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"Who would say that," Morgan asked.

"A fan obviously," CC said. A fan, we don't know who, had tweeted out that they had seen us out in the public. They even had pictures to go with it.

"Why didn't they come up for an autograph or something?" Andy asked.

"I don't know, maybe we looked lost and desperate," Morgan said sarcastically.

"Why don't we just get in touch with your dad?" Jinxx asked.

"Uh.. We can't," Andy said nervously.

"Why not?" We all asked, looking at him.

"I don't know his number by heart," he said. Ashley and CC started laughing.

"Are you serious?" Morgan asked. "What kind of dimwat doesn't know their own dad's number?"

"Just cut him some slack," I said, not wanting to hear them argue. Morgan scoffed.

"Maybe we can tweet him," Jinxx suggested.

"He probably won't reply," Jake said.

"Yes he will, he replys to like everyone, especially if it's important," CC said.

"Ok then, le-

"No," Morgan interuppted. I looked over at her. "We can't just tweet him, because he most likely won't believe it. He'll think its some ignorant fan, who wants some attention," she said.

"Then what do we do?" Ashley asked.

"We have to do something that get his attention. Something that he'll notice right away."
"Are you guys ready?" I asked. They all nodded their heads.

"Now remember," Morgan started to say. "Every Twitter has a limit to 30 seconds, so fit as much as you can into that 30 seconds."

"We know that Morg," Ashley chuckled. "Our whole life is practically Twitter."

"Obviously not if you tweet every fifteen years," she said. We all laughed.

"Ok, just start it," Andy said. I inhaled deeply before pressing the record button. But before any of us could say anything, my screen went black.

"What the hell?!?!?"

"Did your phone really just die?"

"I'm sorry, I thought I charged it," I said.

"Apparently not," Morgan sighed.

"Wow Jessicah, we were just about to get our butts saved, and you had to ruin it." Ashley said.

"Seriously? You guys are gonna blame me?" I asked. I grabbed my phone, before heading to the door. Before I knew it, I was in my room. I plugged my phone in, before jumping on the bed. I buried my face into the pillows, letting out a long sigh.

Why me out of all people?? It couldn't have been someone else??

My thoughts were interuppted by the opening and closing of my door. I mentally sighed.

"I don't care who you are, just get out," I said not bothering to look at the person.

"You don't care if I'm Christian Coma?? CC asked.

"No," I said blankly. I felt him sit down on the edge of the bed.

"You're gonna be Ok Jessicah," he said.

"No I'm not," I whined. My life is just a huge....Mess!"

"So that doesn't matter. We still love you, wether or not you know how to charge your phone." I chuckled.

"Thanks CC," I said sitting up. He smiled at me.

"Now do you want to rejoin us?" he asked.

"I just want to be alone right now. Sorry CC," I said.

"It's ok Jessicah, I completely understand," he said standing up. He then patted my leg.

"Don't kill yourself," he joked. I cringed, but stayed quiet. When CC walked out of the room, Andy came in.

"Hi," he said. I stayed quiet. "So you're not gonna say hi?" he asked. I crossed My arms.

"What are you gonna do about it?" I asked. He looked at me even harder. Before I could even blink, He leaped forward, and grabbed my ankles, pulling me towards him. I was now on my back, his hands on either side of my head. His face was so close to mine, our noses were almost touching.

"You better say Hi Jessicah." I shivered at the sound of his low husky voice.

"No," I said sternly. Andy arched his eyebrow.

"Okay then," he said, burying his face into my neck. He grabbed a handful of my hair as he ran his nose along the nape of my neck. I grabbed the hem of his shirt, as he started planting soft kisses on my collar bone. I bit my lip debating on wether or not I wanted him to go any further.

"Stop seducing me Andy," I said.

"Fine," he said backing away from me. I sat up and licked my lips, staring at Andy. And it was only a matter of seconds before his lips crashed into mine. I layed back on the bed, our lips still connected.

"I've never seen you act like this," I said in between kisses. He suddenly stopped.

"Sometimes I like to try New things," he said seductively. His lips brushed against mine one last time before he got up and walked out of the room, leaving me there, feeling excited, confused, and stupid, all in one.

Things got a little heated;) I hope you guys liked this chapter. I'm sorry it was so short. The next one will be longer. And I will update asap this time, don't worry:)

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