Chapter 35: Reunited

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When they arrived at heaven's gates, Seviathan was downright floored. Being a hellborn, his only real information on heaven was from his overlord parents, and even then, it wasn't much.

It was fairly biased and no one other than Lucifer himself actually knew what was up there until now, and Lucifer wasn't exactly an honest and fair source of information about heaven….

Seviathan was secretly expecting some awful slavish utopia, basically hell but with white clouds and flowers.

Instead, the place was white and gold all over. The place was literally like how you'd imagine heaven to be, pristine and bright, a paradise that most would dream of.

"Woah.." Sevitahan was amazed."It's so bright and white…." Hell was mainly red and dark, so Seviathan had to squint his eyes slightly. He was still getting used to his heavenly form, but now that he had been cleansed, he felt much more alive than he ever did in heaven.

"It must be quite a sight. You've never died, so hell was all you knew…" Michael said.

"Yeah...Hey Charlie, what about you? Does heaven look like how you thought? Cause I was imagining some secret society of psychos or so something."

"Relax, Seviathan, there's no boogeyman here. You're finally free…"

Seviathan nodded before asking,"So, how big is this place?"

"Bigger than you'd expect…" Lucifer said,"Heaven has tons of space."

"Indeed it does. Hold on…" Michael slipped his mask on."I have to keep appearances. Wanted your presence to be a surprise. Everyone else isn't aware you're coming."

Lucifer narrowed his eyes when his brother put the mask on but remained silent. He disliked that mask, a part of him thinking that his brother hid his face to keep people from finding the resemblance between them…

Micheal led them forward, Charlie was floored. Heaven was...heaven. The gates were just the beginning. There was an entire community, fountains, buildings, swings and everything. They saw tons of people in heaven, all of whom died in different eras. Young children to older adults reside in heaven, the kids enjoying themselves on the playset while the adults minded their own business and chatted with others.

'There are a lot less rainbows than I thought...but it still looks amazing! It's like hell, but without all the nitty gritty stuff!'

Michael pointed ahead,"I believe it's time we reunite you with your friends. And Seviathan, it's time for you to make new ones…." Everyone was there, even Fat Nuggets, who was in Anthony's lap while everyone else was chatting with each other.

Charlie shouted"Vaggie!"

Charlie!?" The reformed sinners are turned. They hadn't seen her in years.

Vaggie was caught in a tight embrace.

"How'd you get up here, Charlie? I thought your dad didn't want you up here."

"I didn't." Lucifer stated."But thanks to some persuasion, I reconsidered my position. Charlie is allowed to move between hell and heaven, as long as she returns to hell, I have no issue with her being up here."

"Thanks Dad. But that's not all! I got another surprise! Come on out guys!"

Alastor, Vincent and Seviathan stepped forward.

"Long time no see, everyone!"

"It's been a while…"


Everyone paused. Nia suddenly pounced on Alastor."Al! You made it! I knew you'd come back! I just knew it!"

"Of course, darling. I wasn't going to let everyone go on without me!"

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