Chapter 10

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Evelyn and John offered me to stay in the room I was in yesterday, and I accepted their invitation. Although everyone was very nice, I hardly slept and often looked out the window. The men took turns at the entrance gate at night, and I felt more trapped than rescued. They said in the morning we would talk, but I did not feel safe.
The next morning, I watched Nora, accompanied by her boyfriend, walking towards me. She seemed happy as the tall man walked beside her and held her hand. Shortly after he ran the other way, she came into the house and knocked on my door.

“Hey... I just wanted to bring this to you. These are a few things Alice bought me. Maybe you want to change into something new?” she asked, smiling.
I nodded and formally thanked her as she sat on the bed.
"You don't seem to have slept... trust me, I know how you feel," she said, but I doubted that.
“I came here as a victim... I didn't know these people. But believe me, they only mean well for you,” Nora said to me.

“Oh, you’re awake,” I heard Evelyn say as she smiled at me after I changed and went downstairs.
“She didn’t sleep well,” explained Nora, who was setting the table.
“This is all normal. Josie doesn't know us. But everything will be fine,” said Evelyn.
I was just confused; the whole thing is weird. I didn't know what to do, so I just sat quietly at the table. Someone will tell me what's next.
I have to make a statement, probably even to the police in Laguna Beach. And I was afraid of that. It was strange that no one came yesterday... maybe I should run away from here.

“Tom will come by to take your statement. Before he comes, he has to clarify a few things while Dr. Owen can talk to you,” I heard John say as if he was reading my thoughts.
“Dr. Owen?” I asked, confused.
“Yes, she will come over to talk to you. An assessment is a process,” he explained.
“What assessment?” I asked, confused.
“Dr. Owen is a psychologist,” Nora said quietly.

Do they think I'm crazy? Or are they still convinced that I'm lying and collaborating with them in a crime?
"Don't worry, Josie, it's just to help you deal with the stress." Evelyn explained to me, what I didn't really believe.
After breakfast, I was waiting for something...someone to tell me what was going on with my aunt. How Dante's family was doing. Something. But the only thing that happened was the young woman who came to the door and greeted Evelyn and John in a friendly way.

“Hello Josie, I’m Dr. Owen,” the young woman said, and I looked at her confused.
This is the doctor I've been waiting for?
“Don’t doubt her. Even though she is young, she has really helped me,” said Nora. "I have to go now, but when I get back I'll check on you," she added.
Evelyn and John left the house with her to leave Owen and me alone.I just got even more nervous from her sitting in front of me.

“So Josie, what do you want to tell me?” she asked me with a friendly smile.
Is this some kind of trick question?
“What do I want to say? Aren't you here to find out if I'm dangerous and working with them?" I asked her.
“I’m here to help you, Josie. Everything that happened yesterday must be terrible for you,” she said to me, and I watched her take out a notepad and pen.
I told her again what I had observed, like everyone else I did yesterday, and she nodded as she wrote something down.I did not have the feeling she thought I was lying but she seemed questioning some things.

“How long did you live with your aunt?” She asked me.
“Since my parents… since I was a child,” I said.
“Tell me about your childhood,” she said, smiling.

I couldn't remember most of what happened before I got to Aunt Maria's. My memories were a pale picture with a few fragments of memories. I was told that it could be due to trauma or that I was going crazy like my mother, in which case I could end up in a mental institution too.
Without me, my mother would be left to fend for herself, so I played along and avoided talking or thinking about my childhood. That's why I saw my mother once a year and barely remembered my father.
I had no pictures, no videos, and lost the memory of him completely.
"I don't remember much," I said to her as she looked at me questioningly.

"Now... you'll remember something. How old were you when your father died? 12?" she asked, and my head started to hurt.
I just didn't like to think of the past,it always made my head hurt.and she was asking me questions I did not have an answer to.How old were you when your father died? How did he die? What happened to your mom? How did you feel towards your aunt?
"What was your relationship like with your parents and this aunt?" Dr. Owen asked as I held the bridge of my nose because the throbbing in my ears was becoming uncomfortable.

