Chapter 28

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I stood at the door of the cellar where David took me and watched as three men beat Maria.
With every hit she took, I flinched, but I couldn't look away.
David stood behind me right at the door and leaned his chin on my shoulder. His fingers stroked up and down both of my arms, and with every twitch I made in shock, he grinned into the delicate skin of my shoulder, which he then kissed.
Maria was no longer able to speak. All that came out of her were murmurs and groans with a pain-filled face.
I would be lying if I said I felt sorry for her because she did similar things to me...for years.
They kicked her without considering where they would hit Maria. One blow after the other quickly made her face unrecognizable.
The blood not only shot from her nose but also from her mouth as she spat out countless teeth.
Any attempt to say something resulted in another punch from one of the men, who seemed to be enjoying this.
It certainly wasn't the first time they'd done something like that, and my heart beat a lot faster at the thought that they could do something like that to me.
One word from David, and I would change places with Maria.
My fear of David didn't seem to go away, all I wanted was to run away, but he wanted me to see everything.

"No one will scare you except me, Josie. And no one will touch you but me," he whispered into my ear, which gave me goosebumps.
He leaned me against him, and I felt the lump pressing into my back.
Violence seemed to turn him on, and even though he heard a woman whimpering for mercy, was he actually thinking about sex?
"I've seen enough, David... I want to get out of here," I said quietly, whereupon he took my loose strand of hair and put it behind my ear.
"You're missing out on the fun," he said, laughing.
Fun? I let out a deep breath as he held his hand over my stomach and pressed me even closer to him.
"What do you suggest?" he asked me before I turned to him, and he studied my face.
"Let's talk," I said, hoping he would chime in and get me away from this place.
"Talk? About what?" he asked, confused.
I don't know about what David, the weather? The shitty way you scare me? What kind of cruel things you do... I thought, but I couldn't say it.
I had to buy time and looked for a way.
"I want to know more about you," I said foolishly, to which he grabbed my arms and looked at me sternly.
"You said I'm your girl... I... I don't even know what your favorite color is," I said without thinking.
His face went from serious to laughing in seconds, and he shook his head.
"You want to know what my favorite color is?" he asked me as he looked into my eyes.
"Yes?" I replied, more questioning than answering.
David shook his head, laughing, and looked over my shoulder. When I turned to follow his gaze, he turned my head towards him and held my face with one hand.
"Let's talk," he said as he took me in his arms and led me towards the stairs.

A loud noise startled me, and I tried to turn around to see where the shrill noise was coming from. An engine hum could be heard, and metal sounded more and more shrill and screeching. The door closed behind us, and Maria started screaming loudly.
Her voice was full of pain and so loud that my body, rigid with fear,and didn't want to go any further.
David seemed to notice and pushed me up the rest of the stairs before sliding the metal door shut, and all the horrible noises stopped.
"What... what was that?" I asked, trembling.
He clicked his tongue and grinned at me.
"I said I was cutting her into pieces, Josie... that was a circular saw," he replied coldly, to which I stared at him in shock.
"Do you think I'm playing?" he asked me, tilting his head to the side.
"I... she's... I mean," I began, my voice shaking as he stared at me, awaiting my answer.
"No?" I replied again, questioningly rather than answering.
"You have to stop answering me with questions," he told me, and I looked at him from the door.

David took my hand and led me to an open balcony. There was a table with comfortable chairs surrounded by flowers of different colors. A climbing plant adorned the perimeter of the metal fence that surrounded it.
"Sit," he said sternly as I stood in front of a chair, and he sat down on another.
I followed his instructions and sat down, my body shaking heavily due to fear.
"Is she dead?" I asked as I looked at him after some time.
"Do you feel sorry for her?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow.
Maria certainly deserves a lot, but such a death...
"No," I replied without thinking and a mischievous grin spread across his lips.
"Good....because now it's too late. She's more than dead Josie," he said as he waved one of his maids over to us.
"Do you want ice cream?" he asked me.
Ice cream? I shook my head and he looked at me seriously. I swallowed.
"Cake?" I asked to which he raised an eyebrow again.
"Cake!" I said more firmly since he wasn't enthusiastic about my questioning answers.
"You heard the lady, Mary. She wants cake," he said to her, whereupon she nodded and disappeared into the villa.
"You're trying to buy time," he stated the obvious thing I was trying to circumvent.
I looked up at him expecting anything from him but he laughed.
"You have time until you eat the cake to ask questions and talk. After that I don't want to hear anything more," he said as he looked ahead and lit a cigarette.

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