Chapter 11

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The chic doctor who was here earlier and with whom I was able to talk briefly had come again, and this time with reinforcements.
I looked at the faces of four men and raised my eyebrow in question.
"Is this going to be an interrogation?" I asked and looked at Dr. Owens who looked at me back with a smile.
"Hope!" she said my name and I tilted my head to the side questioningly.
"What's this going to be, doctor? A slumber party?" I snorted my question, laughing.
"Hope...I'm Dr. Owens...Roger Owens. I'm Emily's father," the older gentleman said to me as he pointed to the woman next to me.
The fancy doctor brought daddy?
Completely uninterested, I looked from him to the three men behind him and he followed my gaze.

"These are King, Duke, and Storm. They're looking after you two," he told me when he realized that I had doubts.
I got up from the couch and walked towards the men. They were big and strong. I could probably knock one out but that was it.
On the far left stood a man who obviously had the say to follow his posture. President stood on his patch at the cut and I made a fake impressed face. Next to him stood a handsome man who had similar facial features, and on the far right stood a blonde demigod.
Josie's little heart raced as I looked at him and I shook my head at that.
"You look like you're smoking," I said to the man in the middle who looked at me confused and took out his pack of cigarettes.
"Josie smokes?" he asked me, to which I looked at him with interest.
"Josie doesn't smoke...Josie doesn't drink...Josie doesn't even fuck," I said, which made him grin.
"Shame," he said, laughing to which I nodded.
"I like you," I stated which made him look proudly at the man to his left.
The blonde man looked at me confused and I brought up memories that made me shake my head again. Josie's first Love.. I'm going to puke!
"Lucas...long time no see. Last time I ditched you on the roof," I remembered.
He raised his eyebrows and looked at me with his mouth open.
"You have what?" asked the man in the middle...Duke was written on the Patch - Vice president.
"He was a danger to me. I had to get rid of him," I told him. "Poor Josie cried over him for months. I told him he was a loser...and Josie thought he didn't want anything to do with her anymore after he met new friends. I was doing you a favor, Lucas," I added venomously.
"Hope...I'd like to sit down and talk a bit," I heard Dr. Roger say.
"Sure Doc...should I lie down and you ask me about my childhood?" I asked, grinning.

"You have to understand we want to help. I can't imagine what you've been through. Your host will have a severe trauma... Are you there to help her?" the man asked.
I let Duke light my cigarette and looked him up and down.
"You look like someone who knows how to have fun," I said and his grin only got bigger.
"I wonder what she saw in him," I said as I looked at Lucas.
"Oh tell me more high school shit," Duke said laughing.
"Sit!" I ordered him and he walked into the room.
"Maybe we should let the doc work in peace?" King asked as he looked from me to Dr. Owens.
"'re already here. So we should get to know each other. I've been locked up long enough," I explained to him.
"What do you mean locked up?" Dr. Owen asked as he looked at me questioningly.
"I mean it like I say it Doc," I replied as I poured myself a drink and looked out the window.
"Does Josie even know about you?" he asked me with interest.
"Roger...are you telling me you came here unprepared?" I asked him, sipping the cognac.
"No Hope...I know about split personalities," he told me.
"I'm sure you know that...but I'm not a simple person," I told him.
"I'm sure you're special," his daughter replied and I looked at her.

"What do you think, Duke, is the Doctor as prudish as our Josie?" I asked him and he laughed.
"You should sit down and talk to us," Duke replied, to which I curtsied and sat next to him.
"I don't know if I can trust you," I explained to him.
"Maybe we'll tell you something important about us...and then you can see. Maybe after that you'll trust us," this King said to me.

And that's what he did - he stuffed me full of information about his club and its mission to protect victims of violence. They worked with the police and shit. Sweet!But I still can't trust them...there is only one person who I can trust.
"Hope...we want to help Josie," said Dr. Owen when King finished his little speech.
"That's sweet Doc...but Josie doesn't have a split personality. You can't treat me. You can't get rid of me or make me disappear," I told him, to which he looked at me confused.
"Hope I don't want to get rid of you. Maybe everything would be easier if you got in touch with Josie..." he started to talk but I interrupted him.
"Doc, I wasn't created by Josie...I'm not a product of childhood trauma. I was deliberately left in Josie's head," I explained to him, which only confused him even more.
"What do you mean?" Lucas asked and I looked at him.
"I don't trust you enough to tell you more," I told him.
“And how can we gain your trust?” Dr. Owen asked while looking at me confused.
“You can help me find someone. If he's still alive, he'll know who I am. And I can give him something important,” I told them.
"Give him what?" wondered the doctor.
"Important information," I told him annoyed.
" What kind of information? About what?" asked Lucas interested.
" The kind of information that are not for you scout boy" I answered him.
“Say who, baby, I promise we’ll give it a try,” Duke said and I grinned at him.
“Find Jon Steward and tell him that Hugo’s Project Hope is with you,” I told them. The man changed looks and stared at me questioningly.
“The damn former director of the FBI?” King asked me, confused.
So at least they knew who he was. Former, he said.
"Is he alive?" I asked him and he nodded.
"I'll call Ted," he said and left the room, pulling out his cell phone.
"Who is Ted?" I wondered aloud.
"That's our FBI contact!" Lucas explained.
"If you say the truth he can sort things out and get to Jon," Duke added.
“So what do we do until then?” I asked Duke and he laughed.
“We have a bar,” he said to me and I clapped my hands enthusiastically.
"No! You said Josie doesn’t drink,” I heard Lucas protest. I tilted my head to the side and looked at him.
“He likes her,” I said and Duke started laughing.
“I have no interest in anyone. It’s just not okay to abuse her,” Lucas said to me seriously, raising his voice.
"Abuse? You have no idea what kind of abuse she endured for years with those idiots!” I replied, matching his voice.
His eyes flashed over my face as I answered him and I rolled my eyes.The room felt silent.
“Do you really think she was there voluntarily? It didn't occur to you that she did it because she had no other choice?" I asked him and he opened his mouth a few times to say something.
“Josie lived there because she had to because of her damn mother,” I said, taking another sip of my drink. “She survived because of me! I endured all the torture and all the beatings for her! All the shit her sick aunt did and it was me who had to endure Sam's slimy talk as he tried to rape her! I did that!" I yelled at him.
"Josie had to stay alive... So if I want a fucking drink... Then damn that's what I get!" I announced, causing his mouth to open even wider.

“Everyone please calm down,” the young doctor said and I listened to her without breaking Luca’s eye contact.
"Hope... don't be angry, we want the best for both of you," added old Roger.
You don't even know what's the best for me.
King came back into the house after a while and looked from Lucas to me questioning about the situation that had arisen.
His phone rang in his hand and I looked at it, raising my gaze to King.
"Tom?...I should what?...Ok," King said and handed me the phone.
"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked him.
"You wanted the director..." he said and held the phone in front of me.
If they found him I can blow up the entire organization.
I took it in my hand and put it to my ear.
"Hello?" I asked into the receiver.
"Hope always dies last!" I heard a rough male voice and my eyes widened.
The darkness in which I lived came back to haunt me and I felt my body collapse. I wanted to curse but I no longer had control over Josie's body. They tricked me! Damn it...

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora