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it's been a month since Chris died, and Andy has been spiraling out of control. He didn't even go to his own fathers funeral. He's been drinking and smoking a lot more lately, and I'm worried about him.

Ash has warned me, and told me to keep my distance from Andy while he was like this, and that it was only just a phase. But I don't believe him. I'm not keeping my distance from Andy, because I'm afraid he'll hurt himself. I can tell he is depressed, and doesn't know what to do. I want to help him.

Morgan and I were still in Ohio, keeping an eye on the guys. Everyone seemed so...so dull lately, and I don't know what to do. CC isn't funny anymore, Ash isn't perverted. Jake's gone too serious. Jinxx...well he's the same. And Andy.....He's completely different. He no longer smiles when he sees me, and he doesn't talk as much. Just drinks and smokes.

we were all at ash's house. All except Andy. I wanted to go see Andy, and nothing was gonna stop me from going. Not even him telling me not to.

On my way out, ash said "Good luck." but I pretended to ignore him. There was enough negativity going around, and he was just adding on to that.

The car ride to Andy's was silent. I didn't turn on the radio, or anything. The only noise around me, was the sound of the car tires rolling on the rocky pavement.

When I arrived to Andy's house, I slightly knocked on the door. He didn't answer after a while, so I rang the doorbell. After about a minute or two, a shirtless Andy opened the door, and he looked terrible. He had dark bags under his eyes, a sign that he hadn't been sleeping, and his breathe reeked of alcohol. He smelled like burned cigarettes too. I have to admit, he looked a little scary. This isn't the Andy I met back in LA.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come," He looked down on me.

"Well you haven't been answering your phone," I stuttered. "I came to check on you."

"I don't need you to check on me Jessicah. I'm a grown man, I can take care of myself." His words shocked me. If you ever saw Andy this way, im sure you wouldn't know what to say either.

"Well obviously not," I said before I could stop myself. Andy cocked an eyebrow at me. "You smell like alcohol and cigarettes. You haven't come out of your house in days, and you don't answer your phone anymore."

"Leave Jessicah. I don't want to talk right now," He said in a low voice.

"And why is that?" I looked him in the eyes. He sighed.

"If you were smart, you'd leave."

"I'm not leaving until you talk to me Andy," I said to him. Andy chuckled.

"You don't get it do you?" he asked. Then I was confused.

"Andy who's at the door?" This was a voice I recognized, but rarely heard. "Juliet"

She was standing right behind him now. It wasn't even questionable what they had done, I already knew.

"Oh," was all I said. I knew there was more to say, but if I started yelling now, I would start crying. And that would make me seem weak, and I didn't want to seem weak. Not in front of Andy, not in front of Juliet.

"I see. Goodbye Andy." And for a second he had a look of sympathy in his eyes, but it was quickly washed away, the cold dark look returning.

"Goodbye Jessicah."

Something told me I wasn't going to be seeing Andy again after that.


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