Chapter 56: A Princess & A Dragon

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One would think that Laden's best course of action after making Milim upset would be to let things settle down for a moment. After hearing Rimuru's side of events and checking on the dark elves, he disappeared for several days. Normally, he would mind Erebus hiding in his shadow as he did things, but this time he made it a point to go solo for several days. Only appearing again at Frey's home covered in rags. Milim had gone there to get away from everyone, and according to Frey, she was still upset. She had locked herself in the guest room, only coming out for food before returning to bed.

"Milim," Laden called from the other side of the door. "I want to apologize. If you'll tell me, I would like to know why that dragon meant so much to you."

The door creaked open a little before she shut it, "No... I won't forgive you."


"You killed my friend!" Milim yelled away from the door, as she started to cry again.

"Perhaps... you should leave," Frey's suggestion fell on deaf ears.

"What happened to them?" Laden's question was met with silence before Milim finally opened the door, revealing her messy hair and red marks under her eyes from crying.

"If I tell you... will you leave?"

Laden nodded, "Yes, I will. For as long as you want."

Milim left the door open as she turned back to the bed and grabbed one of the pillows before sitting down. Frey followed Laden in, she chose to stand while he sat on the ground in front of Milim. He ignored the disheveled state of the room, even Frey who was the owner of it did not bring it up.

"A long time ago, like, a really long time... Me, mama, and papa lived happily in a kingdom. But when I was born, papa gave me a lot of his power and his body wouldn't take it. So, before he devolved, he used the last of his powers to create a sibling for me, a baby dragon."

"Wait, how's that possible for him to devolve? When I became a False Dragon I received a skill that generates infinite magicules at will."

Milim looked disappointed before shrugging, "You would have to ask papa... Is that all?"

"I'm guessing there's more."

Milim took a deep breath, "Gaia, that's what he named the baby dragon before he reincarnated into more of a human... fragile like a human too. A group attacked the capital... papa and mama fought them off..." Milim started to break down into tears, "Leaving me and Gaia alone..."

"Gaia was all you had left..."

Milim nodded, "We used to do everything together. Eat, sleep, play... my uncle never wanted to see me, so I only had Gaia to talk to. And just like mama and papa... Gaia died protecting me... by the time I could understand what was happening, I became a True Demon Lord and met Guy and Ramiris... And Gaia came back."

"I understand awakening can cause people to come back, but what I saw back there was a giant decaying dragon with no sense of self."

Frey stepped in, "There is a difference between resurrection magic and awakening. One is meant to bring people back, the other isn't."

"But since resurrection magic is powerful, you would need to be a True Demon Lord to do it," Laden concluded.

"Ramiris told me that Gaia was corrupted by my anger, following my command to bring death and destruction to the ones who killed my friend... That's why I have the title Destroyer. That's why I decided to confront Gaia and seal them away."

"Guy and Ramiris have known you ever since," Laden thought about all that Milim said. "Milim, is there any way you would forgive me?"

Milim scoffed at the idea, "Unless you can bring Gaia back... no."

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