Chapter 6

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" What are you doing?" I asked the blonde boy who was standing on the edge of the school roof.
"Go away!" he shouted without turning around and continuing to look into the depths.
"I was here first! We're here for the same reason. Why not together?" I asked and he turned around.
" What?" he asked while his blue eyes looked at me questioningly.
"You want to enjoy the beautiful view too, don't you?" I asked him, even though, like him, that wasn't why I was here.
"Sure," he said as he climbed down and turned to me.
I smiled at him as he watched me stand next to him.
"I'm Josie, we have a few classes together," I introduced myself.
"I know," he answered me quietly."Lucas" he said as if I wouldn't know his name.

The dark blue eyes of the man who held me protectively in his arms and stared into my soul... Lucas Jannson.
I would recognize them anywhere. He stood in front of me like a shield as I fled from my attackers and held me close to hide.
"Be quiet," he said to me as if I could say anything after he stood so close in front of me. His beautiful face was older, and he was much taller than I remembered. And his body... the muscles that now covered me, Jesus!
"Is that Sam Rogers?" I heard a second man ask and looked in the direction Lucas was turning. Sam ran after Dante's murderer, and I saw the opportunity to escape. I didn't get far when Lucas caught up with me and stopped me. They were talking at once, and my ears were pounding. The group moved to a car, and I was put in after Lucas carried me like a child.
He smelled of soap, gasoline, and leather, which made me dizzy. The hat that was put on my head fell off as the woman got the car moving, and I looked around in panic when I heard her say, "We'll be at the police in a minute."

Police... I have to tell them that Dante was murdered. His dead body will still be in the freezer and they can then arrest everyone.
But wait... weren't there police officers at Aunt Maria's restaurant too? Didn't they sit with them in the back and shake hands? Didn't she call them her partners... I'm so damn stupid!
The police won't help me... Holy crap, what am I thinking?
Aunt Maria also brought police officers to her strange meetings!!
A while ago, she sat with this police chief from Irvine who was soon in the news.
I can't trust the police. Who knows who else they know, they'll never believe me.

"No!" I shouted, and the woman turned to me. "No!... They were with Aunt Maria. They are her partners. They... no!" I shouted, and the girl next to me seemed to be panicking as she whined.

"Nora, calm down! We're not going to the police...We're...We're going to safety." the woman in the passenger seat shouted.

The woman driving looked at me in the rearview mirror after she drove past the police... Alice James. I recognized her!

Everything around me seemed like a dream, a nightmare playing out in front of me. The images of Dante's murdered body came to mind, the blood on the floor, and I felt sick at the thought of what could have happened to me. The crying woman next to me and everyone shouting in the car didn't make it any better. My stomach seemed to be strained by the drive and I could feel the contents rising.
"Stop, she's going to throw up!" the dark-haired woman next to Alice shouted, and the car jerked to a halt.
I jumped out and knelt on the ground as I avoided puking all over the car at the last second.

Someone of them mentioned the police again, and I frantically tried to explain that it wasn't safe. I couldn't quite manage it because the sentences didn't come out the way I wanted, but they stopped  mentioning the police anymore. The water they poured over me did me good, and I felt better; the voices around me became clearer.

"Do you know who we are?" a man standing next to me asked, and I looked at the faces surrounding me.
Alice... Erin... Duke and Lucas. The Las Flores children! I just nodded, knowing that they knew me too and the people I surrounded myself with back then.
I lowered my gaze to Lucas, ashamed of everything that happened, and got into the car as they mentioned to go somewhere safe. To meet some King who will help.
The most important thing is that I'm no longer in Laguna Beach, and they can drop me off anywhere. I'll manage somehow. Just far away from Aunt Maria and the killer who searched for me with Sam.
"Josie... what happened?" a rough male voice pulled me out of my thoughts as we stopped again, and I got out of the car. The man in front of me was a strong, dark-haired man with a man bun who was holding the woman sitting earlier next to Alice in the car.
Aidan? Alice told me that the man who we met were her brothers.What the hell is this a school assembly?
They all talked at once again, and I took a deep breath, overwhelmed by everything that was happening.
"Quiet!" Aidan called, and I looked at him.
"She mentioned that she was sold to someone... that someone was murdered. Sam fucking Rogers chased her with a henchman whose hands were covered in blood. And they have friends in the police," Duke said and looked at him.
Aidan turned to the man behind him holding the young woman who was crying and looking at me. Andrew and Nora... that's what Alice said was her name. I supported myself on the car and felt someone holding my arm. My eyes met Lucas again, and he looked at me cold, almost disgusted.
"You good?" He asked, and I nodded before I collapsed, and he held me sitting on the floor.
"I don't want to die," I said quietly, which he heard, and looked at my face; his gaze softened, and he watched me with furrowed eyebrows.
The women helped me up and sat me in the small shadow created by the collapsed gas station. I felt tired and dirty, my heart racing, and the air was far too warm.
"Tell us everything in turn," Alice said, holding my hand.
If I was going to die, then someone should at least know what was happening. Right?

And so I started talking, and I didn't raise my eyes from Alice's hand the whole time. I told them everything... about mom, Aunt Maria's custody, my years with them, what I had to do to keep Mom in the hospital, Aunt Maria's strange business with the police chief from Irvine... and a man I didn't know to whom she gave me away. I told them what I heard outside the door and about Dante's lifeless body in the cold room. The really bad things I couldn't tell...
"... and then I ran into Lucas. You know the rest," I said at the end and looked up at Alice.
She stared at me in shock at everything she heard, and I swallowed my sobs to keep from crying out loud.
"Fucking shit,” hissed Ivy, the woman at Aidan's side, as she knelt next to me.
"We're going home... I'll call Ted,” Aidan said.
"I don't trust her," I heard Lucas say and looked up at him. "She's been with them for so long... I don't trust her!" he repeated.
I knew why he didn't trust me. Oh, Lucas...
Duke looked from him to me and then to Aidan.
"She's one of them. She was friends with Carol and Sam for years. Whatever they do there, she's a part of it. I don't want her near us," Lucas said angrily.
"Blindfold?" Duke asked him and looked at me.
What? I shook my head in disbelief of the words I heard. With them? I was never with them! Blindfold? As if I don't know who they are! What is this a kidnapping?
"I know who you are. If you don't believe me, then you can leave me here! I'm with no one," I said angrily.
"Well, she's right... she knows us. She's coming with us!" Aidan said, nodding to Lucas.

He pulled me up and opened the door to which Alice protested as he pushed me inside. What the hell is going on here?
We drove for a while until we stopped at a gated community. When everyone got out, I was pushed back into the car and had to wait in it while everyone chatted outside the car. Aidan opened the door and looked at me as he leaned down.
"Until we know more, stay here. If what you say is true, you are a witness to a murder. We will protect you... but if you lie and are in their organization..." he said and was interrupted by Alice, who roughly pushed him aside.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" she asked angrily.
"Right... what the hell is wrong with you!" the dark-haired woman said as she helped me out of the car.
“I’m getting to work,” called a man with glasses, with Erin following, and I looked at Alice.
“You’re coming with me,” she said as she took me in her arms. I turned to Lucas as Alice led me, and he looked at me angrily.
"Everything will be fine, Josie. We're going to my parents now," Alice said reassuringly, and I went with her and Ivy.
At least I'm out of this hell I was in. As soon as everything is sorted out, I'll say thank you and get out of California. I don't know where or how, but I don't want to cause anyone any stress, and my presence wasn't wanted. Lucas showed me that clearly. What should I have done? I have no one, and I don't know anyone. But I knew Alice... Alice was always good. I have to trust her.

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