Chapter 10: Worth A Shot

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After 'persuading' everyone to give Charlie's hotel another chance, they did wonders at producing advertisements worthy of being green-lit. As much as Charlie loved singing her songs about rainbows, this seemed to have a better effect than the last interview did.

Even Vaggie couldn't deny that Vox knew what he was doing, granted he was the TV DEMON so it was to be expected he'd know how to sell something. And the best part, to the disbelief of everyone around?

It fucking worked.

Vox wasn't lying when he said he hired professionals and that his threats to fire them must've been the kicker needed to make the advert just spectacular. Given Vox was still an overlord, this reaction was perfectly understandable.

The moment they got back from the station, Charlie explained the good news, though Alastor already seemed to be aware of this, as his shadow had already told him prior to their arrival what had happened and the events that took place.

"And now thanks to Vox, they created an advertisement for us and it's gonna be all over hell! I bet the reception will be way better now!"

"How are you sure about that?" Angel asked."I mean, no offense everyone still considers this idea far-fetched at best. Are you sure one ad is gonna change their minds?"

"Believe me, once you cut out all the singing and talks about rainbows and unicorns and replace it with things demons actually care about, like seeing their families in the afterlife and being given a second chance, certain demons will listen." Vox stated.

"So when's it running?" Husk asked.

"Soon. Though I'll give you all a preview." Vox swapped his screen and allowed himself to project the ad his employees made.

The other hotel residents were a bit shocked, it was rather high quality and rather well made. It told about how the hotel planned on giving demons who genuinely wanted to change a chance to go to heaven and rehabilitate themselves. Unlike how Charlie went about it, the lack of rainbows and songs seemed to interest them, no one was laughing or showing any signs of amusement, even Alastor's smile was more or less just a part of him and his eyes were neutral.

By the end, everyone is convinced that it would have a better reception compared to how it went originally. Granted, it wasn't that hard given how bad they had bombed the interview, so anything Vox did would likely make things easier for the hotel.

"Damn. Guess you were telling the truth." Angel said."Maybe they'll actually listen this time."

"I wouldn't be too sure, this idea of Charlie's is still rather far-fetched." Alastor pointed out."Not as entertaining as the last one, but it's not bad I suppose."

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" Vox asked.

"Take it as you will, I wouldn't go that far. This is simply not an absolute disaster like the last one, not exactly hard to achieve."


That was the closest Vox was going to get to a compliment from Alastor. It was an improvement at least. Considering how Al and him weren't at each other's necks this was definitely a step in the right direction. Wasn't exactly friendship or anything, but it was tolerating each other's presence that would make living here slightly less problematic.

"So is this thing going to be put on the big screen by tomorrow?" Niffty asked.

"Should be. My workers know how to do their jobs and they better not screw up something as basic as projecting an ad. It'll go on every station that hell actually watches, so I imagine we'll at least gain interest in some demons by the time it's over. Besides, I can always have another one green-lit for you, not to mention create things like bill-boards and what not if we want more attention."

"REALLY!?" Charlie exclaimed.


"SQUEEE! Thank you, Vox! This is amazing! We're gonna be taken seriously!"

Vox didn't know how to react when Charlie hugged him, rarely did he LET anyone touch him let alone hug him. Had it been anyone else they would have gotten shoved off of him, but instead he allowed her to do so.

"Erm...thanks…." Vox did his best to not appear uncomfortable, though Charlie was a bit stronger than she looked and her grip was a bit….suffocating."Could you like let me go? I'm getting suffocated."

"Oh sorry! Forgot my own strength!"

Guess she wasn't Lucifer's daughter for nothing.

Vox brushed himself off, everyone seemed happy at the moment, though Vaggie and Alastor still weren't fans of him, it seemed they had backed off for now. Regardless of their dislike of him, Vox was proving to be a viable ally and his gratitude towards Charlie was genuine so far.

They may not have trusted him, but he wasn't doing anything bad, so they left him , Charlie would get on with them if they showed outward hostility towards Vox after the huge favor he had done for them.

'Maybe this redemption thing will work out…' Vox thought to himself. It was a long-shot and honestly Vox was a bit uncertain, but a part of him was hoping that Charlie's plan would work. He may not have thought much about the cleanse prior, seeing it as a necessary evil, but perhaps maybe things would change if they kept up like this.

Perhaps he could change as well.

Vox smiled,'Maybe this redemption thing is worth it after all…'

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