Chapter 32: Jealousy

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Seviathan had to admit, this was far from the place he ever expected to go to. Never had the idea of going to his ex's redemption center ever occurred to him. But it did give him a place to stay, and while he wasn't a fan of living with the Radio Demon, it beat being out in the streets with a limited amount of money on hand. Still, he wished Charlie picked better business partners, because Alastor was one of the last overlords he'd want to be around.

He didn't think it would work, as despite Charlie assuring him, the people she talked about weren't hell-born demons, but rather sinners whose misdeeds in life ended up damning them to the afterlife.

Seviathan was born in hell, just like Charlie and they were around the same age, him being a few months older than her.

Just like her, he was raised in a high-class family of demons who rose to power centuries ago. His parents were overlords, but they taught him not to mess with those like Alastor for obvious reasons.

Even if he was a genuinely good demon like Charlie, it was doubtful he'd be able to go to heaven, simply because he was bound to hell since he was born. Charlie had the same case, not to mention Lucifer would have a tanturm of epic proportions if Charlie ever even suggested she wanted to live in the clouds. It'd take Charlie legit beating the idea over Lucifer's head for him to listen to her and it was doubtful he'd even let her go in the first place.

I'm hell-bound anyhow, Charlie's way too optimistic if she thinks God wants a full blown demon in his midst. At least she's nice enough to allow me to stay.'

Considering how bad their breakup was, he considered it pure luck Charlie was as nice as she was because he was certain if it was any other demon he'd have the door slammed in his face. The redemption thing was a long-shot for him and something he considered impossible, but it was at least something he could fall-back on now that his family cut him off.

The reason they broke up was due to his ignorance when it came to things and how uppity and aggressive he got when arguing. Charlie cut it off shortly after high-school and they hadn't talked since then, he was impressed she remembered him. Granted, they were raised by each other, but he would've thought she'd get another person by now.

And she did at one time, she had Vaggie...and then she ascended.

When Charlie let him inside, he still felt wary of Alastor. He had witnessed and heard of the carnage the deer caused back when he first fell and it wasn't pretty, even with Charlie's claims of Alastor not being a threat to him, he knew full well how dangerous Alastor could be.

'Still keeping an eye on him...As long as there aren't more overlords I think living here will be tolerable…' Seviathan regretted this thought as he saw Vox on the couch.'My luck is abysmal. First the Radio Psycho cannibal and now the TV Bastard? There might as well be an overlord parade with the way this turns out.'

Charlie held his hand, making sure he was separated from Alastor to prevent him from getting scared."Hey Vox! I brought a new patron, this is my ex boyfriend, Seviathan Von Eldritch! He's gonna be staying here for awhile!"

Vox's face darkened,"Ex boyfriend?"

Seviathan cringed,'I have the sudden feeling he doesn't' like me. Why does Charlie have to befriend fucking overlords? And why do they all dislike me?'

"Yeah, we broke up some time ago. Didn't see eye to eye and things got rather messy, don't worry, we've gotten past that now! His family kinda kicked him out so he's gonna stay here for a while. Hope you don't mind!"

'I DO MIND.' Vox thought furiously, though his expression betrayed his inner rage."No...Don't mind at all…"

Charlie then heard the phone ring,"Hold up guys, someone's' calling, brb! Try talking to each other and being friends while I'm away!" CHarlie ran over, leaving Alastor, Vox and Seviathan behind.

Seviathan sweated.'I'm trapped in a room with two overlord rivals who don't like me...Charlie you better come back soon…'

"So you're Charlie's ex…" Vox said,"I've seen your photo around the hotel. Never thought I'd actually see you...You're Fredick's son aren't you?"

"Yes. What's it to you?"

Did business with your father, never liked him too much, a bit too...over his head for me. If you're anything like him I see why Charlie dumped you."

"Why do you even care? We've been separated for over a century. Any feelings she had for me are long gone or at least very small, not enough to where she'd confidently revive our relationship. It'd take years to undo the damage and I'd rather not deal with Lucifer, he wasn't' happy with me last time and I don't like the idea of seeing him again."

"Because I give a damn about her."

"Why? What'd she do that makes you feel so damn inclined to her and makes you want to basically be up in my face?"

"She helped me when no other demon would, I owe her so much. She fucking helped me in ways you'd never understand, she helped me learn to love again. Even though she's blind to it."

"Oh I see, you're jealous of me because I was her first...Don't see why, I've already lost my chance with her years ago. I wasn't exactly the nicest boyfriend and she cut it off with me afterwards…"

"Hmph, good riddance." Vox then scowled,"And if you ever pull something like now, I won't hesitate to squish you for hurting Charlie's feelings. Don't make me hurt you…"

"Relax, I ain't gonna hurt Charlie. She can already hurt me if she wants, I know she's capable. I ain't weak, but I'm not stupid enough to fight her. Besides, it wouldn't do me any good while you and Radio Psycho are here, probably eat my bones and shit after you cut my body open and eat my guts."

"Hey, I haven't done that in a while, don't look at me."

Vox rolled his eyes."Just know that we're watching you. DoN'T gEt AnY fUnNy IdEaS.."

You know if I didn't know any better I'd assume you were Charlie's boyfriends or something. Wouldn't surprise me if she got poly with you two."

"Not interested!" Alastor said,"Also, while me and Vox are at least somewhat friends, I wouldn't date him if he was the last man in hell. Like I said earlier, Charlie is just a friend and we wouldn't work long-term."

"Neither would I. Al is not my type, we'd fucking kill each other in less than a day."

"And Charlie?"

"I'd do it if I could. She's just blind to my affections no matter how straight-forward I am." Vox brought Charlie a bouquet of roses earlier...with the words I love you on it. She thanked me and said he was such a sweet friend...

Imagine how angry Vox was when he heard this.

"You're gonna need to be straight up, Charlie's head is as dense as a marble. I had to legit say 'I LIKE LIKE YOU VERY MUCH' to her for her to get the hint. She hasn't changed much from when I was with her in terms of of her brain, she functions relatively the same, meaning she's about as dense as ever. If you truly gave a damn about her I suggest doing something that'd catch her attention."

"I've been doing that. Nothing works…"

"Don't know what else to do, but I'd say try to influence things personally. You're bound to find something."

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