Chapter 14

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I just watched her run up the stairs and leaned my head against the door as it closed in front of my face.
"If you hit the door a little harder you'll break it," I heard Evelyn say behind me.
"I'm sorry Evelyn...I think I just made things worse," I said to her and took a deep breath.
"What do you think?" She asked as I turned to her.
"I tried to get to her...and the only thing I achieved is that she just wants to get out of here even faster," I explained to her.
"Maybe you should be more open with her," Evelyn suggested.
Yeah, that's something I couldn't do now... She didn't even know about Hope!
The Ol' Ladies soon came back from shopping, and when they went to see Josie, I left the house to go to King.
Tom was due to show up soon, and King wanted us all to be there when he arrived. We sat on the bar steps and I listened to Ace talk about Nora's restaurant. They seemed to be making real progress and were almost done.
When Tom actually came after a while, I was nervous. Not because of me... or us, but because of Josie.
He got out of the car accompanied by an older gentleman, I recognized him as he took off his sunglasses and greeted us.
Jon Steward was once a really powerful man, he had given up his position as director years ago to retire, but his charisma still spoke of power and dominance.
"Where is she?" he asked seriously, looking from Tom to King.
"With my parents," King said to him and he nodded.
"You should get would be best if we talk to her in the meeting room. I can set up my cameras there," Tom explained, and Duke looked from him to me.
"This will hurt Josie like a motherfucker, I'm sure. She doesn't even know about Hope," I thought.
King sent Duke to get her while Tom set everything up, and Jon looked around the porch as he waited.

