Chapter 47: Tempest & Saints

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"Our guide?" Litus commented, taken aback by the claim coming from the heretic priestess Cruz. The saints had gathered their horses, waiting for them at their exit, Cruz told Hinata the night prior that she would guide them to the capital. She also spoke to her at length on several topics Cruz knew would interest Hinata.

"Yes, my lord may not have asked me to, but I have taken it upon myself to be your guide," Cruz answered with a smile. "Now, let us depart. And let me show you the error of your ways."

"What?" The older man replied.

Hinata interjected, "Ignore it. Either way, we are all heading in the same direction so it matters little."

The others were not as calm about having the clear unstable woman travelling with them. The crazy took a backseat once they started traveling on the paved roads to the capital. Most were in disbelief, not only at the fact that there were no dangerous bandits and monsters but there were drinking fountains at rest areas along the way. Each one with an inn and patrolling guards.

"Honestly speaking," Arnaud spoke, "I get the impression that they're putting more effort into reigning peace than most of the barons you see out there. Their title might be Demon Lord, but they are like dawn good kings."

"You are most certainly right," Cruz spoke up, her voice surprisingly calm on the matter. "The barons fight for what political power they can gather. Ignoring what they have, neglecting to nurture anything, and producing nothing of worth other than violence."

"Huh, and here I was thinking you were complete nuts."

"Hey, don't say that!" Litus scolded Fritz.

Cruz smiled, "No, he is correct. I am aware of how I come off and know it interferes with the work I wish to promote, that I bother Lord F/N greatly with how I act. Yet I know, like many others, we are fighting ourselves to discover ourselves."

"I don't understand, what do you mean?" Litus asked.

"I believe at times of individual uncertainty one often commits outbursts toward others when they wish to aim inward. An idea that destroying one's self allows for the recreate of one's self. By having an outburst, I create challenging situations to face. Testing myself," Cruz looked up to the sky. "And I know, if all else fails, I can be useful to someone else. For the greatest act of kindness, is allowing another to use you for their own development."

"Now I'm starting to get concerned again." Fritz continued, "I suppose that means it's a good thing the declaration against them never came down."

Hinata stated, "I'll just have to apologize sincerely to Demon Lord Rimuru and see where things go with the other. If this does end in a fight, I don't want you to lay a finger on innocent locals nearby. That's an order. Once things are settled-"

She was cut off by a magic transmission. In garbled words, she was informed that three battle sages were moving and the seven Luminaries. Cruz watched in silence as she reached out to Souei who delayed things to the lords. Hinata noticed but did nothing while speaking with Louis, the proxy Emperor. He informed her that he did not order the deployment of the battle sages, restating that Hinata was the one who told them it would violate internal affairs.

Before the transmission could finish, the line was cut and sounds of battle in the forest roared. A killing intent appeared in front of Hinata's group. As soon as word reached F/N, death was for certain. With a wave of his hand, Cruz disappeared, snatched by Erebus in the horse's shadow.

"I thought I made things clear for you Hinata. Attacking Tempest will be the final action of you and your false god."

Before the others could react, F/N's lung had broken the road and his hand already reached for Hinata's neck. She did not react at all, processing everything that was unfolding. Her spoken words would be unable to reach him before he would crush her throat.

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