaos for all intents and purposes.

Angel Dust, the only demon he actually recognized, didn't seem to mind his presence, though it was obvious he didn't trust him. In the very least, he didn't stare at him 24/7, so he considered the spider slightly less annoying than everyone else. Though he couldn't help but feel irritated when he saw the spider as he knew how much Val favored him.

The only person who didn't treat Vox like some type of ticking time bomb was Charlie, who seemed a bit over enthusiastic that an overlord was GENUINELY trying to change. Considering how most demons thought her idea was laughable, if an overlord decided he wanted to give her hotel a chance she considered it a break-through of the highest order.

Even Angel Dust was reluctant and she had to prod him just to get him on board, Vox showing up at her door-step and asking to change was a step-up in the right direction to her, and she was intent on keeping it this way.

Vox however, was on his phone. He had been separating himself from Val financially, since he and Val co-owned a lot of things so he decided to remove himself from them. After the mess he caused, he thought it was a better idea to separate himself from Val for good.

'That should do it.' He thought as he finished the task. It's not like he needed Val, he was already rich on his own without him and he had plenty of workers under his command. Though he knew the moment Val found out, it was going to be ugly.

He knew how much Val liked his money, and with Vox being the TV Demon, he got a lot of things done cheaper than they would have been without him.

It had been over a week since he had arrived at the hotel. Everyone was slowly tolerating his presence, though Vaggie and Alastor still had their qualms about him, it wasn't as bad as it was the first day.

Besides, he knew that only Charlie or Alastor could realistically hurt him, and with how pacifistic Charlie was it was unlikely she would fight him unless forced.

And if Alastor even tried hurting Vox without reason Charlie would sic herself on him. So unless the Radio Demon wanted to deal with Charlie's wrath, it was unlikely he'd attack Vox while Charlie was around.

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