"I...I'm not feeling well maybe we can take a break?" I asked, squeezing the bridge of my nose even harder.
It seemed to help somehow, and the throbbing became less, as did the headache that disappeared.

I looked up at Dr. Owen, and she was staring at me. Her eyes weren't worried or frightened... more interested and fascinated.
"I hope you don't mind if I add my father. He's much more experienced than me in these things," she said as she watched me.

"I've had the headaches since I can remember. It's nothing bad, they come and go. I don't think it's anything to worry about... right?" I asked her as she stood up and walked to the door.
"Fascinating," she said as she excitedly left the house.
"I'll be back in an hour. Don't worry," she said hurriedly.

What... what does she mean? I ran after her, confused by her behavior, and stopped as she said it all again in front of John and Lucas. What is wrong with me?
I watched her as she quickly ran down the street towards the bar that was in the middle of the street. Does she need a drink? Is her father there? What the hell?

My eyes fell on Lucas, who was standing in front of me and looking at me from head to toe. I must look like a crazy person running after the psychologist and turned my head to the side out of shame. If she says I'm crazy, I'll end up in the institution like mom!
John asked me to wait for them in the house, and I followed him in with Evelyn.

Evelyn was a nice woman who took good care of me. She was always worried about whether I needed something and talked to me calmly and quietly.
I wasn't used to any of this, neither calmly nor slow. The only thing I knew was stress and shouting, which gave me a headache. Like the one with Dr. Owen earlier.

"Don't worry. It's normal for doctors to seek advice. Dr. Owen senior is her father. He's a very good doctor who has worked with me many times," said John, who smiled kindly at me.
"What if I'm crazy?" I asked sadly.
Evelyn looked at me worriedly and took my hand.
"Honey... yesterday Dante's body wasn't found. There was no blood either and... Well if you know something you should tell us. The doctors can help you. I promise," Evelyn said, and I stared at her.
"What... What do you mean his body wasn't found?" I asked, disturbed.

I didn't imagine it! I saw it... the blood of Dante's lifeless body on the ground... The bloody hands of the man who chased me.
Am I crazy like mom?
I looked between the two older people and started to cry.
"I know what I saw. Why doesn't anyone believe me?" I asked, sobbing, and Evelyn took me in her arms.
"Oh honey, we believe you, that's why we want to help you," she explained to me.
I don't know how long I sat like that in her arms, but after a while, I calmed my sobs and she comforted me reassuringly.
I heard people talking outside the door and recognized the voice of young Dr. Owen as she came in.

She wasn't alone. Behind her came an older gray-haired man with glasses who had a friendly face. John and Evelyn greeted him with hugs, and he looked at me.
Lucas, Duke, and King were standing in the kitchen with Alice, talking. Their eyes went from me to the doctors, and I furrowed my eyebrows. Are they here to take me to the insane asylum?
"Maybe we'll go somewhere else where there aren't as many people?" asked the older man who introduced himself as Dr. Roger Owens.
Evelyn and John left the house with Alice, and she smiled encouragingly at me as she followed them. They wanted me to stay there and talk.

"If you need anything... we'll be at the door. You can stay here, Doc," I heard King say as my headache started again, and I held the bridge of my nose in pain.
"Dad!" I heard the young doctor say before she could answer anything.
The three men stand in the hallway looking at me as I started to groan in pain.

The throbbing seemed to get louder and louder, and my vision became blurred. Black dots jumped in front of my eyes and formed a large circle. The dot rotated so quickly that I became dizzy until all I could see was darkness.
The throbbing became a single loud sound that resembled a drum. And after that, there was only silence... Darkness and silence.
Am I dying? Or is this what it looks like when you go crazy?
I couldn't move, hear or see, so I closed my eyes and fell into the darkness.

Lunatic asylum, here I come.

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