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I just thought this song went with the chapter. Play it before you start reading. Enjoy:)

The drive to Ohio was silent. After about an hour, I had too stop and let Morgan drive for a while, because my palms were sweaty, and I was getting nervous.

We were about 45 minutes away when my phone rang. Before I could pick it up, Morgan grabbed it.

"Hello," she said. "Yeah, we're almost there. OK....ok.....okay, bye Ash."

"What'd he say?" I asked.

"He told us to meet him at the hospital," she said.

"Hospital?!for what?" I asked.

"I don't know, he didn't say anything else."

"He didn't say anything about Andy?" I asked.

"Nothing." I sighed, as I laid back in my seat.

"I'm nervous," I said.

"I am too, but we have to stay strong for Andy," Morgan said.

"You're right. Stay strong. Just hurry up."
When we arrived, I jumped out of the car extremely fast.

"Calm down," Morgan yelled at me. I took a deep breath before continuing to walk.

We walked silently into the hospital. As soon as we were in there, we spotted the guys, as they did us. All of them proceeded to walk over to us. All except Andy.

"Hey guys," Morgan whispered.

"Hi," they all said. Everyone looked bummed out.

"What happened?" I said out of nowhere.

"Andy's dad," Ash said. My breath hitched in my throat. "He was in a really bad car accident. Now he's in critical condition." I looked over at Andy. You could never imagine Andy looking like this.

"I'm gonna go talk to him," I said. I walked over to him,and sat next to him. "Andy, I'm sorry," I grabbed his hand. I leaned my head up against his shoulder.

"What am I going to do if my dad dies?" He whispered. I couldn't answer that. All I could say is "You still have us Andy. Never forget that."
Andy's dad died that night. It hit us all hardly. But Andy was upset times two.

All of the guys, and Morgan decided to go grocery shopping and I stayed home with Andy. He was sad and angry at the same time. I was downstairs, when I heard something break upstairs. I ran quickly up the steps and went to Andy's room. I slowly opened the door, to see him sitting there on the bed, crying. The lamp that was on the nightstand next to him, was broken.

"I don't know what to do,"he said. He had a necklace in his hand. It had an A on it. And the weird thing was, is that I'd never seen it before.

He gripped it hard, before throwing it at the mirror that was on top of the dresser, which was across from the bed. Large pieces of glass fell from the mirror, startling me.

"Andy, stop," I said loudly. He walked over to the dresser, and shoved everything off of it.

"Andy!" I walked over to him. I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. Tears were stinging his face. "This isn't you. You have to stop," I said.

"Why would I?" He asked.

"Because. I understand that you're hurting but you can't do this,"I said to him. I felt tears start to form in my own eyes. "You can stop."

"Why, because I love you?"

"Yes, and because you love me..."I grabbed his hands. "You will stay strong. Everything is gonna be okay. You just have to be strong,"I said. Andy let go of my hands and walked over to the bed. He got underneath the covers, and silently cried. I walked over to the bed, and laid down next to him. I turned towards him, and put my hand on his face.

"My dad's gone," he said.

"That doesn't mean he's not watching over you Andrew. And you and I both know he'd want you to be strong, no matter what."

"You're right," he weakly smiled at me.

"Its gonna be ok Andy." He pulled me closer to him, and wrapped his arm around me.

"What would I do without you?" He whispered.

"A lot. I know you Andy. But that's not a bad thing," I smiled at him.

"I love you," he said.

"I love you too."
I hope you guys enjoyed this. I also hope you had a good Christmas:)))) I'll update asap, and sorry it took me so long. But I hope you enjoyed. Happy New year!

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