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I woke up rather early, wich was a surprise, since I was drunk last night. It was 6:30 in the morning and my head was pounding. I threw the covers off of me, and stood up. I wonder if anyone else is up, I thought.

I opened my door, and walked down the hall, stopping in front of Jessicah's door. Not bothering to knock, I just walked in. Why was the door unlocked? She never ever leaves it unlocked.

When I made it to the bedroom, I saw Jessicah sitting up, and staring at the wall, a blank expression on her face.

"Jessicah?" I asked. She didn't even bother to look over at me. "Jessicah," I said again.

"Andy Hates me," she said, a single tear sliding down her cheek.

"What do you mean?" I asked walking over to the bed. "He would never hate you."

"Oh, that's right. You were drunk," she said, continuing to look at the blank space.

"Jessicah, what's wrong?" I asked, getting a little worried.

"Last night at the bar, I ran into Thomas."

"Oh, you mean the taxi driver? That's great, how's he doing?" I asked attempting to snap her out of her trance. But it didn't work.

"Good," she said, still holding that emotionless expression. "Anyways, he asked me if I wanted to get my phone back, and I said yes." I nodded my head, listening carefully to her story. "He grabbed my hand and lead me out of the bar, but apparently Andy saw it a different way." I dropped my lower Jaw in shock. "He thought I was using Thomas for sex, and then he yelled at me," she said.

"Well what did you guys say?" I asked, wanting to hear more.

"I told him he can't boss me around. And then he called me desperate and selfish," she said finally looking over at me.

"That son of a bitch!" I said standing up.

"It's ok Morgan. Just sit back down," she said grabbing me by the elbow, and pulling me back onto the bed. We then sat in silence for a few minutes.

"Am I really that selfish?" she asked asked, more tears staining the surface of her face.

"Of course not Jess," I said pulling her into a hug. She sobbed into my chest, while I rubbed her back.

"I can't believe he would call me thoughs things. I am a very giving person," she choked out.

"I know you are Jessicah. But you know What you need to do? You need to walk up to Andy and tell him what's right," I said. She pulled away to look at me.

"I already did, and he won't listen to me," She sobbed. I sighed and pulled her back into my arms.

"You are a hot mess," I said. "But your're my hot mess," I said. "Listen kid, do you want me to talk to Andy and tell him what's up?"

"No!" she said, pulling away from me. "I have to get out of this situation on my own," she said.

"But Andy won't let you talk to him," I said.

"Sooner or later he's gonna have to listen. And I don't care how long it takes," she said. I sighed. I hated seeing my bestfriend like this. She doesn't deserve to be like this at all.

"Jessicah... I love you," was all I could say. She looked up at me, and wiped the tears off of her face.

"I love you to," she said wrapping her arms around me. We layed back in bed. I caressed her hair, as she cried into my chest. Andy was going to pay for this. And it didn't matter to me if he had to suffer.
I woke up in my bestfriends arms to find she was already awake.

"Goodmorning sleeping beauty," Morgan said.

"Morning," I smiled. And then I started remembering the events from last night, as more tears slid down my face.

"Don't cry," Morgan said, wiping the tears off of my face.

"I keep replaying those words he said to me," I said. And you're pretty fucking selfish.

"Don't, it's just going to make you cry more, and I don't wanna see my bestfriend crying. Now get up, we're going to my room," Morgan said. She grabbed my hands and pulled me up. Before we walked out the door, I took a peek at myself in the bathroom mirror. And I looked horrible. I had mascara running down my face, and my eyeliner appeared darker. I just turned the light off, and followed Morgan out of the door. But stopped when I saw Andy starting to walk out of his. He stopped when he saw me. I saw a look of hurt, but that quickly went away. He kept that stern look on his face, as he walked past me, our shoulders colliding. I broke down in tears.
I didn't want to miss breakfast, so I walked out of my bedroom door, but stopped when I saw Jessicah and Morgan. Morgan's arms were crossed, while Jessicah looked fragile and pale. She had excess make up on her face, mixed with dry tears. I hated seeing her like this, but deep down, she did deserve it. I just walked past her, making sure my shoulder hit hers.
Morgan turned around and scowled at Andy, while I wiped more tears off of my face.

"Let's go," Morgan said, leading me to her room. When we got in there, I layed down on the bed and put my face into a pillow.

"He will always hate me," I said.

"I wish that bastard would just go missing," Morgan said. Missing? That reminded me!! The tweet that Andy's dad had tweeted.

"Morgan I have to tell you something," I said looking up, but when I did, she wasn't even in the room.
I didn't want Jessicah to known I was going to talk to Andy, so I just left her in the from. Hopefully she doesn't follow me. I ran down the steps to the lobby, so I could get there before Andy did, and I did. I leaned up against the wall, and waited until he came.

A few seconds later I saw him walking down the hall.

"Hey asshole," I called. He turned around and looked at me in surprise.

"Morgan? How did you get down here before me?" he asked.

"Doesn't matter," I said. "But What does matter is Jessicah's feelings." Andy sighed.

"You've gotta admit it Morgan, she hurt me and she deserves it," Andy said. I chuckled.

"Andy?" I asked.


"Did you even let her explain?" I asked.

"She doesn't have-

"Actually she does," I interrupted. "She does Andy, and you've got everything twisted," I said getting angry.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Let me explain!" I said. Ok, so last night Jessicah ran into the taxi driver that picked us up from the airport the first night we got here, and he's a nice guy. Anyways remember when she ran off the night I lost the money?" I asked. Andy nodded his head.

"That's where she went, to Thomas's. And when she did, she left her phone there. And the only reason he dragged her out of the bar, was so that he could give her phone back to her, and that's it! Nothing else happened Andy. And in the end, all you've done is make my bestfriend feel like shit!" I whispered/yelled.

"How do you know they didn't do anything else?" he asked.

"Do you really think Jessicah would do that to you?" I asked. Andy sighed and looked down.

"Shit," he whispered.

"And guess what Andy? Jessicah isn't the only one who's mad at you now," I said before walking away.

I watched as Morgan walked away from me. Great, now she's mad at me. I really fucked up this time. I don't know if Jessicah is going to forgive me or not....

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