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I looked down at Jessicah, who was peacefully asleep in my arms.

She looked even more beautiful when She was sleeping.

"It's not polite to stare, Biersack," she said tiredly, her eyes fluttering open. I chuckled.

"I'm sorry, you're just so beautiful when you sleep," I said kissing her for head. Jessicah furrowed her eyebrows.

"Ew," she said.I laughed.

"You can say what you want Jessicah, it'll never change my opinion on you." Jessicah blushed looked down.

"Thanks Andy."

"Alright!" I heard Morgan's voice, followed by the door opening. "You two literally sleep forever, you need to get up," she said, standing in front of the bed, her hands on her hips.

"But it's only 11:30," I said looking over at the clock.

"11:30, And time for y'all to get up," she said, yanking the covers off of us. "Now Jessicah, get up. You're coming with me." Jessicah groaned in response.

"I don't want to get up. I just want to sleep forever," she said.

"Then you'd be dead," Morgan said, grabbing Jessicah's arms.

"It's better than waking up," Jessicah mumbled.

"No, it's not. And besides, you wouldn't want to be dead before I tell you all the good news, would you?" Morgan asked.

"What news?"

"I'll tell you when you come with me. Andy can't hear anything." I scoffed.

"What did I ever do to you Morgan?" I chuckled.

"It's what you didn't do," she winked at me.

"Come on, let's go," Jessicah rushed. "Bye Andy."

"Bye babe," I teased her. She looked at me, in surprise, before Morgan pulled her out the door.

"You ruin everything, you know," Jessicah said.

"That's why they call me Morgan."

"That doesn't make any since," she said crossing her arms.

"Well It does now," I said, opening my door, and motioning her in.

I said down on the bed, next to Jessicah.

"I'm hungry," she said.

"Well, we can go get some food later, when we pick out your outfit," I said.

"Outfit for what?" she asked, looking over at me.

"For when you and Andy go out. Duh!" I said.

"How did you know about that??" she asked, in a curious voice.

"I have my ways," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"No Morgan, tell me."

"No. I spy never reveals her secrets," I said.

"You were spying on us?!" she asked.

"No, I wasn't spying, I just- you know what, forget it," I said. Jessicah sighed.

"When are we leaving?" she asked.

"I don't know. What time are you two leaving?" I asked.

"Uhh.. I don't know," Jessicah said standing up.

"Where Are you going?" I asked turning around.

"Places. Just come get And me before you leave," she said, before leaving.

I sighed heavily before laying back on my bed.

After I went back to my room and got ready, I walked over to Ashley's door and knocked. He happily swung the door and smiled at me.

"Hiii Jessi!" he said excitedly.

"Hey Ash," I said.

"How are you?" he asked.

"I'm getting by," I said.

"That's cool. So can I go clothes shopping with you and Morgan today?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows in shock.

"How'd you know about that?!?" I asked.

"Morgan told me, but I didn't want to ask her if I could come, because I knew she was going to say no," he chuckled.

"Sure," I gave in. "Why not?"

"This is why you're my favorite Jessicah. I love you," he said, pulling me into a hug.

"You too."

"Great, so when are we leaving?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. Morgan has-
when I heard a door slam behind us, I turned around to see Morgan.

"Let's go shopping!" she shouted.

"Shhhh! I don't want any more of the guys coming with us," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"Ashley's coming," I said. Morgan's smile quickly turned into a frown.

"But this is supposed to be our girl time," she whined.

"Oh well. Now let's hurry up an-

"I heard shopping," A voice said behind us. We all turned around, only to be greeted by Jinxx's warm smile. Morgan groaned.

"Yeah, bu-" I started to say, but Morgan interuppted me.

"You know what, just come," she said walking past Jinxx.

"She's frustrated," Ashley said. I chuckled.

"Lets just go before she gets even more frustrated," I stated.
"How about this?" Morgan asked, holding up a shirt to me.

"No, I don't like it," I said.

"Jessicah look! This would be perfect," Ashley said running over to me. He handed me a green Jean jacket, that went just a little bit above elbow length.

"Ok, and what would I wear underneath this?" I asked.

"These," Jinxx said.

"And this," Morgan added. They handed me a pair of black skinny jeans, and white crop top.

"Ok," I said.

"Well go try it on," Morgan said.

"Whatever," I sighed walking over to a dressing room.

I put on the outfit and walked out of the crammed room.

When Morgan saw me she went wide eyed.

"You look beautiful!" she gasped. I laughed.

"No," Ashley said. "She looks hot." I chuckled.

"You do look good Jessicah," Jinxx smiled.

"Thank you Jinxx," I smiled softly at him.

"What about us??" Ashley and Morgan asked in unison.

"Thanks losers." Morgan scoffed.

"Whatever, let's just go," Ashley said.

"Come on Jessicah,let's go so I can get you ready for your date later."

Oh Lord, I thought as Morgan grabbed my hand.
This will probably be the absolute worst chapter in the book, and I'm sorry. I just really needed to update something

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