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"Jessicah," he said pulling me into a hug.

"How have you been?" I asked, happy to see him.

"Good, actually," he said. "So I see you've gotten yourself out of the situation you were in?"

"Uh.." I looked back to see Morgan grinding on Ashley. "Kind of," I said. He started laughing.

"Well that's good," he said. I nodded my head.

"So how are you? How was the vacation?" I asked.

"Oh, I didn't have to go on vacation. I just said that so you could get the hell out of my house," he said in his british accent.

"Are you serious?" I asked, with a blank expression on my face.

"Of course not, I would never do that," he said laughing.

"Good, because I would be mad if you did," I said playfully hitting him on the shoulder.

"You know you left your phone at my house, right?" he asked.

"Oh yeah! I've been wanting to get that," I said.

"Well, I can take you to my place so you can get it." I looked back at Andy, wondering if he'd mind.

"Ok," I said smiling. "Let's go."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the crowded bar. And for some reason, it felt like someone was staring at me.

I saw Jessicah walk out the bar, hand in hand with some guy, and I was pretty Jealous. And mad.
Why would she do that? And after we kissed twice? I felt humiliated, and I just wanted to leave the bar. I payed the tab, and stood up.

"Where are you going?" CC slured. I just looked at him.

"No where," I said before walking out of the bar.

"Still driving the same old, Same old," I chuckled, as I saw the same taxi Thomas had picked us up in when we first got to LA.

"Pretty much," he said, opening up the passenger door for me.

"Thanks," I said getting in the car. I watched as Thomas walked around the car, and opened the door.

"Ready to go get your phone?" he asked, starting the engine.

"Yes!" I said. He started laughing.

We drove In silence to his apartment, and when we got there, I was quick to open the door, and run to the building.

"Hurry up slow poke," I yelled. Thomas chuckled and jogged up to me. I opened up the door, and we both walked in. When we arrived to hiapapartment, I kicked my shoes off, and plopped down on the couch.

"You tired," Thomas asked.

"No, I'm just.... exhausted," I sighed. He nodded his head.

"Same Jessicah. Anyways, here's your phone." I looked down at the charged device that I hadn't seen in forever. "I charged it for you," he said. I smiled up at him.

"Thanks." I then unlocked it, to find I had tons of missed calls, text messages, tweets, and more. But the only thing I was worried about, was Twitter (my life).

I went on Twitter, and scrolled through some tweets, until I stopped on one that had caught my eye.

"Where are the guys?" neither members of bvb have been on Twitter or instagram, and that's unusual."

"I saw another one that said
I haven't heard from my son in days, and I'm starting to get worried," and that was from Chris Biersack

"Is something wrong?" Thomas asked. I shook my head.

"No," I said smiling. I'll deal with this situation tomorrow.

"So," he said. I didn't reply, I just looked at him.

"You remind me a lot of Dimitri," I said, admiring his features.

"You mean the one who passed away? The one you have a tattoo of?" he asked.

"Yep," I said.

"Is that good or bad?" he asked.

"It's good," I chuckled. Thomas sighed in relief, while I just laughed.

I don't know if I should be mad, or jealous. Why did she go with him? Was it for sex? I honestly don't know what to think right now. When I was back in the lobby, I grabbed a different room key, because I didn't feel like being around Jessicah right now.

I was laying in bed, thinking about the situation, When the guys bursted into my room.

"Heyy An-Andy," Ashley slurred, obviously wasted.

"What do you guys want?" I asked already getting annoyed.

"We just wanted to know why you ran off like that," Jinxx said. I looked at them.

"I just.. felt sick. And I'm really exhausted, I also need sleep, so if you could just leave now?" I asked. Jake and Jinxx looked at eachother. CC and Ashley seemed satisfied by my answer, but they didn't.

"Alright," Jake said. "We'll leave." He grabbed Ashley, helping him up off the floor and out of the door( hey that rhymed) Jinxx lead CC out, and shut the door behind him.

I wasn't lying about feeling sick, I actually did. So I thought a little fresh air would help, and also to clear my mind. I stood up, and opened my door, and when I walked out, I saw the devil herself.


I tried to go back into my room, but before I could she called my name. So I decided to walk over to her.

"You got your own room?" she asked, sounding sober. I nodded my head.

"Ok, well goodnight," She said, starting to wrap her arms around my shoulders, but I grabbed her wrists and stopped her. She looked up at me and scrunched her eyebrows in confusion.

"What was that for?" she asked.

"Don't act like it's ok," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Who was it that you walked out of the bar with? Where did you go?" I asked raising my voice a little.

"Andy, you're taking this the wrong way, let me-

"No!" I interuppted. "You should have at least told me where you were going."

"I can do what I fucking want, you're not my father," she said getting angry.

"Why the hell would you do this to me?" I asked.

"Do what!?"

"After you kissed me twice?"

"Is that what you think this is Andy?! You think I used him for sex?" she asked. "I'm not that damn desperate."

"Actually you are. And you're pretty fucking selfish too," I said walking away, leaving her standing there, dazed and confused.

Andy is mad! I don't think I've ever seen a mad Andy in real life. Oh wait actually I have. At warped tour he seemed pretty pissed off in the morning but when he played he was a happy godess!!!

Anyways thank you for all the reads, you all are so amazing. I Will update a.s.a.p.

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