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I jumped on Andy's back, causing him to fall in the water, me on top of him.

"This is what you get for dumping water on me Biersack," I said, getting up off of him.

"I'm sorry," he said.

"You should have thought of that first," I said splashing him with water. All of us were knee deep in the ocean, and soaking wet.
We had been playing in the ocean for a while, but I still don't know what time it is. Its not like I had a cellphone to look.

"Hey, do any of you guys know what time it is?" I asked.

"Well the Sun is starting to set, so maybe it's like five or six," CC said.

"I have no idea What time it is Jessicah," Andy said.

"Lets just ask someone," Jinxx suggested.

"Okay," I agreed, walking back up to the beach.

"I'm hungry," Morgan whined.

"Your always hungry," I joked. We all started laughing except for Morgan.

"Whatever," she scoffed, crossing her arms.

"Lets go ask that lady over there," Ashley pointed out. We All turned to look where Ashley was pointing. There, sitting on the beach, was a woman about mid twenties, reading a book and enjoying the Sun. She looks happy.

"Lets go then,"Morgan said walking over to her. We all walked out of the water, trailing behind Morgan.

"So who plans on asking her?" Morgan asked. We all stopped. She kept walking until She noticed we weren't following her, and turned around.

"What?" She asked.

"I thought you were asking her," Ashley said.

"No, I don't want to ask. I'm to shy," Morgan said, hiding behind me.

"Morgan just ask," I said.

"No! You do it," she said, a stern look on her face.

"I'll do it," Andy said, walking towards her. We all trailed behind him.

"Excuse me Ms.," Andy said. She looked up from the book she was reading a smile spread across her face.

"Hi," she waved at us. "Can I help you?" she asked, standing up.

"Actually, yes. We need to know what time it is," Andy said. The women looked down at her watch.

"It's 6:15. Are you guys lost or something. Do you need some help?" she asked. We all looked around at eachother, debating on wether or not we should tell her about the situation we were in.

"No," I said quickly. We don't need help. Thank you though," I said, pulling on Andy's arm, signaling for us to go. We started walking to the car. Well Taxi.

"Why did you say that?!? You know we need help Jessicah," Morgan said.

"I'm sorry, but you know if We would have told her, she would have gone all crazy about it, and the next thing you know, the police are going to get called," I said in one breathe. "And plus we already stole a taxi, so no."

"True," Ashley said. We all got into the Taxi, still soaking wet.

"I'm hungry," Morgan said again.

"Well we don't have money to get anything to eat, and our clothes are wet," Jake said.

"So we're just going to starve until we die?" Morgan asked. I shrugged my shoulders.

"No," Andy said. I looked back at him. "We need to find something to eat. Now we're going to do rule breaking number two."

"What now Andy? We already stole a taxi," I asked.

"Don't you get it? We have to sneak into a restaurant," CC said.

"Oh no! We will never be able to pull that off," I said.

"Well do you want to starve?" Jinxx asked. Everyone looked at me.

"Well no? I ju-

"Then we're sneaking into a restaurant, no if ands or buts about it!"

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