Josie came accompanied by the Ol' Ladies, and although I knew they should stay out of club business, I was glad that she wasn't alone.
She walked past me without looking at me and followed King and Jon into the basement area where our meeting room was.
"Jon wanted to be alone with her...but King said no. I think one of you should be there with King," I said to Ivy, who looked at me confused.
"I'll be there," he answered as she patted me on the shoulder.
I looked after Ivy when she went down the stairs, and was glad when she didn't return. That means she stayed with Josie.
We had been sitting in front of the bar for at least an hour until I heard crashes and things breaking.
"Stay with the Ol' Ladies!" Ace shouted to Ink as he ran into the Bar.
I ran downstairs too, followed by Duke, Doc, and Gears, to burst through the door which was knocked down by Ace.
Josie was standing there with a broken bottle in her hand, threatening the FBI men when her eyes fell on me and Duke.
"Josie, calm down," I said to her, but her eyes looked at me angrily.
"Fuck off Lucas!" she screamed at me, and I realized that it wasn't Josie standing in front of me but Hope.
"How about a drink and a cigarette... and we talk like civilized people?" Duke asked, who was standing next to me, and she looked at him.
"Yes, exactly how would that be?" I asked her.
"How about you all fuck off... fuck off Lucas! You've caused enough confusion in Josie's head. Riding horses and shit... What do you hope to achieve?" she asked me angrily, to which King and Duke just looked at me.
"Nothing!" I answered her, and she tilted her head to the side.
"Nothing? Then why do you have the photo of Josie's sick fucking aunt on the wall?" she shouted even louder and pointed the broken bottle at the wall behind her.
The room fell silent as her words hit us.
"Sin Corazon?" Ivy asked distraught.
"That's what he called her... Corazon! That fucker she wanted to give Josie to! Like a fucking present... That David! You have him on the wall too. What kind of sick place is this?" she asked angrily as she paced back and forth.
We all stared at Hope before Tom calmly began to speak.
"Hope... we're part of the fight against abuse, human trafficking, and even worse things. These people are our targets. I am the head of the department in the FBI and you wanted to talk to Jon... I brought him with me," Tom told her, and she looked from him to the man behind him.
"I know what he inserted into you," Jon said, to which we all looked at him confused; only Hope seemed to know what it was about and stopped from her pacing back and forth.
"I'm the contact man, Hope. Hugo left something for me... I know it," he said to her, and she looked from him to Tom.
"I don't trust you!" we heard Hope say as she looked from one to the other.
"You don't have to trust me... listen to it," Jon said as he pulled a tape recorder out of his pocket and placed it on the table in front of her.
The play button was pressed and she looked at it.
"I know the conversation is being recorded... Jon, I did it... I gave all the information to Hope... she can give you everything you need... I won't make it out. I put the Chip in... oh shit," we heard a male voice say.
There was noise and gunfire... and then there was silence as the connection went dead.
"That was Hugo!" Hope said angrily.
"I know... he called me the night he died. He worked on the project for a long time because of his wife, Josie's mother. It's complicated... But in the end, it became an FBI project. You got a chip implanted in Hope. That little scar behind your ear! How was I supposed to know all this without Hugo telling me?" Jon said, forcing her to look at him.
"The person was kept secret, and Hugo destroyed all evidence before he died. I did not know it was you! It took too long and I don’t know what happened… but you do," he added.
Hope looked at him questioningly and studied his face.
"What is the meaning of life?" she asked him.
"Hope and family... I'm family," Jon replied, causing Hope to let go of the bottleneck and stare in front of her.
"The Guardian Bank... Las Vegas... Safe deposit box number 1124... password The Hope of the State... Destroy Hope after this message, Jon," we heard her say, and she looked from the wall where she was staring back at Jon.
"I'm sorry, Hope... Hope dies forever not just last," Jon said, and Hope closed her eyes, falling back.
Duke and I managed to catch Josie as she fell to the ground, and he looked at me confused.
"What the hell was that?" Duke asked me, to which I shook my head ignorantly.
"The chip has to be pulled out of her immediately. Make sure no one knows anything..." Jon said to Tom, who nodded, and we all looked at him confused. "It's in her ear! You need to put it out!" He added as he put out his phone, leaving the room.
"Can Doc do that?" Tom asked King who was still looking after Jon.
"King?" Tom yelled again, which caught his attention.
"Can Doc remove the chip?" Tom asked again in a serious voice, whereupon King looked at the door where Doc was standing, and he nodded.
"Then do it now! We can't wait. Hope has done her part... she could harm Josie now," Jon said, which made Doc rush.
"Hurry up to the clinic," Doc shouted and ran up the stairs with me following him as I carried Josie.
"What the hell happened?!" Alice shouted angrily as we ran past her.
"Bring me Evelyn!" Doc yelled as he ran to his house, followed by me and Duke.
I put Josie on the table that Doc used to do minor procedures, and he started sticking needles into Josie.
"What's this?" I asked him, and he looked up at me.
"I have to put her under anesthesia," he explained to me, and I looked at Duke.
"You should go out!" He ordered us as he turned on an oversized light and began to disinfect his hands.
Duke pulled me out more by force than by choice. I knew she was in good hands with Doc, so I left the room. We were standing in front of Doc's house when I saw Jon laughing on the phone by the car. Did that fucker just laugh?
What I had just seen kept flashing before my eyes, and I didn't know what to think. I just knew that this Jon knew a lot more and stormed in his direction, followed by an upset Duke.
"Storm, wait! Storm! ...King!! Fucking shit," I heard Duke shout as I grabbed Jon by the collar and stuck my gun in his mouth.
"I don't give a shit who you are, if you don't start talking right away I'll blow your brain out of your skull," I shouted to him, and his eyes widened, and he dropped his phone.
Tom looked at me with wide eyes, and Jon mumbled something as he held his hands in the air.
"Storm! Calm down!" I heard King say while Ivy looked at me with a grin and nodded.
"He knows a lot more than he says!" she said to me, and I pushed my gun a little further into the roof of his mouth, which made him gag.
"We'll tell you everything! Let him go, Storm!" Tom announced, and I looked from him to Jon, who nodded.
I pulled my gun out of his mouth and looked him in the eyes.
"I'll give you 30 seconds to convince myself that I shouldn't shoot you on the spot," I said coldly to him.
"Fine... let's go in!" Jon said, as he coughed and pulled his suit tight, looking from me to King.

The Rage of Storm ( MC No Limits Book 3 )जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें