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"You ready for tonight?" CC asked me.

"As I'll ever be," I said.

"Lets go then," he said hopping off of the bathroom counter.

I followed CC out of the hotel room.

"Now remember," he started. "Its always good to have sex on the first date."

"Shut it CC," I laughed.

"I'm joking. But good luck tonight. Have fun, be safe don't get into any trouble."

"Since when were you so worried about me?" I chuckled. CC laughed.

"Its not you that I'm worried about. It's her," CC said, pointing over my shoulder. I turned around to see Jessicah standing there.

"Hey Andy," she smiled, walking over to me. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, pulling her in close.

"Be safe," CC hollered after us.

"We will," Jessicah yelled.

"So, how is my lovely girlfriend?" I teased. Jesscah looked up at me through her lashes before replying.

"I'm doing great," she said, grabbing my hand and swinging it back and forth. "So where exactly are we going?" she asked.

"The beach," I said.

"Yay! I love the beach,she explained.

"More than you love me?" I asked. She nodded her head.

"Of course," she said. I chuckled.

For the rest of the walk, we talked about random things, and what we plan on doing once we get out of California. As soon as the beach came into view, Jessicah held my hand tighter and started running.

After a while of running. She stopped abruptly, causing me to fall down. Jessicah started laughing at me, before plopping down next to me, and kicking off her shoes.

"I'm sorry," she said, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"You're forgiven," I said. "And by the way, you look fabulous tonight," I whispered.

"Are you kidding me? Not as fabulous as you, any girl would want you."

"Yeah, but you're the only girl I want," I explained. Jessicah smiled sweetly at me.

"You know, it's warm out tonight," I said.

"What are you suggesting?" she asked, looking over at me.

"Let's go play in the water," I smiled.

"Noo, I don't want to get wet," she whined.

"Well that's to damn bad, I said standing up.

"Andy?? What are you doing?" she asked, worry in her voice. Before Jessicah could react, I grabbed her legs and pulled her forward.

"Andy, stop," she squealed.

"Take off your jacket," I said.

"No I d-

"Just take it off." She quickly shrugged her jacket off. I grabbed her upper arms and threw her over my shoulder.

"Andy, put me down please," she pleaded.

"Nope," I said. She groaned. When I got knee deep into the water, I stopped.

"Andy please?" she asked one more time. Before I could change my mind, I threw her in. As soon as she came up from under the water, she had a frown on her face. Her white shirt was stuck to her body, and her hair was completely wet. I smiled at her.

"You suck," she said, splashing water on me.

"I know I do," I said. She splashed me with more water. And more water, and more water, until I was sopping wet.

"Great. Now I'm cold," she crossed her arms. I moved closer to her.

"I'm sorry," I said moving closer to her. I grabbed her arms and pulled her closer. "You can't stay mad at me forever Jessicah."

"I know," she said. "Unfortunately." I chuckled.

"You look absolutely gorgeous," I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. "Even when you've just gotten thrown into the ocean," I joked.

"Hey, this is your fault," she laughed.

"I want to be with you for the rest of my life."

"I would kiss you right now, but I can't reach your lips," she said.

"Here let me help you with that." I grabbed the back of her legs, as she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist.

"Much better," she smiled.

"I love you Andy," she whispered.
"I love you too," I said, before my lips met hers. This is one of the things that I loved about Jessicah. Her kisses were passionate and long lasting.
After a while, we decided to head back to shore. I grabbed my phone out of my jacket pocket, too see that I had 15 missed calls from an unknown number.

"Andy, I think we should go back now," I said starting to get worried for no reason.

"Alright, let's go," he said grabbing my hand. We walked back to the hotel in silence. And it wasn't an awkward silence, it was peaceful. When we reached the front of the hotel, there was a big black bus parked outside. Me and Andy looked at each other, in suspicion.

Instead of going back to my room, I went with Andy to his. He unlocked the door, and pushed it open. And there, sitting on the bed, was The rest of the guys, Juliet Simms, and Chris Biersack.

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