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"Why Did I let you talk me into doing this?" I yelled over the loud music.

"Because you did," Morgan yelled back. We pushed through the crowd of sweaty, dancing bodies to get to the bar.

"What can I get you ladies," the man behind the counter asked. He had dirty blonde hair, and he was very muscular. He was actually pretty cute.

"Um... Just get me a beer please," Morgan said, turning around to look at the dance floor.

"And for you?"

"Can I get... Some wine?" I asked.

"That's it?" Morgan asked, looking at me. I nodded my head.

"Listen, I don't want to get super drunk ok," I told her.

"Whatever," she said, playfully rolling her eyes.

"I'll have that right out to you ladies. And my names Jared by the way," the bartender said, walking away from us.

"I am so ready to rock tonight," Morgan said. Once again, I laughed at her excitement.

"Here you go," Jared said, setting our drinks down in front of us. "Enjoy."

"Cheers... To finally catching our dream," Morgan said, raising her beer in the air. I grabbed my wine glass and raised it with her.

"Cheers." Before we could drink our drinks, we heard screams from the entrance of the bar. I turned my head and saw that a whole bunch of people were piling around a group of individuals. I couldn't really make out their faces.

"Andy!!! Over here," I heard someone scream. I looked at Morgan with a confused expression on my face.

"Is she- talking about Andy...


"Oh it can't be," I said standing up.

"OH SHIT! ITS BLACK VEIL BRIDES," someone yelled, running past me. The whole bar erupted in screams and cheers.

"Look at them. Their fans never leave them alone," Morgan yelled. I looked at her, as she stood up on the counter. "Sorry Jared, I need to borrow this counter for a minute," she said smiling at him. The bar was still screaming and practically swallowing the guys up. You couldn't even see them. I looked up at Morgan, wondering what trick she was about to pull.

"HEYYY," she yelled. The people didn't listen to her. "YOU PEOPLE," she screamed once again. They still didn't seem to notice her. She glanced at me. "Help me Jessicah." I grabbed her beer bottle, and threw it on the floor. It shattered into tiny pieces, and made a loud sound. Finally, the whole bar turned to look at us.

"Leave them alone! Yes, they are black veil brides, and yes they make some pretty damn good music, but they're normal people just like you." Morgan said. I stood up on the counter to help her.

"Yeah, so just back the hell off and let them enjoy their night, Just like they planned to," I said. The people started booing us, and backed off. That's when we could actually see the black veil brides standing there. I hopped off the counter, and helped Morgan down to.

"I'll replace your drink Ms. And It will be free," Jared said to Morgan.

"Thanks Jared," she said. I looked back at the guys and saw that they were walking towards us.

"Morgan," I said, tugging on her leather jacket. She turned to look at me. "They're walking over here," I whispered to her. She glanced at the guys and started laughing.

"Jessicah, its ok. It is black veil brides. Just don't go insane like those people did. And we have been wanting to meet them for a long time, so I guess two dreams are coming true in LA. Cheers," she said holding her beer up again. I smiled and grabbed my wine and held it up.

"Cheers," we then took our first drink of alcohol of the night.

"Mmm. The beer taste better in LA, Morgan said. I laughed.


"It just has a better taste," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Um.. Hi," I heard a familiar deep voice say. Me and Morgan turned around at the same time, and saw black veil brides standing there. Morgan stood up, and grabbed my hand leading us over to the guys.

"Hi Andy," she said.

"I'm guessing you two are fans," he said looking at me.

"Yes, we're very big fans, but not crazy ones," I said. Ashley chuckled.

"We wanted to thank you for... Saving us," CC said. Me and Morgan looked at eachother and started laughing.

"Of course, its the least we could do. And besides, you guys looked like you needed help," Morgan said.

"Yeah, even though we couldn't see you," I laughed.

"Hey it's not funny. I could have lost my sexyness in that crowd of people," Ashley said very seriously. We all laughed.

"What sexyness?" CC asked, laughing. This caused all of us to laugh even louder.

"Hey, do you guys want to have some drinks with us?" Ashley asked.

"Sure," me and Morgan said at the same. We walked over to the bar and took our seats. I Sat between Morgan and Ashley. The two most perverted people I know.

"So, do you like to drink?" He asked me. I laughed at his random question.

"To be honest, I do, but I don't plan on drinking a lot tonight," I said. Ashley nodded his head.

"Your very pretty," he said, after a moment of silence. I looked at him.

"Thank you Ashley. You don't look bad yourself," I replied.

"That reminds me. What are your names?" Ashley asked, loud enough for all of us to hear. All the guys looked at us.

"I'm Morgan."
"And I'm Jessicah."

"Nice to meet you Morgan and Jessicah," they all said at once.

"Hi guys," I smiled.

"What can I get You guys?" Jared asked.

"Can I have a beer?" I asked.

"Me to, can you get me another one?" Morgan asked.

"Sure, and for you guys?" Jared asked. The guys ordered their stuff, while I just day dreamed about something. Jared brought our drinks back, and I immediately drunk my beer.

"Someone's thirsty," Ashley laughed.

"Not as thirsty as you," I replied, a smirk on my face.

"Whatever," he said playfully punching my shoulder. Me And Ashley talked about random things, and told funny stories. I couldn't help but notice that Andy kept glancing at me, but every time I looked his way, he'd stop.
I don't know, maybe I'm just paranoid.

"What do we do now?" Morgan asked, setting her empty beer bottle on the counter.

"Let's dance!"

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