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I wiped excess tears from my eyelids.

"Why would he do that?"

"He's just a dick," Ash said. We were all laying in his room,Morgan included. I was laying on Ash's bed, and Morgan was laying next to me. Ash was spinning around in his desk chair, and cc was sitting on the desk, while Jake and Jinxx were laying on the floor.

"He's just going through a rough time," Morgan said. "His feelings are hurt."

"So what? That doesn't mean he has to come back around and hurt mine," I sobbed. "And the sad part about it is, he didn't even care. He didn't try to hide it or anything. Its like he wanted me to find out." I hate Andy. I hate Andy Biersack.

"We're really sorry Jessicah," cc said. I looked over at him.

"Don't be, it's not your fault." WE were all silent for a moment.

"The tension in this room is so thick, you couldn't cut it with a butter knife," Jake said.

"Jake,' Morgan started. "You couldn't hardly cut anything with a butter knife." Everybody chuckled.

"Can we do something more productive, other than just being depressed?" Jinxx asked. "And trust me Jessicah, I'm just asking this for your own good because I love you. We don't want you to fall into your own personal hole like Andy, and shut everyone out for good," he finished.

"I won't," I said quietly. "I promise."

"How about we do some yoga," Morgan said cheerfully.

"What?" Ash laughed. We all did.

"What?!" She asked no one in particular. "It's stress free, and I heard it's good for anxiety," Morgan tried to state her case.

"Morgan," I looked at her calmly. "I love your personality, and how happy you are all the time, and trust me, I think it's a great idea, but yoga just doesn't seem to fit our schedule right now," I said. She sighed.

"Then what will we do?" cc asked.

"You guys can go see a movie or something. I'm not ready to get out of the house just yet,' I smiled at them all.

"Well, if you aren't going, we aren't going either," Ash said.

"Don't let me hold you back from anything," I said to them all. "And, I kinda just wanna take a nap at the moment."

"Alright, Alright, we'll leave," Ash said. "You can sleep in here."

"We love you so much Jessicah," cc said. I smiled weakly at him.

"Thanks cc. I love you all too."

"Sleep tight jj," Jake called me by the new nickname he gave me. I waved at him, before he shut the door behind him, leaving me in a silent dark room, with nothing but my thoughts to hear. I basically was a widow now.


When I woke up, the house was quiet. I assumed that everyone had left, and I was the only one here, but after I had woken up, Ashley walked in the room.

"Oh," he said. "Your awake."

"Yeah," I yawned. "Where is everybody?"

"What do you mean where is everybody, they're all downstairs," He said sitting on the bed.

"Oh, really? But it's so quiet," I told him.

"Yeah, well that's what happens when the entire house is filled with grief," he said. "They're all downstairs watching a movie though, so you can join if you want," Ash said, scooting closer to me.

"No, I'm fine, I'll just stay up here," I smiled nervously at him.

"Alright then, I don't want you to get bored, or anything, so I'll stay up here with you," He said, now sitting next to me. I looked at him.

"No Ash," I said. " Really, I- but then I was cut off. And not by Ash saying something, no. Ash had kissed me... I pulled away as quickly as I could, even though there was a very little part of me that wanted it to happen. But it couldn't. It was very wrong.

"Ash!" I stared at him in disbelief. "What-Why?" I felt humiliated.

"Jessicah," he started.

"No, stop," I told him, crawling out of the bed. he grabbed my arm but I pulled away from him. "I'm sorry Jessicah, I didn't mea-

"No Ashley, you can't, I can't right now," I choked out, running my hands over my head. I sped out of the room, and downstairs, I slipped on my boots, and grabbed my keys.

"Jessicah, what's wrong?" Morgan asked. Everyone shifted in their seats and looked at me. I ignored Morgan's question, and slammed the front door behind me. I hopped in my car and drove. No where specific, just drove. I needed to free my mind, and when I saw a bar I knew I could do that
Turning to drinking when you're depressed is bad, but it helps a lot of people including me, unfortunately.

While I was in the bar, I was drowning in my own thoughts. I had drunk a lot of bourbon, but I wasn't exactly wasted. It was around seven o'clock now, but I didn't care. I turned my head, to see someone who had sat down next to me. Someone I didn't want to see.

"Juliet?" She turned to look at me.

"Oh, what a pleasant surprise. Hi Jessicah." Before the conversation could go any further, I grabbed my coat, and keys. I walked my way through the bar, but before I could make it to the door, I bumped into someone, and dropped my keys. I Looked up, and saw the devil himself. Andy.

"Jessicah," he looked surprised. If I saw myself like this, I'd be very surprised too.

"Move Andy," I said, scooping my keys up off the floor. I was out of the bar, and in my car before I knew it. I was left with me and my thoughts now, and if it wasn't for Andy and Juliet, I would most likely still be drinking. Of course they were there together.. Why wouldn't they be, they're like a couple now right?

I didn't know what to think at the moment, and i wasn't ready to face anybody when i got home. Especially Ashley Purdy.


I've been keeping up with my story lately, and its almost coming to an end!!!!! But not just yet...And that was some Major plot twist, how do you think the story will end???

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