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We arrived at the restaurant within a good fifteen minutes. Andy held my hand as we walked in. I wonder why he was holding my hand a lot lately? And being nice to me?? I've been nothing but a bitch ever since we were stuck in this situation. Maybe he was just being nice, and trying to comfert me. Besides, it's not like He likes me or anything.

We walked into the restaurant, appearing to be as normal as possible, but in reality we were all stranded criminals. We stopped in front of this brown podium, waiting for a waiter to come. I tried to kill the time by talking to Andy.

"Andy, can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Of course," he said in a soft tone, looking down at me.

"Are you happy with this? You know the whole situation we're in?" I asked, looking down at my shoes.

"Well I can't be mad," he chuckled. And it's not like I have anyone to blame, because it's nobody's fault. And besides, how could I be angry when I'm stranded with my bestfriends, and one of the most beautiful people I know?" I looked up at him in aw.

"You must be talking about Ashley," I joked. "And according to the fans you guys are a thing Right? What is it they call you??.. Oh! That's right, Andley," I chuckled. Andy let out a soft laugh.

"That's right! We are a thing," Andy said, slinging his arm over Ashley's shoulder. Ashley grined at me.

"Mhmm Jessicah, so back off!" Ashley said, trying to sound mean.

"It's fine, you can have him. I don't like him like that anyways," I said, glancing at Andy, who had a pained expression on his face. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"Would you like a table?" The waiter asked, knocking me out of my thoughts. He was really tall, with tattoos and Gages (he looks like Christopher Mccrory by the way)

"Um no, we'd like a floor. Carpet for seven please," Morgan said sarcastically. We all laughed at her joke. The waiter chuckled.

"I take that as a yes," he said, smiling at me. I nodded my head. "Follow me," the waiter said, walking off. We desperately followed him. "Here you go," he said, stopping at a booth.

"Thank you," I said, smiling at him, wich he gladly returned. We all sat down in the booth. I was on the outside, sitting next to Andy.

"What can I get you all to drink?" he asked, pulling out a small notepad and pen.

"We'll all just take water," I said, quickly before anyone could speak up.

"Okayy," He said. "And my names Ricky by the way," He said, holding out his hand. We awkwardly shook hands before he walked off to get our drinks.

"Ricky's kind of cute," Morgan said. I chuckled. Ashley seemed hurt by what Morgan had said. I knew they liked eachother.

"Awww, is Ashley Purdy Jealous?" I asked in a "baby" voice. We all laughed.

"Besides, I thought you and Andy were together," CC said, looking at Ashley. Ashley then had an evil grin on his face.

"We are together. And he's the best girlfriend ever," Ashley said, crossing his arms.

"Hey, your the girlfriend, I'm not the girlfriend. There's no way in hell that I'm being a girl," Andy spoke up.

"No, you're the girl. I'm not the girlfriend in this relationship," Ashley whined.

"What do you mean Ash? First of all, you have a girl name, second of all, I'm pretty sure every person who isn't a part of the bvb army, mistakes you for a girl. So why not? Just be the girl in this relationship," Jake said laughing. We all laughed along with him. All except Ashley, who looked sad and angry at the same time.

"Its okay Ash, I still love you," Morgan said wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Aww, look at the cute little couple," Jinxx pointed out.

"Hey, We are not a couple," Morgan said sternly, pointing her finger at Jinxx.

"But you wanna be," CC mumbled.

"Oh shut up CC?" Ashley said, obviously getting aggravated. I looked over at Andy who was being awfully quiet. Did what I say offend him? Maybe he really does like me. I'll talk to him about it later. I was knocked out of my thoughts, when Ricky walked back over to us, with all of our drinks.

"Are you ready to order?" he asked. We all nodded our heads, ready to eat. He started off by taking my order, and then he went around the table. He walked off as soon as he was finished, and the table instantly broke into sudden chatter. Andy still remained quiet, wich was really starting to tick me off. I was about to ask him "what's wrong?" until CC decided to start a conversation With me.
*Skipping to after they eat*

"Now what do we do?" Morgan whispered.

"I've got it!" Ashley shouted, causing half the restaurant to look at us.

"Sorry," Morgan chuckled. "He's a little mental." The restaurant then erupted in laughter.

"What's the idea?" I asked Ash.

"Okay, while that Ricky guy is getting our tab, we sneak out," Ashley whispered, but loud enough for the whole table to hear.

"Yeah, but it only takes them like tw seconds to get the tab and bring it back to the customer. We'll never make it out in time," Morgan says.

"Not if we hurry," Ashley replied.

"Fine, but if we get caught, this is all your fault Purdy," CC said. A couple of minutes after that, Ricky walked over to us.

"Would you like your tab?" he asked.

"Yes, please," Morgan said. Ricky then walked off, and we all scrambled out of the booth. We dashed out of the restaurant with ease. Fortunately, Ricky didn't catch is, or any other employees. Once we were out of Outback Burger, we headed to the parking lot.

"That was close," CC said.

"Sure in the hell was," I agreed. We continued to walk, until we saw one of the most horrifying things that could be at the moment.

Police officers where searching a taxi. And not just any taxi, the taxi We stole.

"Does this belong to you?" one of the male officers asked, causing us all to freeze in our tracks...
There you go guys, Chapter 8:) Sorry it took So long. I Will have chapter nine finished as soon as possible. Until then,

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