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I walked over to the couch, exhausted from all of the dancing. All of the guys were still on the dance floor, and Morgan went to go pay for our tab. I started dozing off when Morgan rushed over to me.


"What what's wrong?"

"The money, it's ALL gone, I can't pay for anything. Its not in my pocket anymore," she said, feeling over her back pockets.

"Morgan calm down, I'll just go back to the hotel and grab some more," I said in a calmed tone.

"NOOOO!!! YOU DONT UNDERSTAND. I BROUGHT ALLL OF THE MONEY WITH ME," she screamed a nervous look in her eye. My heart started beating really fast.

"Wait Morgan, you mean to tell me you brought 300,000 dollars with you, into a bar, and lost it all???" I yelled getting angry.

"I'm sorry," she said, tearing up.

"WHY WOULD YOU BRING ALL OF THAT MONEY WITH YOU TO A BAR?? That's money was supposed to pay for the rest of the week in this expensive ass hotel, and get us through the city. HOW THE HELL ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO ANY OF THAT WITHOUT MONEY!!!!!?????" I yelled. Morgan was in tears now, but I didn't care. Who is stupid enough to bring all of that money into a bar? And that's the money we made. She should feel ashamed. The guys ran over to us asking what was wrong.

"Jessicah, what happened?" Andy asked, putting a hand on my shoulder. I quickly smacked it away, and ran for the doors, ignoring their shouts and questions. When I made it out of the bar, I went down the escalators and outside of the hotel. (yes the bar was in the hotel if your confused) I didn't know what to do. We only payed for one night in the room and that was tonight. We didn't have a car, or anything. We only had plane tickets for the ride back, but that was in seven days. We can't stay in a hotel for one week without money. And that we didn't have, all because of Morgan. I don't know what we're going to do. I just need a break. Of course something was going to happen, why wouldn't it. And that's when I remembered.

"Trust me your staying in this hotel, somethings bound to happen."

I reached into my pocket for the tiny slip of paper he had handed me earlier. When I found it, I dialed his number. It rung a couple of times, before it connected.

"Hello?" I heard the familiar British accent. I hesitated a minute, before bursting out in tears.

"Thomas. Its Jessicah," I managed to get out. "I-

"Its okay Jessicah. I'll be at the hotel in a minute. Everything will be alright," he said before hanging up. Why was he so nice to me? He doesn't even know me.

I Sat on the sidewalk of the hotel, waiting for Thomas to come. I'm surprised none of them came looking for me. I guess they didn't care. I was lost in my thoughts, when the familiar yellow taxi pulled up in front of me. The passenger window rolled down and I saw Thomas's smiling face.

"Get in," he said. I stood up, and walked over to the car. I looked back at the hotel, wondering if I should go or not. I did.

I got in the car, and looked over at Thomas.

"Tell me anything You want me to know."


I ended up telling Thomas all about how me and Morgan dreamed of coming to Cali since graduation, and how we finally had the money to. I told him all about the bar incident, and when Morgan lost the money, and that's why I was crying. And the best part is, he just Sat there and listened. He gave me comfort When I needed it.

We ended up at his apartment, wich was huge, and very beautiful.

"You know I would let you just stay at my place, but I have to go on vacation with my family tomorrow," he said sitting down on the couch next to me.

"Yeah, but it's not your responsibility Thomas. I know I'll figure something out," I said.

"You have a lot of tattoos?" he said. I laughed at his random comment.

"How come you don't have any?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Its not that I don't like them, I just don't have any," he said. I nodded my head.

"And piercings." I looked at him arching my eyebrow.

"I only have a nose ring, a lip ring, and my venom bites," I said sticking out my tounge, revealing the two black dots in my mouth. He nodded his head.

"Don't worry. You look great with them," he said.

"Thank you."

"So are you going back yet?" he asked me. It was already six am. We have been talking for a while.

"Yeah, I think I'm going to head back," I said, standing up.

"Don't you need a ride?" he asked.

"I'll get a cab. Besides, you've done so much for me already, and You haven't even known me for a full 24 hours," I said. He smiled up at me.

"Well, good luck Jessicah," he said. I started walking towards the front door until he stopped me.


"What,"I asked, turning around.

"What's your favorite tattoo?" he asked. I looked at the ceiling and smiled.

"Can your questions get any more random?"

"Just show me," he said. I then thought about it for a minute.

"Mind if I strip," I joked turning around. I took off my shirt and Sat on the couch, my back facing him. "This one," I said pointing to my right shoulder. There I had a very detailed tattoo of my boyfriend who died in a car accident three years ago. It had his date of birth and date of death written under it.

"Who's that?" he asked, tracing the work of art with his fingers.

"My boyfriend Dimitri, who died a couple of years back," I said putting my shirt on.

"I'm sorry about that."

"Its fine," I said. I stood up and walked to the door.

"Goodbye for real this time," I heard him say.

"Bye Thomas," I laughed
I stepped out of the door, and headed out of the apartment buildings. I wasn't ready to go back and face Morgan. I still didn't know what we were going to do. All I know is, I can't do it alone. A part of me really wants to apologize to her, but the other part doesn't. I don't know. Maybe if I get some sleep, I'll find out.

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