Chapter 3: RUN

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Vox was wandering the streets of hell. The Studio wasn't too far from where he was, it'd take him at least fifteen minutes to get there at his snail's pace. Had Val actually been there he would have been home by now, or at least chilling in the limbo. But no, Val just had to care more about that spider than him…

Vox growled when he felt drops from above. Wonderful, just his favorite, rain. It wasn't like he wasn't water-proof, but damn did he hate being outside when it was raining like hell. This wouldn't be a problem had Val just been a decent boy-friend, but NOPE, he just had to forget their date…

'Bet he didn't even intend to come, he just said it to appease me only to forget coincidentally when that spider had a show…' Vox didn't know Angel Dust personally, but it was hard not to be angry/jealous when Angel was all Val talked about. He couldn't go one day without Val talking about Angel Dust or his business.

Vox headed back to the studio eventually, his outfit drenched and his expression one of utter annoyance. By now, Velvet would've tired herself out and Vark would be asleep. The only person he'd have to worry about was Val, but he was hoping that he wasn't there or at least awake.

Vox wanted nothing more than to head to his room, however Valentino was waiting for him.

"Voxy, over here~"

'Oh great…' Vox mentally prepared himself for whatever Valentino had to say. Val appeared to be storing the money he earned from Angel's performance inside his coat and patted his leg, as if motioning Vox to sit on his lap..

Vox did the exact opposite thing and sat in a separate chair, arms folded across his chest. Despite his tinted glasses hiding his eyes for the most part, it was obvious by Val's deepend frown he didn't approve of Vox's demeanor towards him.

"Alright what's the attitude about?" Valentino asked.

"Are you kidding?"

"Does it look like it?"

Vox growled,"So you seriously forgot our date, huh?"

"Our date? We had one?"

Vox nearly lost it."Yes, we did! And you missed it in exchange for that spider's show."

"Vox, what can I say? I'm a busy moth, besides, we can always have a little date another time."

"You said that yesterday! When are you going to be straight with me and spend time together like a normal couple? Is that too much for you? To have the decency to have a date! You never called or replied, you didn't go 'Vox, I'm busy, how about before you go out we reschedule' or 'Vox, lets spend time together after Angel's show'. Instead, you just ignore me in favor of Angel Dust, it's like you care more about him than you do about me!"

"Who's to say I don't? Honestly, I'm starting to prefer being around Angel over you, with the way you've been acting. You're like one of those jealous girlfriends who don't know how to read the room. At least Angel-cakes, when he ain't showing me sass, knows his damn place."

Vox nearly fell over.

"Know my place? Did you just forget we're both overlords? I'm not one of your employees, I'm your boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend or not, it'd be wonderful if you just fell in line and did what you're told."

"In case you haven't noticed, I'm not one of your workers, I'm not depending on you for rent. I don't have to 'fall in line' so to speak. Now if you excuse me, I'm taking my leave."

Vox was about to leave, but he suddenly felt Val grab onto his arm."What the fu-ACK!"

The taller moth suddenly forced Vox into his lap, using his extra limbs to hold Vox's waist, arms and rear. Val grabbed Vox's screen(it's not like Vox had a regular face so this was good enough)."Now now, Voxy. Where do you think you're going? You can't just walk off cause you're moody, you know that doesn't fly with me…"

"Val,.stop..You're scaring me." Vox rarely felt fear, let alone admitted it, but Valentino struck more fear into him in that moment than Lucifer and Lilith combined. Vox was terrified, never before had anyone caused him to feel this much fear in life or death.

Val ignored this, attempting to kiss Vox. Attempting, because Vox began resisting, pulling at his wrists and moving his face away from Val. Even with his extra limbs keeping Vox in place, Vox was incredibly difficult to restrain."Quit being stubborn, Voxy! Don't make me get angry with you. You wont like me when I'm angry…"

Vox still resisted,"Get off of me!"

"No can do, Vox. Clearly you need to be reminded who's in control here. Tell me, whose in control, me or you? Answer correctly.."

"Stay away from me!"

"Not the answer I'm looking for, try again. Don't make me the bad guy, Vox." His fingers gripped into Vox's body, blood being drawn."Whose in control?"

Vox's head lowered as he didn't respond to the question.

"Vox, one last chance. Answer my question…"

Surprisingly, Vox didn't need to respond to Valentino's question this time...His fist spoke for him, as without warning Vox broke free from Val's grip and smashed his fist into Val's face, knocking off his glasses and leaving a large bruise and knocking a few teeth out.

Val and Vox made eye-contact, Vox's expression was one of utter shock. He looked just as shocked as Valentino.

"Val I-!"

"Oh Voxy...Voxy...Baby, you shouldn't have done that…"

Chills went down Vox's spine as he saw Valentino getting larger and more monstrous.

'Fuck!' Vox thought. Val suddenly pounced, grabbing Vox and slamming him against the floor. Valentino began trying to choke Vox, and while it wasn't like he could die, it was still painful. Vox wanted to transform as well, but knew he'd drain himself if he fought Val too long.

He needed to get out. NOW.

Val looked ready to punch him, however a cable cord coiled its way around Valentino. Before he could do anything, an electric current zapped him, causing him to screech in agony. He dropped Vox and Vox took this opportunity to book it out of the studio, choosing to jump from the rooftops in favor of the long stairway or elevator.


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