Chapter 1

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As always, we sat in front of the Kings Bar and drank beer - the heat was unbearable again today. Since the lockdown was fully lifted, our community has returned to normal, the shops have all reopened, and our street has been a little busier than usual.
My tattoo shop was well attended, I have made a name for myself over the years, and even people from other federal states came to appointments.
Once we have someone in the safe house, everything will be done with caution. Anyone who is protected comes into the house and the gate between the houses and the front of the street is closed. No one could get through there unless they lived there, and the entrance was guarded during the day and protected at night, mostly by lookouts through the prospects, but I also often stood guard there. It was not just any gate, but an opaque shelter that divides the street and thus protects privacy. Everything was only closed for Ace's girl because she came from the area and, as a key witness, her life was in great danger. But since Ace's future wife beheaded her tormentor, this is no longer necessary. The case was led by Tom, our FBI friend with whom we worked together for a long time. When he arrested all of Ted's men and uncovered the whole human trafficking thing, it was a huge deal.
The big Irvine police chief scandal was in the news and with the evidence Tom found, he no longer needed Nora's testimony, which was clear and undeniable in court.
Twelve men and three women were arrested, all of them Ted's henchmen, who were now awaiting sentencing. The Monster of Irvine, that's what Ted was called, and that's what he was... a monster.
Nora was declared dead a long time ago, and her new life with my club brother could begin. A new person, new identity, and new life she truly deserved.
I tattooed her for days when she got his fiancée and wanted to get her Ol Ladies tattoo.
I was almost finished with the tattoo that she really wanted to have before her wedding.
A wedding... I think I'll never get married, but Ace was so confident in their relationship that he renovated his parents' house and proposed to Nora after a short time.

"Look at them lovesick puppies" I heard Duke say as he looked at his brothers who were watching their OL ladies.
"You're just jealous" Wrath said laughing and I shook my head because I knew Duke was now starting to discuss the whole love thing.
"You've tied yourself to one woman!... I mean why? There are so many women just waiting to be conquered" Duke said as he looked after one of the women walking towards Doc's clinic.
"When you grow up you'll understand, Trashboy," Ace replied, laughing.
"Exactly Trashboy, you're just too immature," said Void, and Wrath nodded with a laugh.
"You two are a special case of disgrace... you've been with your OL ladies since high school. A wife for life... Jesus Christ" Duke said with an amused face.
"You should be careful what you say, Trashboy. If your sister hears you, she'll blow your head off," Wrath announced with a laugh, causing Duke to roll his eyes.
"You shouldn't tease her... she's pregnant!" King said and Ace nodded.
"What happened to you... we used to be really cool" Duke snorted and looked after another woman.

Cool how Duke called us... I never was cool until I found my biker brothers.
The time in high school, which Duke thought was great, was hell for me. My mother emigrated from Sweden to Laguna Beach because of her desire to live the American dream. She was a single parent because my father never wanted me. She came here with a child in her arms and a suitcase in her hand. I admire her courage now that I know what life is, but back then, it was hell for me... children can be really cruel. Throughout my school years, I was always the outsider, I don't know why but I wasn't liked. Maybe because of my blonde hair or my heritage, it wasn't important. I just wasn't wanted. In high school, it got even worse, I was a skinny little boy who was the object of bullying for the strong football-playing boys.

The boy with no friends was an easy target. I was regularly beaten, humiliated, and had my money taken. I just wanted to die so many times, my life was a shitshow but that would kill my mom. So I took all the beatings and humiliation and hoped for that I leave Laguna Beach after high school and never return. Every day was torture for me but I didn't want to bother my hard-working mother with it. I saw her every day, tired and exhausted from the work coming home stressed and tired. I just couldn't say anything to her. Sometimes she cried at night, I heard her sobbing and it hurt me. She was all I had and I couldn't help her. The only thing I could do was make her feel like I was coping, even though that wasn't true. If I hadn't accidentally fallen on Duke as the football players were pushing me down the hallway, who knows what would have happened to me. The Mc No Limits children were off-limits for everyone, they were a large group that stuck together and even the director had great respect for their parents. Duke was regularly in the principal's office because he got into fights, Ace was bullied as an orphan and Duke and King couldn't tolerate this, he was their brother.

"Watch out, boy," Duke shouted as I fell on top of him.
"I'm sorry," I replied anxiously.
"Come here flyweight, we're not done yet," shouted Sam, one of the footballers.
Duke looked from me to him and understood everything in a second. The Boys from Laguna Beach were ripped, but the Las Flores Guys were it too. At this point, it wasn't about me, Duke just didn't like cocky Sam.
"Are you messing with our friend?" Duke asked, grinning as he looked at Sam.
"Your friend? Are you kidding me?" Sam hissed.
"Yeah, that's our friend..." Duke said and looked at me questioningly. "Lucas," I answered quietly. "Lucas! So why don't you piss off Sammy boy. Otherwise, I'll have to slap your grin off your face," Duke said and stood in front of Sam staring at him.
Sam left that day without touching me ever again. And the No Limits children introduced themselves in a friendly manner.
"I know you... you let me copy the math test," King realized and Ace laughed.

Since that day, I have been one of them. They welcomed me into their circle of friends and became family to me. The skinny blonde boy changed through time. Puberty sometimes hits hard and late, but an ugly duckling somehow became a real man. I have lived here in Las Flores for more than 15 years. First with my mother, but since then alone when she died.
I persuaded her to go to Las Flores and we had a good life. She was finally able to live the life she wanted surrounded by people who liked her. I started working early and J.J supported me through the club when I was with her At 18 I became self-employed and opened my tattoo studio.
I took care of mom and that was the case until she died.
The time before No Limits I spent alone in my room. Drawing was my way out of everything and that's why I think I'm so good at turning my sketches into tattoos. Before my brothers, I was a suicidal nobody, but since I met them I've been Storm. Duke gave me the name... and I've been called that ever since.
I was brought out of my thoughts when Wrath's phone rang and he read a message.

"The women want to go to Laguna Beach. Buy some stuff for bridesmaids' shit," Wrath said as he read his message on the phone.
"Someone has to go with them," King said in a sing-song voice.
"I need things for my tattoo studio anyway. I'll accompany them," I said, and King nodded.
"I'm coming too... What am I supposed to do with the pussy-whipped here?" Duke announced, and I laughed.
"I also need shit for the car I'm working on," Gears said, who didn't talk much, and we all looked at him.
He was even stranger than me, a past that only J.J. and Evelyn, the club's former leaders, knew. The two weren't just the parents of King, Duke Alice, and Ace... somehow they became the parents to all the lost boys.

"I'll take care of the shop," Ink told me.
I looked up at the boy and smiled. He was a stray before he found us. Coincidence... or fate, whatever. I asked to take him in, and he had to prove himself like all the prospects. But I taught him everything I could. He was my prospect, and soon I noticed his drawings and taught him to tattoo. He has been with us for 5 years now. And I see him like my little brother.
"Sure kid," I answered him as I got up from the stairs.
"The women take Alice's car. We'll drive behind on the bikes. I've had enough of cars," Duke mumbled as he caught up with me.
"Are you ready guys?" Ivy asked as they approached us.
"Sure, let's go," I replied.

I hate Laguna Beach. All the memories I had of this city were bad, and I avoided it like the hell it was for me. But I didn't want to and couldn't get rid of the past, I could only accept it and make the best of my future. The Mc family helped me get the best out of myself, and I put my heart into it. I'm no longer the little boy I used to be.I am a Rider of the No Limits a Warrior for the defenseless Like I once was. So let's Go to fucking Laguna Beach.

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon